Trenbolene stack?

That all boils down to preference, goals and your level of experience. There is no one size fits all answer.

I start back up on cycle with Tren (Hex) this Friday. I am running Test-C and HGH along with it. But that's me. Your mileage will vary.
Holy crap I thought I had read 3x stronger not 5x
It is funny how everyone regurgitates the "tren the devils nectar" nonsense when the only real downside to Tren is the side effects. And since side effects are based upon the dosage and the individual, unless you have tried it you will never know your tolerance to the compound.

However, I get the fact some people get crazy sides and this causes people to just avoid the drug all together. Actually, the whole reason I tried it in the first place was due to the crazy stories everyone had while on Tren, and I wanted to see if it was all bullshit. One strange but positive side effect I get is extreme focus. I have adult ADHD and have never had as much focus as when on Tren. Maybe @Type-IIx could give some insight into why this is.
Same with me then really assume that’s weekly dosage. No sides at all….what test dose do u run this with? Low or higher.
Sorry, yes weekly split into 3 doses. I was running 250-350 Test C (first 6 weeks 250 second 6 weeks 350) weekly also split into 3 doses. No zero sides. Currently cruising on 150 Test C a week split into 3 doses.
It is funny how everyone regurgitates the "tren the devils nectar" nonsense when the only real downside to Tren is the side effects. And since side effects are based upon the dosage and the individual, unless you have tried it you will never know your tolerance to the compound.

I'm definitely tren curious and can apparently tolerate substantial doses (>1g) of test and primo with ease. I'm an old man though and I don't know if the juice is worth the squeeze. Also had poor reactions to EQ and Deca, so the tolerance is not universal to all compounds.
Who you callin' a cow?!?
My wife asked me this same question last night...

Moreover, a little bit of Tren can do a lot. Im an old dude as well and can run Test, Primo and Mast pretty high without issues. Nand, EQ, etc not so much.

200mg a week of Tren was enough to see some pretty nice effects with only night sweats and a nutty libido as sides. As soon as I tired going over 200mg of Tren a week things started to get a little bumpy.


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