Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Yes. To me voting for Trump is voting for a big mistake. Hillary is no saint but it is clear that our election got meddled with and our political system is totally broken thanks to the rich people who call the shots.

Trump lied to the people who voted for him, especially to the coal miners.
Explain "meddled with". Were votes changed? Also, rich people overwhelmingly supported Hillary and she carried almost all of the richest counties in the country. Every corporation donated to Hillary and not Trump. So who exactly is the party of the rich?
Explain "meddled with". Were votes changed? Also, rich people overwhelmingly supported Hillary and she carried almost all of the richest counties in the country. Every corporation donated to Hillary and not Trump. So who exactly is the party of the rich?
Maybe influenced is the better word and as for votes being changed the jury is still out on that. Our 2 parties are both filled with rich people who know no bounds on greed...they do make sure they get what they want.
Maybe influenced is the better word and as for votes being changed the jury is still out on that. Our 2 parties are both filled with rich people who know no bounds on greed...they do make sure they get what they want.
Actually the jury isn't out on that as its been stated over and over that no votes were changed. Being so educated I assumed you would already know that fact. "No votes were changed due to the Russian hacking" Quoted directly from James Comey. Since I blew your first comment to pieces I will address the next.

Influenced votes you say? Are you suggesting that this "influence" made the middle class vote Trump instead? The influence made the black population not show up to vote for Hillary like they did for Obama? Man those Russians are very sophisticated to influence blacks,Mexicans, the middle class and women to vote Trump that would have otherwise voted Hillary if not for their influence. What was the influence you are speaking of?
Explain "meddled with". Were votes changed? Also, rich people overwhelmingly supported Hillary and she carried almost all of the richest counties in the country. Every corporation donated to Hillary and not Trump. So who exactly is the party of the rich?
Is it the middle class getting huge tax breaks? No it's the wealthy who are overwhelmingly going to binifit. The poor and middle class have will have medicaid cut by 800 billion.

Wait that's fake news. It didn't hear it on fox. All lies all the time.
Is it the middle class getting huge tax breaks? No it's the wealthy who are overwhelmingly going to binifit. The poor and middle class have will have medicaid cut by 800 billion.

Wait that's fake news. It didn't hear it on fox. All lies all the time.
I love that democrats like yourself can't do simple math. Medicaid is not being cut in the sense that money being allocated now is being decreased. The growth of medicaid spending is being slowed. Next year medicaid will not get less money but it will not grow at the rate it previously was.

As far as tax cuts again it's simple math. If I make more money than you and we both get a 10% tax cut obviously I get more money because I make more. If I pick more apples than you and at the end of the day they take 10% from us both I lose more than you. It works both ways and is simple math. If you want to argue that you belive rich people should pay way more than you fine, but to argue they get more back is silly because they simply make more.

I have stated many times that im more in the middle and lean slightly to the right. I don't believe in gutting programs for the poor but I also don't believe in making hard working people pay for the laziness of others. I would prefer a middle ground if there is one people could agree on.
There is no middle ground. All you fucking do is parrot right wing propaganda.

That's okay. There will never be any agreement here. No one is going to change his mind.
Do you even know what propaganda means? Prove me wrong. I'm more than happy to accept being proved wrong as I don't proclaim to be perfect. I don't need to insult or call people names to dismantle them in a discussion. Prove me wrong.
Do you even know what propaganda means? Prove me wrong. I'm more than happy to accept being proved wrong as I don't proclaim to be perfect. I don't need to insult or call people names to dismantle them in a discussion. Prove me wrong.
How about you eat shit and bark at the moon.

You voted for trump. 3/4 of the population feels you dismantled yourself you fucking retard.
How about you eat shit and bark at the moon.

You voted for trump. 3/4 of the population feels you dismantled yourself you fucking retard.
Honestly, it's so comical that you can't even make one counter argument. I could make one against myself right now on what I posted. You are not equipped to challenge me on anything and it's basically been a slaughter in this thread every single time you attempt to engage me. You get dominated by me more than that woman gets dominated in Fifty Shades. Again, you democrats need to stop disparaging mentally challenged people. It doesn't fit with your identity politics and certainly doesn't fit your narrative of being more caring and virtuous.
Honestly, it's so comical that you can't even make one counter argument. I could make one against myself right now on what I posted. You are not equipped to challenge me on anything and it's basically been a slaughter in this thread every single time you attempt to engage me. You get dominated by me more than that woman gets dominated in Fifty Shades. Again, you democrats need to stop disparaging mentally challenged people. It doesn't fit with your identity politics and certainly doesn't fit your narrative of being more caring and virtuous.
What's fucking comical is that you actually believe the shit you spew in here. A blind man could see you are up to your ears in bullshit.

How the fuck can someone communicate with a fool who can't see trump is a habitual liar, a megalomaniac, racist and quite possibly insane?

Like I said there is no middle ground. Its bafoons like you against the rest of the world. Only you can't see it.
What's fucking comical is that you actually believe the shit you spew in here. A blind man could see you are up to your ears in bullshit.

How the fuck can someone communicate with a fool who can't see trump is a habitual liar, a megalomaniac, racist and quite possibly insane?

Like I said there is no middle ground. Its bafoons like you against the rest of the world. Only you can't see it.
You contradict yourself. If I'm so full of bullshit then proving me wrong should be very easy to do. You are now admitting that you're unable in any discussion to prove me wrong despite me apparently being completely full of shit. You are so inept that you can't do anything but call names and throw a fit to a guy you say is full of shit. I'm embarrassed for you.

You belive everyone that doesn't agree with you is a racist. The term no longer has meaning.
yourself. If I'm so full of bullshit then proving me wrong should be very easy to do. Y
Nothing I or any other person could say will change your mind. If you can't see the lies that roll out of Trump's mouth it's because you don't want to.

Its not worth the effort. Just pick a handful of Trump's lies and debunk them.

1 he had the largest inauguration crowd.

2 he didn't make fun of a disabled reporter

3 he said he grabbed the pussies of women who resisted.

4 he said he would turn over his tax returns, but the public doesn't want him to.

5 Trump is racist and refused to rent to minorities.

Start with these numb nuts. I will be more than happy to find more.
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