Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

True. If both sides can find a way to make deals that neither gets everything they want on all programs and policy that would be ideal. Both sides just want all or nothing and the people suffer.
I would be happy with a trump impeachment or resignation. I dont like pence, but he is sane.
I haven't backed out at all. Just still shakin' my head!
Certainly you are able to articulate your views and position when confronted. Should be easy for you to reply and answer my questions based on your views. I mean after all they are your words so defending them and explaining them shouldn't be difficult. This is a discussion is it not?
I would be happy with a trump impeachment or resignation. I dont like pence, but he is sane.
You wouldn't be happy with anything that doesn't conform to 100% of your views. You are lost in your anger and life is passing you by. Being this close minded and angry does not lead to a meaningful life. Unfortunate to see someone this angry to be honest.
You wouldn't be happy with anything that doesn't conform to 100% of your views. You are lost in your anger and life is passing you by. Being this close minded and angry does not lead to a meaningful life. Unfortunate to see someone this angry to be honest.
No no no no no. Just fucking do it asshole.

Here are a couple more.

Was Obama a us citizen.

Was Obama the founder of Isis?

Get to it GR. I'm not going to let you off the hook this time. I will continue to ask questions until you give credible answers
No no no no no. Just fucking do it asshole.

Here are a couple more.

Was Obama a us citizen.

Was Obama the founder of Isis?

Get to it GR. I'm not going to let you off the hook this time. I will continue to ask questions until you give credible answers
You never answer one question. You never defend your comments yet you ask questions of me as if I owe you answers. You call names and throw fits and never answer anything but you demand answers from me? LOL.

Your questions are silly considering they are not associated with anything I have ever posted on this forum. I ask you questions and challenge your words and statements. What you are asking me are words spoken by others. I don't have to defend the words of others. For the record I think the Obama birther and Isis rhetoric is just as silly and ridiculous as Trump and russia. Not that I have to answer those questions in the first place since I have never once posted my agreement with those conspiracies. Is that the best you got? Asking me questions on things I have never said it endorsed? Jesus tell me you got something better..please you're drowning in front of everyone.
I'm asking the questions. You are giving the answers.

Polly want a cracker? Lmao
This isn't even fun for me. I don't take joy in snatching bottles from babies which is what this back and forth with you is the equivalent of. As usual I just end up feeling bad for you in a weird way. I almost feel responsible for the obvious feeling of embarrassment and worthlessness you feel after having to attempt to put together a reply. It's not in my nature to knock a guy out several times and then continue to kick him while he is unconscious. That's where we are at right now.
Certainly you are able to articulate your views and position when confronted. Should be easy for you to reply and answer my questions based on your views. I mean after all they are your words so defending them and explaining them shouldn't be difficult. This is a discussion is it not?
Trump has taken credit for a lot of things that have either been planned before or are being done by others for one thing. Another thing is all that moronic tweeting including that dumb video of him tackling CNN. That makes us all look real bad in the end.

He has not really accomplished much and that ballyhooed travel ban might not even pan out, despite being reinstated partially by the SCOTUS (thanks to his pick James Gorsuch). As for the wall, that remains to be seen.
Trump has taken credit for a lot of things that have either been planned before or are being done by others for one thing. Another thing is all that moronic tweeting including that dumb video of him tackling CNN. That makes us all look real bad in the end.
That video of him beating the ass of CNN was fucking awesome!!
Trump has taken credit for a lot of things that have either been planned before or are being done by others for one thing. Another thing is all that moronic tweeting including that dumb video of him tackling CNN. That makes us all look real bad in the end.

He has not really accomplished much and that ballyhooed travel ban might not even pan out, despite being reinstated partially by the SCOTUS (thanks to his pick James Gorsuch). As for the wall, that remains to be seen.
How do you figure? CNN's a fucking joke! I hope Trump drone strikes their headquarters
Trump has taken credit for a lot of things that have either been planned before or are being done by others for one thing. Another thing is all that moronic tweeting including that dumb video of him tackling CNN. That makes us all look real bad in the end.

He has not really accomplished much and that ballyhooed travel ban might not even pan out, despite being reinstated partially by the SCOTUS (thanks to his pick James Gorsuch). As for the wall, that remains to be seen.
You do realize the decision on travel ban was unanimous and had zero to do with Gorsuch.... Unanimous... I didn't realize Gorsuch made every single other justice vote in favor.... You make this too easy. You are wrong again.

You answered none of my questions and dodged them as I expected. Anyone can make moronic statements without having to defend them. People can also copy and post memes and twitter posts and never once engage in conversation. I would suggest you follow in the footsteps of the people you are trying to garner favor with. You have shown to have little knowledge of the topics yet you call Trump voters Trumptards. Some people here on both sides can have discussion without resorting to insults here. Not a lot but a few can do this. You seem to be here to make derogatory comments in order to gain some acceptance from certain people. Might want to actually learn your facts and know what the fuck you are talking about before calling me a Trumptard.