Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

[Trumpidiots ...]

The Trump administration is debating whether to launch a governmentwide effort to question the science of climate change, an effort that critics say is an attempt to undermine the long-established consensus human activity is fueling the Earth’s rising temperatures.

The move, driven by Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, has sparked a debate among top Trump administration officials over whether to pursue such a strategy.

A senior White House official, who asked for anonymity because no final decision has been made, said that while Pruitt has expressed interest in the idea, “there are no formal plans within the administration to do anything about it at this time.”

Pruitt first publicly raised the idea of setting up a “red team-blue team” effort to conduct exercises to test the idea that human activity is the main driver of recent climate change (in an interview with Breitbart) in early June.

“What the American people deserve, I think, is a true, legitimate, peer-reviewed, objective, transparent discussion about CO2,” Pruitt said in an interview with Breitbart’s Joel Pollack.
[Trumpidiots ...]

The Trump administration is debating whether to launch a governmentwide effort to question the science of climate change, an effort that critics say is an attempt to undermine the long-established consensus human activity is fueling the Earth’s rising temperatures.

The move, driven by Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, has sparked a debate among top Trump administration officials over whether to pursue such a strategy.

A senior White House official, who asked for anonymity because no final decision has been made, said that while Pruitt has expressed interest in the idea, “there are no formal plans within the administration to do anything about it at this time.”

Pruitt first publicly raised the idea of setting up a “red team-blue team” effort to conduct exercises to test the idea that human activity is the main driver of recent climate change (in an interview with Breitbart) in early June.

“What the American people deserve, I think, is a true, legitimate, peer-reviewed, objective, transparent discussion about CO2,” Pruitt said in an interview with Breitbart’s Joel Pollack.

Paging "md" (that stand for Mental Deficiency?) scalie
View attachment 72225
Dude you are so fucking ignorant and fucked up. You have never one time said why you feel trump is the best thing since Megan kellys blood and continue to support this megalomaniac moron.

Please tell me why trump is the best president since the civil war and Andrew Jackson.
Talk about a distorted view of reality. President Trump hits back is the difference. It's the liberal media snowflakes that can't take it. It's him against them all and he plays them like the chumps they are. He's in their head like he's in yours and you're losing. Bad. He hasn't changed since before he was our 45th President. Wouldn't want him to now.
What the fuck ever okay.
How many of you stupid white trash fucks have contributed even one post of value? I can find hundreds of posts that represent how valuable Dr scally is.

@Millard Baker you are truly fucked up to allow this. (Analysis | Kris Kobach says he can’t comply with Kris Kobach’s voter data request)

Kobach (recently sent letters to all 50 states) asking them to provide the commission with their entire voter files. The request (specifically spelled out) sensitive pieces of information the commission wants to obtain, including voters names, party affiliations, military status and the last four digits of voters' Social Security numbers.

As secretary of state, Kobach is tasked with supplying Kansas's data to the Trump commission. There's just one problem: He won't be able to fully comply with his own request

Da! In 2018 trump will be in a political straight jacket. Sorry Republican fucktard morons. I won't let you forget it.
Really it's just a matter of biology. Grey matter.

Biology and political orientation - Wikipedia

Conservatives have overactive amygdalas. They're scared... and thus they seek out simplistic, black & white solutions to complex problems...

This comes out in their world-view, their perspective on things, and why they threw a collective temper tantrum and voted in a laughing-stock clown thin-skinned man-child into office. A narcissist clown fraud grifter con-man.

TLDR; white trash.
The funny thing is that "conservatives" are the ones advocating for big, courageous change.
"Liberals" liberal=free were exposed as weak, lazy scared pussies.

Here it is. The left has nothing tangible to stand on so they make up some weird ass shit or they have to play a game of connect the dots to try and make up something. Reality escapes them.
Left (Dems+Libs) always touted welfare as a panacea.
Rewarding laziness doesn't solve shit.

Paging "md" (that stand for Mental Deficiency?) scalie
View attachment 72225
You forgot to add 60s motto
'Stop burning fossil fuels, as global COOLING will take us back to ice age'
Cooling then warming? make up your mind, stupid hippies
How many of you stupid white trash fucks have contributed even one post of value? I can find hundreds of posts that represent how valuable Dr scally is.

@Millard Baker you are truly fucked up to allow this.

1 Stop kissing so much ass. Doctor won't give you a Testosterone prescription just because you are a liberal.

2 Endlessly whining about Trump is so beta
no offense, but I wonder if pct-doctor got his Testosterone checked?
Again, no offense but doctors are known to reject other doctors diagnosis, and get progressively worse as a result.
Endlessly whining about Trump is so beta
no offense, but

Endlessly sucking Trump's cock is about the most beta thing there is. So it's not surprising a little shit stain like yourself is such a supporter.

It's real cute that you think you're some kind of alpha Trump supporter too... You can't even muster the balls to defend yourself when I flame you across this board, master.on. You're here for my entertainment, that is where your purpose begins and ends on this board.

Now go drink more of that Kool aid... I hope when you finally try to blow your brains out you botch it just in time for Trump to take away your insurance. Much love.
1 Stop kissing so much ass. Doctor won't give you a Testosterone prescription just because you are a liberal.

2 Endlessly whining about Trump is so beta
no offense, but I wonder if pct-doctor got his Testosterone checked?
Again, no offense but doctors are known to reject other doctors diagnosis, and get progressively worse as a result.

Just pointing out the difference between productive members and worthless Nazi cunts like yourself.