Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Doesn't mean he ain't trying. You've got the left pulling every nasty trick they can think of to sabotage him and in essence america. Then you have your usually traders in the republican party like john mccain.
200 days x 10 doctor-pct posts a day = 2000 posts

Of course Mexico ain't going to pay for the wall
Mexs don't even pay their child support so their own kids have something to eat!
Trump made clear that the wall will be paid BY TRADE
And there's some already so it would be interesting how much mexican investment and jobs were brought back by Trump.
You gotta throw an "lol" in there somewhere so I know you're not getting too upset over memes
The whole "oh my god, he'll have the nuclear codes" was silly rhetoric during the race. The democrats are playing a dangerous game with the intensity of the political rhetoric and the level that they will go to to attack a foe because they lost an election. With the right it was mainly a kooky faction with the "oh my gid, obamas a muslim terrorist", but now its the entire left that has gone off the deep end.
The whole "oh my god, he'll have the nuclear codes" was silly rhetoric during the race. The democrats are playing a dangerous game with the intensity of the political rhetoric and the level that they will go to to attack a foe because they lost an election. With the right it was mainly a kooky faction with the "oh my gid, obamas a muslim terrorist", but now its the entire left that has gone off the deep end.

Goes beyond the left, people who have no ties to any party hate trump or are afraid of what he'll do. He's very unpredictable and seemingly unstable. Gives no thought before opening his mouth and can't even keep up with his lies. To deny any of that is naive.
Goes beyond the left, people who have no ties to any party hate trump or are afraid of what he'll do. He's very unpredictable and seemingly unstable. Gives no thought before opening his mouth and can't even keep up with his lies. To deny any of that is naive.
Have you seen a politician that doesn't lie? Why is his lies so far beyond obamas? And then there is hillary
Have you seen a politician that doesn't lie? Why is his lies so far beyond obamas? And then there is hillary

I used to get in trouble in school for talking too much in class. I told my mom all the other kids talk too. She didn't give a crap neither did the teacher. Was i being singled out? Maybe, I don't know. Maybe I was the most disruptive. The fact is that "they do it too" is not a good defense and it doesn't excuse him from the things he does. I do agree with you though they all are a bunch of liers
I used to get in trouble in school for talking too much in class. I told my mom all the other kids talk too. She didn't give a crap neither did the teacher. Was i being singled out? Maybe, I don't know. Maybe I was the most disruptive. The fact is that "they do it too" is not a good defense and it doesn't excuse him from the things he does. I do agree with you though they all are a bunch of liers

Man, i just wrote a long ass post because i accidentally hit post reply on that last post. Tried to edit it and went past the editing time limit. Ahhhh, fuck it, lol. There was so much more to my post than they all lie.
Man, i just wrote a long ass post because i accidentally hit post reply on that last post. Tried to edit it and went past the editing time limit. Ahhhh, fuck it, lol. There was so much more to my post than they all lie.
Lol, I should have figured since you said "then there's Hillary" haha

In an, The Global Times said China should make it clear to both sides: “when their actions jeopardize China's interests, China will respond with a firm hand.”

“China should also make clear that if North Korea launches missiles that threaten U.S. soil first and the U.S. retaliates, China will stay neutral,” it added. “If the U.S. and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow the North Korean regime and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so.”

