Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

[Just Like Trump & Trumplings ...]

A short video clip showing President Donald Trump tackling and punching a person whose head is a superimposed logo of CNN began trending this weekend after the President tweeted it. The clip, edited from an appearance the president made years ago at a professional wrestling event, ended with an image reading: “FNN: Fraud News Network.”

While the coarse video is the latest attack by President Trump against the media - and CNN specifically – questions have surfaced about the origin of the edited clip.

ADL’s Center on Extremism, which tracks extremism and hate online and offline, has looked closely at the activity of Reddit user HanAssholeSolo, who appears to have created the version of the edited clip tweeted by the president and posted it on a sub-Reddit commonly used by President Trump supporters.

Indeed, this user appears to be delighted by the attention his clip has generated. “Holy S---!!,” the individual wrote yesterday. “I wake up and have my morning coffee and who retweets my s---post but the MAGA EMPEROR himself!!! I am honored.” In response, another Reddit user remarked, “Also, now it’s confirmed that Trump sees our memes.”

A closer look at HanAssholeSolo Reddit activity reveals an 18-month record of vile comments and memes against Muslims, African-Americans, Jews and others. And some, like the edited clip of Trump at WrestleMania, seem to glorify violence. For example, in a post about George Soros, HanAssholeSolo wrote: "His [George Soros'] dead bloated corpse being dragged through the streets would be my satisfaction."

Much is still unknown about HanAssholeSolo – although there are some indications based on posts by this user that he is a parent in his 40s living in Tennessee.

What is clear is that HanAssholeSolo is like many other online bigots who use social media, forums and other online platforms to anonymously share their hateful words and images with a community of other like-minded individuals and others.

In an online culture where sharing of memes and comments is the ultimate validation, this obvious purveyor of hate has been elevated by what can be considered the ultimate share.
And that'll lead to higher Republican turnout. Trump wins again. Thanks justice Kennedy!
I remember trump said he was worth 10 billion during the campaign. Turns out it's 1.4 billion. Still a lot of money but wouldn't have been better to be honest?

He also said he wouldn't touch Medicaid. What happened? He is going to cut 800 billion and give the money to the most wealthy.
I remember trump said he was worth 10 billion during the campaign. Turns out it's 1.4 billion. Still a lot of money but wouldn't have been better to be honest?

He also said he wouldn't touch Medicaid. What happened? He is going to cut 800 billion and give the money to the most wealthy.

There's many ways to skew a persons net worth, especially when they have real estate and businesses.

Real estate can be values by their equity value or their appraised value.

Businesses can be values via asset valuation, equity evaluation, or multiples of cash flow.
I remember trump said he was worth 10 billion during the campaign. Turns out it's 1.4 billion. Still a lot of money but wouldn't have been better to be honest?

He also said he wouldn't touch Medicaid. What happened? He is going to cut 800 billion and give the money to the most wealthy.
Not one cent is being cut from medacaid. You've been duped.

Do you libs have some
'Trump wrestled while on steroids'
'Trump praises wrestling = violence = steroids'
liberal rant tweets?

I would enjoy having the Orange man here though.
Just wait for Trump to retweet more @master.on posts :D
in fact, he already praised "my idea" of a solar border wall

Let's get ready
What's your best cycle advise for Trump (remember he's like 70)
I say pyramid up from 400 to 600 mg Primo for 8 weeks + some T3, start with 12.5 mcg for 2 weeks (half a tab), 18.75 mcg (3/4 tab) for 2 weeks, up to 25 mcg for the rest of the cycle?

Scally cant shoot....
Still waiting for doctor-pct bloods lol

Something to hide?
Some states agreed to scrutinize
Just wait til 'The Voting Dead' show airs

I remember trump said he was worth 10 billion during the campaign. Turns out it's 1.4 billion. Still a lot of money but wouldn't have been better to be honest?

He also said he wouldn't touch Medicaid. What happened? He is going to cut 800 billion and give the money to the most wealthy.
Only $1.4B?
omg Trump is going broke
he'll have to shill at Meso to make ends meet :D

'Hookers for Health Care' speak out against Senate bill -

"A number of prostitutes in Nevada, where brothels are legal, have organized as 'Hookers for Healthcare' to oppose the Republican healthcare legislation now pending in the U.S. Senate. This poses a real quandary. I don't know which side to believe. On one side, there's this small group of amoral people who every day debase themselves by doing anything, no matter how disgusting and depraved, to please the men who give them money. And, on the other side, we've got hookers." --Bill Cotterell, journalist, Tallahassee Democrat
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'Hookers for Health Care' speak out against Senate bill -

"A number of prostitutes in Nevada, where brothels are legal, have organized as 'Hookers for Healthcare' to oppose the Republican healthcare legislation now pending in the U.S. Senate. This poses a real quandary. I don't know which side to believe. On one side, there's this small group of amoral people who every day debase themselves by doing anything, no matter how disgusting and depraved, to please the men who give them money. And, on the other side, we've got hookers." --Bill Cotterell, journalist, Tallahassee Democrat

I got dubs on the dirty blond , back row left ;)
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'Hookers for Health Care' speak out against Senate bill -

"A number of prostitutes in Nevada, where brothels are legal, have organized as 'Hookers for Healthcare' to oppose the Republican healthcare legislation now pending in the U.S. Senate. This poses a real quandary. I don't know which side to believe. On one side, there's this small group of amoral people who every day debase themselves by doing anything, no matter how disgusting and depraved, to please the men who give them money. And, on the other side, we've got hookers." --Bill Cotterell, journalist, Tallahassee Democrat
Surly these girls know, not to bite the hand that feeds them.

