Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

1) So since you didn't address any of Trump's lies, then you agree he is a liar.

2) If Obama lied, then he lied. I have no problem acknowledging reality. Apparently unlike others.

3) Trump is the biggest pussy snowflake there is. A thin-skinned man-child who gets in twitter wars at 3am with B-grade celebrities. A spoiled little baby who was handed everything in life.

I have no problem acknowledging Trump has lied. Everybody lies. I'd guess you're a liar too. Or are you George Washington?

barry soetoro did lie. Huge whopping ones. I applaud you for acknowledging that. Most don't.

You kinda sound like the biggest snowflake on here. Why so thin skinned? I see you're new posting but joined in 2013. You Rumplestiltskin?

We all know that Donald Trump is vulgar, cruel, impulsive, and has no repository of common decency. We know that he is a misogynist who regularly insults women by making crude and boorish comments about their appearance.

This is a man who made fun of a disabled reporter, attacked a Gold Star mother, insulted John McCain for being captured in Vietnam, crudely disparaged Heidi Cruz, called Hillary Clinton a “stiff,” and labeled a former Miss Universe “disgusting.” The man is a pig.

Trump’s behavior has been so consistently awful that it’s hard to even be surprised by it any more or take note. It’s become the daily and depressing soundtrack of American politics.

Yet, somehow Trump still finds ways to shock us.


We expect that of most people, but we should, above all, expect that of the president of the United States. He (or someday she) is a role model for our children, and we should be able, at the bare minimum, to expect him to handle himself — and the job — with dignity and grace.

Trump, of course, does the opposite. Rather than serve as an example, Trump is an embarrassment — a daily reminder of what we should teach our children not to do and how not to act.

Recently, I was in my daughter’s classroom, and on the wall there is a picture of all the US presidents. Trump’s smiling visage is up there, next to Barack Obama and alongside Lincoln, FDR, and George Washington. Just seeing that image in a children’s classroom — in light of the dreadful things Trump has said and done, particularly about women — is a metaphoric punch in the gut.

Never in my wildest imagination would I have considered the possibility of raising a child in a country that I am proud to call home, but with a national leader who every day defiles and degrades our most basic values and the common decency that is the bedrock of any functioning society.

America’s declining world role under Donald Trump’s leadership is the greatest menace facing the global community, a former head of the Secret Intelligence Service says.

“The biggest threat the world faces is how we all adjust to the progressive withdrawal of responsible American leadership and the network of alliances that America maintained with Europe, with Asian countries and the pattern of alliances and partnerships they had across this region”, John Sawers told an Israeli security conference according to

“It's going to have a major disruptive effect and no one is yet adjusting to it”, Mr Sawers added.
[Coal Is Dead, Dead, Dead ... But, There are The Trumpidiots ...]

A coal baron is seeking a gag order against John Oliver and HBO. The baron in question, Robert Murray, sued Oliver for defamation earlier this month, alleging that the HBO host’s June 18 show was character assassination.

While the litigation plays out, Murray wants Oliver to stop talking about him—and he wants HBO barred from re-broadcasting the episode in question. In a motion filed in the Marshall County Circuit Court in West Virginia on June 28, Murray’s lawyers asked Judge Jeffrey Cramer to bar HBO from re-broadcasting the June 18 episode of Oliver’s show, Last Week Tonight, and to bar Oliver and the other defendants (including the show’s writers) from discussing the lawsuit in public. That could mean HBO would have to take down any YouTube videos of the episode, according to First Amendment litigator Ken White, who called Murray’s effort to get a gag order “astonishingly frivolous.”

Lacis AA, Schmidt GA, Rind D, Ruedy RA. Atmospheric CO2: Principal Control Knob Governing Earth’s Temperature. Science 2010;330(6002):356.,%202010,%20Science.pdf

Ample physical evidence shows that carbon dioxide (CO2) is the single most important climate-relevant greenhouse gas in Earth’s atmosphere.

This is because CO2, like ozone, N2O, CH4, and chlorofluorocarbons, does not condense and precipitate from the atmosphere at current climate temperatures, whereas water vapor can and does.

Noncondensing greenhouse gases, which account for 25% of the total terrestrial greenhouse effect, thus serve to provide the stable temperature structure that sustains the current levels of atmospheric water vapor and clouds via feedback processes that account for the remaining 75% of the greenhouse effect.

Without the radiative forcing supplied by CO2 and the other noncondensing greenhouse gases, the terrestrial greenhouse would collapse, plunging the global climate into an icebound Earth state.
[Coal Is Dead, Dead, Dead ... But, There are The Trumpidiots ...]

A coal baron is seeking a gag order against John Oliver and HBO. The baron in question, Robert Murray, sued Oliver for defamation earlier this month, alleging that the HBO host’s June 18 show was character assassination.

While the litigation plays out, Murray wants Oliver to stop talking about him—and he wants HBO barred from re-broadcasting the episode in question. In a motion filed in the Marshall County Circuit Court in West Virginia on June 28, Murray’s lawyers asked Judge Jeffrey Cramer to bar HBO from re-broadcasting the June 18 episode of Oliver’s show, Last Week Tonight, and to bar Oliver and the other defendants (including the show’s writers) from discussing the lawsuit in public. That could mean HBO would have to take down any YouTube videos of the episode, according to First Amendment litigator Ken White, who called Murray’s effort to get a gag order “astonishingly frivolous.”

And theres the scalie idiots (The Resurgence of the American Coal Industry) (Analysis | Kris Kobach says he can’t comply with Kris Kobach’s voter data request)

Kobach (recently sent letters to all 50 states) asking them to provide the commission with their entire voter files. The request (specifically spelled out) sensitive pieces of information the commission wants to obtain, including voters names, party affiliations, military status and the last four digits of voters' Social Security numbers.

As secretary of state, Kobach is tasked with supplying Kansas's data to the Trump commission. There's just one problem: He won't be able to fully comply with his own request