Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Most white trash ....

You see, the problem here is, fantasies aren't reality.

The Trump trash is trash and that's why they're attracted to trump. Just like they were for the past 10,000 years.

And a climate change denier is a person who pretends they know more than people who know more than they do.
barry soetoro ?

You really like using that word/name, don't you? I'll bet you like to pretend you really worked and earned where you're at, don't you? Like it had something to do with 'you.' Cause you weren't just born into it.

BTW, your kids do, or will eventually hate you. Or they'll end up hateful simplistic trash, just like you are. Hate spires hate. Or hatred of itself. Which is where you and yours are. Miserable trash.
Really it's just a matter of biology. Grey matter.

Biology and political orientation - Wikipedia

Conservatives have overactive amygdalas. They're scared... and thus they seek out simplistic, black & white solutions to complex problems...

This comes out in their world-view, their perspective on things, and why they threw a collective temper tantrum and voted in a laughing-stock clown thin-skinned man-child into office. A narcissist clown fraud grifter con-man.

TLDR; white trash.
HERE IT IS -- the whole of it:

"Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man. A stupid man's idea of a smart man. A weak man's idea of a strong man."

He is the hero of low-rent trash.

The rest will be written by history. And the trash will try and tear it all down, just like they have since forever. All under the pretense of their ignorance-focused-temper-tantrum disguised as self-expression.

This is where the slime chimes in. It's not just in flying planes into buildings.
Really it's just a matter of biology. Grey matter.

Biology and political orientation - Wikipedia

Conservatives have overactive amygdalas. They're scared... and thus they seek out simplistic, black & white solutions to complex problems...

This comes out in their world-view, their perspective on things, and why they threw a collective temper tantrum and voted in a laughing-stock clown thin-skinned man-child into office. A narcissist clown fraud grifter con-man.

TLDR; white trash.
Here it is. The left has nothing tangible to stand on so they make up some weird ass shit or they have to play a game of connect the dots to try and make up something. Reality escapes them.

I read the Wall Street Journal’s article yesterday on attempts by a GOP operative to recover missing Hillary Clinton emails with more than usual interest. I was involved in the events that reporter Shane Harris described, and I was an unnamed source for the initial story. What’s more, I was named in, and provided the documents to Harris that formed the basis of, this evening’s follow-up story, which reported that “A longtime Republican activist who led an operation hoping to obtain Hillary Clinton emails from hackers listed senior members of the Trump campaign, including some who now serve as top aides in the White House, in a recruitment document for his effort”:

Officials identified in the document include Steve Bannon, now chief strategist for President Donald Trump; Kellyanne Conway, former campaign manager and now White House counselor; Sam Clovis, a policy adviser to the Trump campaign and now a senior adviser at the Agriculture Department; and retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, who was a campaign adviser and briefly was national security adviser in the Trump administration.

I’m writing this piece in the spirit of Benjamin Wittes’s account of his interactions with James Comey immediately following the New York Times story for which he acted as a source. The goal is to provide a fuller accounting of experiences which were thoroughly bizarre and which I did not fully understand until I read the Journal’s account of the episode yesterday. Indeed, I still do not fully understand the events I am going to describe, both what they reflected then or what they mean in retrospect. But I can lay out what happened, facts from which readers and investigators can draw their own conclusions.


Yet Smith had not contacted me about the DNC hack, but rather about his conviction that Clinton’s private email server had been hacked—in his view almost certainly both by the Russian government and likely by multiple other hackers too—and his desire to ensure that the fruits of those hacks were exposed prior to the election. Over the course of a long phone call, he mentioned that he had been contacted by someone on the “Dark Web” who claimed to have a copy of emails from Secretary Clinton’s private server, and this was why he had contacted me; he wanted me to help validate whether or not the emails were genuine.
You really like using that word/name, don't you? I'll bet you like to pretend you really worked and earned where you're at, don't you? Like it had something to do with 'you.' Cause you weren't just born into it.

BTW, your kids do, or will eventually hate you. Or they'll end up hateful simplistic trash, just like you are. Hate spires hate. Or hatred of itself. Which is where you and yours are. Miserable trash.

Why it's The Great Karnac Fortune Teller here with us at Meso. Thanks for telling me about my kids. I'm immediately quitting my job and going on welfare so they'll love me. Lol
No Karnac they're all part of the "haves." They worked their asses off and made it. They did it, not me. Im sure they'd think you're just as big a loser as I do.
I work for one of the biggest corporations there is. If I don't show up it would matter very little. If you had a job you'd realize it's not one person. Get out of your mom's basement and try it sometime.
Or stick a gun in your cock sucker, pull the trigger, and do society a favor. I promise to give you a "like" on your last post.
You see, the problem here is, fantasies aren't reality.

The Trump trash is trash and that's why they're attracted to trump. Just like they were for the past 10,000 years.

And a climate change denier is a person who pretends they know more than people who know more than they do.
Who let this retard off the short bus?
And Congress helps Trump get more of his agenda done

It’s not just health care and tax reform that are in peril. If Trump attempts to raise the debt ceiling using nothing but Republican votes, he will fail, too. If he tries to pass appropriations bills without any Democratic support, the government will either shut down or be funded on continuing resolutions that keep Obama’s priorities in place. He will not get an infrastructure bill without significant Democratic input and support.

Not only can he not govern successfully using this strategy, he cannot govern at all. This is why I foresaw that his administration would crack up on the shoals sometime this summer, and certainly no later than September when the fiscal year ends and the debt ceiling becomes critical.

Most concerning was the prospect and likelihood that he had painted himself into a corner and would discover that he had no way of recovering from the mess he’d made. As McConnell’s plan for Obamacare repeal faltered, he began warning his caucus of exactly what I am explaining now.

But it was too late and the plan was never going to work anyway. The only thing that McConnell had to use in support of a bill that the people hate was the direness of the consequences of failure. But either he doesn’t understand the severity of the problem or he was unable to communicate it effectively enough. Perhaps it’s just not salvageable on any level, since the only way to delay their fate is to pass a bill that would strip 22 million people of their access to health care.

The consequences will begin to pile up now. Trump will lash out in ever more confusing and bizarre ways. And then the indictments and plea deals will start to flow in from Special Counsel Bob Mueller’s shop.

By Thanksgiving, if not before, the nation will be confronted with the urgent need to remove Trump from power and I suspect there will be more consensus about it by then than most people can imagine right now.

Mr. Trump may be a more tender soul, or less resilient. In any case, he can’t seem to take the heat.

Probably no one in the world draws as much scrutiny and criticism — even mockery — as an American president, and each president understandably chafes. But for Mr. Trump, every barb seems to hit home, and he vengefully attacks his tormentors in full view of the world.

Mr. Trump may be a more tender soul, or less resilient. In any case, he can’t seem to take the heat.

Probably no one in the world draws as much scrutiny and criticism — even mockery — as an American president, and each president understandably chafes. But for Mr. Trump, every barb seems to hit home, and he vengefully attacks his tormentors in full view of the world.

Talk about a distorted view of reality. President Trump hits back is the difference. It's the liberal media snowflakes that can't take it. It's him against them all and he plays them like the chumps they are. He's in their head like he's in yours and you're losing. Bad. He hasn't changed since before he was our 45th President. Wouldn't want him to now.