They can't put their trust in the librarie party's to help them make a living, most of those people are gay.

These girls need Republicans for their financial survival.
It's going to be back to food stamps for these girls.


ON THE EVIDENCE of a lifetime, America’s vice president is not a complex man. Instead he is three extremely simple ones: an incompetent ideologue, an obsequious toady, and a self-serving schemer.

When Donald Trump selected Indiana’s governor to run with him, local observers were dumbfounded. They knew Pence as a comically ambitious, rigid, and inept right-wing evangelical — a climate-change denying, Darwin-doubting zealot who, before leaving Congress, had left no mark beyond his sulfurous opposition to reproductive and gay rights. And his accession to the governorship, meant to position him as presidential timber, had foundered on the fundamentalist verities that define his mental cul-de-sac.

A signal embarrassment was his embrace of a “religious freedom” bill designed to propitiate business owners who wished to discriminate against gays. This antagonized the state’s business community at large, a setback exponentially amplified when, interrogated by George Stephanopoulos, Pence issued a tongue-tied nonresponse so mortifying that it rewards a look on YouTube. Shouldering Pence aside, the legislature reached a compromise to salvage Indiana’s reputation.

Facing electoral doom, this ostentatious Christian — who calls his wife “Mother” and refuses to be alone with another woman — prostrated himself to become Trump’s running mate, the bridge between evangelicals and a blatant libertine. Trump, not Jesus, became Pence’s personal savior: Cravenly, Pence proclaimed Trump a model paterfamilias and man of deep faith. To cognoscenti, the reflexive alacrity with which Pence swathed Trump in pieties confirmed a surreal obliviousness to his own moral smallness.

Even so, he swiftly elevated serial hypocrisy to unforeseen heights.

Pence’s duplicitous sequence of volte-faces began when Trump’s “Access Hollywood” recording revealed his boasts of grabbing women’s genitals. Perhaps sensitive to the perils of being left alone with females, Pence proclaimed: “They’ll say this time they got him” but “Donald Trump is still standing, stronger than ever.”

Less so Pence. Belatedly perceiving that Trump’s misogyny had provoked mass revulsion, he canceled a campaign appearance before vanishing altogether, after saying that he could not “condone [ Trump’s] remarks” — true moral leadership, that — but that “ we . . . look forward to the opportunities he has to show what is in his heart” in the debate the following night.

That Pence was angling to displace the gravely wounded Trump was painfully obvious — not least to Trump, who attacked “self-righteous hypocrites . . . more concerned with their political future.” When Trump survived the debate, Pence wallowed in renewed self-abasement. “Proud to stand with you,” Pence tweeted, and grabbed Trump’s coattails once again.

His next oscillation came in the vice presidential debate. Resigned to second place, Pence began positioning himself for 2020, turning in a robotic appearance, heavy on right-wing talking points but exceedingly light on praise of Trump. Indeed, Pence contradicted Trump on Syria, Vladimir Putin, and how to deal with Russia — overtly courting the Republican right. Little wonder that Trump expressed private discontent with his underling’s performance, which exposed the calculus of a climber who expected Trump to lose.

But again Trump disappointed.

Instantly, Pence reverted to fawning puppet — even by the standards of vice presidents. Joe Biden supported Barack Obama without ever losing his dignity or integrity; Pence had neither.

Miming a servile staffer — Trump’s preferred mode of behavior for his underlings — Pence parroted Trump’s moronic talking points and outright lies, nodding and smiling as Trump spouted self-contradicting nonsense. By all reports, he never complained when Trump concealed his knowledge of Mike Flynn’s lies to the FBI about Russia, allowing Pence to repeat them on talk shows. Nor did he bridle when Trump dispatched him to advance the pretext that James Comey was fired on Rod Rosenstein’s recommendation, then revealed his actual purpose — to kill the FBI’s Russia investigation.

It was utterly in character, then, when Pence kicked off the most excruciating display of synchronized sycophancy in memory — the chorus of praise from cabinet members upon their first meeting with America’s Dear Leader. “The greatest privilege of my life,” Pence intoned in his church organ voice, “is to serve as vice president to the president who’s keeping his word to the American people.” Sadly, perhaps it is.

But the palace contriver ever searches for vacuums. Because Trump knew no one in Washington, Pence curried favor with the right by helping seed the cabinet with conservative ideologues. And as questions about Trump’s survival burgeoned anew, Pence launched his own political action committee while cultivating restive legislators.

Who is Mike Pence? Take your pick of three. But one thing is clear — none of his personae are fit to be president.
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'Hookers for Health Care' speak out against Senate bill -

"A number of prostitutes in Nevada, where brothels are legal, have organized as 'Hookers for Healthcare' to oppose the Republican healthcare legislation now pending in the U.S. Senate. This poses a real quandary. I don't know which side to believe. On one side, there's this small group of amoral people who every day debase themselves by doing anything, no matter how disgusting and depraved, to please the men who give them money. And, on the other side, we've got hookers." --Bill Cotterell, journalist, Tallahassee Democrat
They look like nice girls. Nevada is not cheap thoughh.
Bet that taking on that whole crew would cost a small fortune :eek:
Yes it would, but they are clean. I knew a woman who would work in s brothel during her 3 week vacation from her regular job and make as much in 3 weeks as she made in 4 months at work. She is hot. I met her at the gym. I use to get her anavar.