Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Courtney Radsch, the advocacy director for the Committee to Protect Journalists:

"Targeting individual journalists or media outlets, on or offline, creates a chilling effect and fosters an environment where further harassment or even physical attack is deemed acceptable.

"Just a few weeks ago a reporter was physically assaulted by a congressional candidate, so our concerns are real. The White House's charged rhetoric online not only undermines the work of the media in the U.S. and makes it more dangerous, it emboldens autocratic leaders around the world."
Reporters Committee condemns President Trump's statement of violence against the press | Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press

Reporters Committee condemns President Trump's statement of violence against the press

Press Release | July 2, 2017

On Sunday, President Donald Trump made a public statement on Twitter that glorified physical violence against members of the press.

Bruce Brown, executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, made the following statement:

"We condemn the president's threat of physical violence against journalists. This tweet is beneath the office of the presidency. Sadly, it is not beneath this president.

"No one should be threatened with physical harm for doing their jobs. Journalists are your neighbors, they're your friends. Journalists perform a critical function in our society, one the Founding Fathers felt was so necessary that they enshrined it first in the Bill of Rights.

"They wrote that 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.'

"Freedom of the press is a cornerstone of our democracy. The press are the people's window into the halls of power, and most importantly, they are the people's check on that power. When the president attacks the press, he attacks the people."

[No Surprise Here ... Trumplings ...]

Lol. Hi BP. We rip throats out here but I respect you too. I see your posts helping in other threads. You do a great job.
Politics brother. We have much more in common than differences. I don't forget that. I can give you this much, you speak your mind when you feel you are right. I know you are wrong but respect that you got balls enough to not give a fuck about what others think.
Lol. Hi BP. We rip throats out here but I respect you too. I see your posts helping in other threads. You do a great job.
Politics brother. We have much more in common than differences. I don't forget that. I can give you this much, you speak your mind when you feel you are right. I know you are wrong but respect that you got balls enough to not give a fuck about what others think.

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Hell, one of them has almost half their posts on this thread alone.

Can you enlighten us as to what the proper ratio of posts in each thread would be. We Trumpsters/Trumplings/TrumpGeniuses as you call us want to follow proper procedures as they've worked so well in the past for you.
The Hijacked American Presidency
Opinion | The Hijacked American Presidency

Every now and then we are going to have to do this: Step back from the daily onslaughts of insanity emanating from Donald Trump’s parasitic presidency and remind ourselves of the obscenity of it all, registering its magnitude in its full, devastating truth.

There is something insidious and corrosive about trying to evaluate the severity of every offense, trying to give each an individual grade on the scale of absurdity. Trump himself is the offense. Everything that springs from him, every person who supports him, every staffer who shields him, every legislator who defends him, is an offense. Every partisan who uses him — against all he or she has ever claimed to champion — to advance a political agenda and, in so doing, places party over country, is an offense.

We must remind ourselves that Trump’s very presence in the White House defiles it and the institution of the presidency. Rather than rising to the honor of the office, Trump has lowered the office with his whiny, fragile, vindictive pettiness.

The presidency has been hijacked.
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