Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Congratulations. You are now the epitome of the "fake news" you rebuke so much. You're now CNN 2.0 lol
Joe bidens not a racist and a pedophile? You condone his racist remarks he's made throughout the years? Have you watched the video i posted in this forum showing creapy joe touching little kids? After watching the video would you let creapy joe babysit your kids?
Joe bidens not a racist and a pedophile? You condone his racist remarks he's made throughout the years? Have you watched the video i posted in this forum showing creapy joe touching little kids? After watching the video would you let creapy joe babysit your kids?

I don't know about any of his racist remarks from the past so I can't comment on those but I did watch the video you posted and the first thing that came to mind was, oh the hypocrisy. That video is proof of nothing. It's like Trump's comments about grabbing the pussy and videos of him touching he a rapist?

No, I wouldn't let Biden babysit for me bc I don't make it a habit of allowing complete strangers to babysit for me. The video is creepy as hell, I give you that, but to call it proof of anything is to basically make every single one of your "fake news" accusation against Dr. Scally or anyone else in this thread worthless.

Last Tuesday, the New York Times published a foggy story noting that Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell “has mused about whether Mr. Trump will be in a position to lead the Republican Party into next year’s elections and beyond."

The time for musing has passed. It’s now time to begin a serious conversation about the impeachment and removal of President Trump by opening a formal impeachment inquiry.

The evidence of criminality on Trump’s part is little clearer today than it was a day, a week, or a month ago. But no conscientious member of the House of Representatives can at this stage fail to share McConnell’s doubts about Trump’s fundamental fitness for office. As the Trump presidency enters its eighth month, those members of Congress who are serious about their oaths to "support and defend the Constitution" must confront a question. It’s not, in the first instance, whether the President should be removed from office, or even whether he should be impeached. It is merely this: whether given everything Trump has done, said, tweeted and indeed been since his inauguration, the House has a duty, as a body, to think about its obligations under the impeachment clauses of the Constitution—that is, whether the House needs to authorize the Judiciary Committee to open a formal inquiry into possible impeachment.

It’s not a hard question. Indeed, merely to ask it plainly is also to answer it.
I don't know about any of his racist remarks from the past so I can't comment on those but I did watch the video you posted and the first thing that came to mind was, oh the hypocrisy. That video is proof of nothing. It's like Trump's comments about grabbing the pussy and videos of him touching he a rapist?

No, I wouldn't let Biden babysit for me bc I don't make it a habit of allowing complete strangers to babysit for me. The video is creepy as hell, I give you that, but to call it proof of anything is to basically make every single one of your "fake news" accusation against Dr. Scally or anyone else in this thread worthless.

Lol, the good doc liked your post. Not sure if he's agreeing we (doc scally and i) are both fake news or not. As for my proof of anything, all we can go on is what we see. Is it enough to convict or to actually know for sure... no, it isn't. The small difference between me and what most of the left are doing (including doc scally) is I'm going off of atleast some evidence base, albeit small. Like calling biden a pedophile after seeing the way he touches little kids or calling him racist after his racist comments. Possible he's neither. Compared to calling trump a white supremacist because he didn't come out fast enough against the white supremacist in the Charlottesville incident, although he made a statement the same day. Or the many times the media and folks on this forum has said he's racist because he never condemned duke or the kkk although there's video/audio of him doing just that going as far back as the 90's not to mention the hundred times he's done so since running for president. Just one of many comparisons. I could go on all day.
Lol, the good doc liked your post. Not sure if he's agreeing we (doc scally and i) are both fake news or not. As for my proof of anything, all we can go on is what we see. Is it enough to convict or to actually know for sure... no, it isn't. The small difference between me and what most of the left are doing (including doc scally) is I'm going off of atleast some evidence base, albeit small. Like calling biden a pedophile after seeing the way he touches little kids or calling him racist after his racist comments. Possible he's neither. Compared to calling trump a white supremacist because he didn't come out fast enough against the white supremacist in the Charlottesville incident, although he made a statement the same day. Or the many times the media and folks on this forum has said he's racist because he never condemned duke or the kkk although there's video/audio of him doing just that going as far back as the 90's not to mention the hundred times he's done so since running for president. Just one of many comparisons. I could go on all day.

