Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

All of Trump's LIES just since taking office.

Trump supporters, please feel free to point out any that aren't accurate. Otherwise, we'll take it that you acknowledge these are in fact all lies,and that he is thus, a liar.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Yes tRump lies far more than even Obama ever did. We need to get this orange buffoon out of office fast as well as those Republican retards who stuck with him. Then America will be great again!

But Trump’s tweet this morning about health care actually does matter, a lot: ...

We can estimate the impact of repealing those things. Indeed, the Congressional Budget Office has already done so, when it analyzed a previous version of a GOP repeal bill over a year ago. And that analysis found that repealing those things would result in 32 million people losing coverage by 2026, 19 million of them people who would lose Medicaid coverage.
The left have selective memories of their martyr Obama. Anyone remember when the IRS was caught targeting Liberal groups under Obama? Anyone remember paying to bail out corporate banking to save the economy? How about tacking another 10 trillion onto the national debt effectively doubling it?

Tell this democrat who voted for Obama his first term (me) about all he accomplished in 8 years
Kate's Law passed the House today with only 24 Democrats voting yes. I'm surprised 24 actually voted with common sense to be honest. A bill that would put tougher penalties on illegal immigrants who commit crimes, get deported, and then attempt to enter the country illegally. The bill was named after Kate Steinle who was murdered by an illegal immigrant who had been deported several times. Can any Democrat on this board explain to me why the Democrats would not all support this bill? Again, good on the 24 who voted in favor of Americans and not in favor of criminal illegals.

1 Because dumb and lazy people (illegal immigrants in this conversation) are easy to be fooled and bribed with welfare to get easy votes.

2 They oppose anything Trump as they fear Hillary gets jailed and snitches revealing such widespread Dem corruption that will make Moldova look honest in comparison.
Lets hire some Mexicans. They'll finally be some on that side of the fence! Lol
That won't work

look at a real solar farm
panels are placed at the optimal orientation and inclination for maximum yield

1 they are facing South = Mexican side prone to vandalism and theft. The last thing we need is solar-cooked mexican meth lol
You can bet mexican drug cartels will make shooting-challenges to destroy the remaining cells.

2 They are so flat, mexicans don't even need to climb a wall, they will just walk over it.

As expected got excited at the idea of a solar wall
but (it seems) there's no way around having solar panels facing South

Border wall might be covered in solar panels. Why not build it out of coal?

I'm surprised Scally and lib friends haven't pointed out this drawback on Trump's proposal
What, facts don't matter anymore in this fake-news era?

1) So since you didn't address any of Trump's lies, then you agree he is a liar.

2) If Obama lied, then he lied. I have no problem acknowledging reality. Apparently unlike others.

3) Trump is the biggest pussy snowflake there is. A thin-skinned man-child who gets in twitter wars at 3am with B-grade celebrities. A spoiled little baby who was handed everything in life.
1 Because dumb and lazy people are easy to be fooled and bribed with welfare to get easy votes.

Kinda like all the poor white trash in the south. Highest welfare recipients, highest unemployment, highest Trump supporters. Probably lowest education as well.

2 They oppose anything Trump ...

Kinda like how all Trump and the right-wing does is done out of spite? That is why they do what they do isn't it? Kinda like how Trump supporters basically just threw a temper tantrum when they stepped in the voting booth? Cut off their nose to spite their faces?

Really, that's the right's entire agenda; do everything to stick their thumb in the eye of the left. Who cares what's good for the country. Every choice is pretty much all out of spite. What would anger liberals the most? Choose THAT as your next proposal!
Kinda like all the poor white trash in the south. Highest welfare recipients, highest unemployment, highest Trump supporters. Probably lowest education as well.

Kinda like how all Trump and the right-wing does is done out of spite? That is why they do what they do isn't it? Kinda like how Trump supporters basically just threw a temper tantrum when they stepped in the voting booth? Cut off their nose to spite their faces?

Really, that's the right's entire agenda; do everything to stick their thumb in the eye of the left. Who cares what's good for the country. Every choice is pretty much all out of spite. What would anger liberals the most? Choose THAT as your next proposal!
Most white trash actually would like to get a decent job, for a better lifestyle

Compare to immigrants who feel ok with welfare money
They say: Why work if from welfare I get the same money people people with COLLEGE DEGREES make in my home country.
Even an American janitor makes more money than a developing country DOCTOR does. Plain fact.

Might as well, since the supposed "clean coal" project turned out to be a hoax and total fail.

"Clean coal" has failed

ps. I wonder how many people actually believe coal is coming back? They're as naive as water is wet.
1 Clean or not, American coal IS coming back.

2 If global warming is for real (no proof yet, only phony computer SIMULATIONS), coal is actually better as it only burns to CO2, not CO2+water as oil does.
Remember water vapor is the main cause of greenhouse effect, by far.
It’s true that water vapor is the largest contributor to the Earth’s greenhouse effect. On average, it probably accounts for about 60% of the warming effect.
American Chemical Society

Again absolutely no real proof for global warming
just "scientific consensus"
remember "earth is flat" consensus?
Or "Trump won't win" consensus?

As for computer simulations
remember The Matrix was a simulation and wasn't real
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