Now we're getting somewhere. You admitted you propagate fake news like the news media you detest so much but it's ok for you to do it bc you're "going off some evidence base". An evidence base which happens to be a creepy video. Meanwhile, to my knowledge at least, nobody has accused Biden of messing around with their kid (note, I'm not saying it did or didn't happen, just that I've yet to hear a single accusation) but when multiple people accuse trump of rape and pedophilia and Trump himself admits to sexual assault, you defend the man. I'm guessing bc there wasn't a creepy video of trump lol.

Gotta hand it to ya, at least you have no shame in admitting blatant hypocrisy and differing standards.
Now we're getting somewhere. You admitted you propagate fake news like the news media you detest so much but it's ok for you to do it bc you're "going off some evidence base". An evidence base which happens to be a creepy video. Meanwhile, to my knowledge at least, nobody has accused Biden of messing around with their kid (note, I'm not saying it did or didn't happen, just that I've yet to hear a single accusation) but when multiple people accuse trump of rape and pedophilia and Trump himself admits to sexual assault, you defend the man. I'm guessing bc there wasn't a creepy video of trump lol.

Gotta hand it to ya, at least you have no shame in admitting blatant hypocrisy and differing standards.
No hypocrisy. I admit what trump said was foul, but trump talked about famous people being able to grab women by the vagina. He never said he did it himself. Or when he said he tried to get with a married woman. That's wrong as well. Matter of fact, i don't even like trump. He wasn't my choice for president. I can make a list of things i don't like about him, but he's president. I don't think it's healthy to make up a bunch of stories about the president like the media is doing right now. It's unhealthy for the country. Not like it hasn't been done before or not like politicians haven't put dirt on thier political opponents before, but we are talking a whole new level right now. You know how the left has it's base all riled up over russian collussion calling it treason even though there is no proof? Well, the left has got other countries on board who are outraged by our president and in essence our country. Isn't that treasonous on a similar level?
My mistake. Then explain the obsessive behavior.

Hypergraphia - Wikipedia
Digital version

education-teaching-ocd-obsessive_compulsive-obsession-line-line_writing-jcen1128_low.jpg (Understanding "Post-Trump Stress Disorder")- Psychology today.
Trumpaioracism ...

Coming from anybody but Donald Trump, the pardon issued to rogue cop Joe Arpaio would be shocking. The former sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz., which includes Phoenix, was found guilty of criminal contempt of court for ignoring a federal judge’s order not to arrest Latinos solely because he suspected them of being in the country illegally.

Arpaio has also been accused of a horrifying litany of other misconduct. He housed inmates in such inhumane conditions — an outdoor tent city that was an inferno in the summer and a freezer in the winter — that he himself described it as a concentration camp. He overlooked routine brutality by his deputies, which led to legal settlements costing taxpayers at least $140 million. He arrested the owners of a newspaper, the Phoenix New Times, which ran critical coverage of him, leading to a $3.75-million settlement. He was so busy pursuing immigrants that he neglected to investigate cases of rape and child abuse.

Yet President Trump has had nothing but praise for “Sheriff Joe,” who joined him in a racist, crackpot attempt to prove that President Obama had forged his birth certificate. The Washington Post reported Saturday that Trump asked Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions to drop the criminal case against Arpaio but the attorney general would not agree to obstruct justice. Trump went ahead and pardoned Sheriff Joe.

WASHINGTON — A business associate of President Trump promised in 2015 to engineer a real estate deal with the aid of the president of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin, that he said would help Mr. Trump win the presidency.

The business associate, Felix Sater, wrote a series of emails to Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which he boasted about his ties to Mr. Putin and predicted that building a Trump Tower in Moscow would be a political boon to Mr. Trump’s candidacy.

“Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Mr. Sater wrote in an email. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”