Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

REPUBLICAN lawmakers have seen the Trump disaster coming for a while now. They simply have no clue what to do about it.

A couple of months ago — before we learned that Donald Trump Jr. wanted to spend quality time with people he believed represented the Russian government, before the president publicly humiliated his attorney general and was abandoned by top business executives, before he claimed “some very fine people” were marching in Charlottesville, Va., alongside neo-Nazis and white supremacists — a Republican member of Congress I spoke with called the president a “child king,” a “self-pitying fool.”

Even then, the words that came to mind when some congressional Republicans described the president were “incompetent” and “unfit.” There were concerns about his emotional stability. “There’s now a realization this isn’t going to change,” one top Republican aide on Capitol Hill said. Yet there is the simultaneous realization, as a House member told me when talking about Republicans in their home districts, that “we’re never going to have a majority of people against him.”

Maybe, but for now this presents Republican members of Congress who are privately alarmed by Mr. Trump with a predicament. Regardless of what he does, a vast majority of his core supporters are sticking with him. A recent Monmouth University poll found that of the 41 percent of Americans who currently approve of the job he’s doing, 61 percent said they cannot see Mr. Trump doing anything that would make them disapprove of him. Mr. Trump was on to something when he said in January 2016, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.”

The political problem facing Republicans is that Mr. Trump’s presidency is a wreck. His agenda is dead in the water. A special counsel is overseeing an investigation of his campaign. The West Wing is dysfunctional. And President Trump is deeply unpopular with most Americans.

The daughter of one of President Trump's Cabinet secretaries apparently wrote a social media post last month slamming his proposed ban on transgender individuals entering the military.

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's daughter Jennifer Detlefsen, who is a Navy veteran, sharply criticized the proposal, calling the president a "disgrace," the (Billings Gazette) reported Friday.

A screenshot of the post published by the Gazette shows a quote from an NPR story about Trump's announcement on Twitter last month that reads “the United States Government will not accept or allow … Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.”

In the caption, Zinke's daughter blasted Trump and said that the ban was "inexcusable."

“This man is a disgrace. I've tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable,” read her post on July 26, which still appeared online on Saturday.

"This veteran says sit down and shut the f--k up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of s--t," she added.

The following is a rare account of President Trump in a small Oval Office meeting, venting at senior staff for sometimes resisting his hawkish trade agenda.

This account — confirmed by sources with knowledge of the meeting and undisputed by the White House — hints at where Trump may be heading with his trade agenda. And it shows he believes some of his top economic advisors are resisting his agenda because they are "globalists."

The scene: The Oval Office, during Gen. Kelly's first week as Chief of Staff. Kelly convened a meeting to discuss the administration's plans to investigate China for stealing American intellectual property and technology. Kelly stood beside Trump, behind the Resolute desk. In front of the desk were U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, senior trade adviser Peter Navarro, top economic adviser Gary Cohn, and Trump's former chief strategist Steve Bannon.

Trump, addressing Kelly, said, "John, you haven't been in a trade discussion before, so I want to share with you my views. For the last six months, this same group of geniuses comes in here all the time and I tell them, 'Tariffs. I want tariffs.' And what do they do? They bring me IP. I can't put a tariff on IP." (Most in the room understood that the president can, in fact, use tariffs to combat Chinese IP theft.)

"China is laughing at us," Trump added. "Laughing."

Kelly responded: "Yes sir, I understand, you want tariffs."

Gary Cohn, who opposes tariffs and the protectionist trade measures pushed by the Bannonites, had his shoulders slumped and was clearly appalled by the situation.

Staff secretary Rob Porter, who is a key mediator in such meetings, said to the president: "Sir, do you not want to sign this?" He was referring to Trump's memo prodding Lighthizer to investigate China — which may lead to tariffs against Beijing.
The notion of religiously posting anti-Trump pieces on a small steroid forum in the hopes of enlightening members or changing their minds about Trump(or all republicans) or to get them to align with with your own thoughts is just...... mind boggling. It's so illogical that it's beyond reason to me and yet its so precisely aligned with the current democratic ideology. Right along with Antifa, killing witnesses, fake news, fake protesters, fake racism, etc. To embrace hate before embracing the love for this country and improvement of it is beyond my comprehension. Yet, this is the world many democracts are embracing. Carry on I guess.....
The notion of religiously posting anti-Trump pieces on a small steroid forum in the hopes of enlightening members or changing their minds about Trump(or all republicans) or to get them to align with with your own thoughts is just...... mind boggling. It's so illogical that it's beyond reason to me and yet its so precisely aligned with the current democratic ideology. Right along with Antifa, killing witnesses, fake news, fake protesters, fake racism, etc. To embrace hate before embracing the love for this country and improvement of it is beyond my comprehension. Yet, this is the world many democracts are embracing. Carry on I guess.....
That's what I've been telling all this time.

1 Doctor pct should post in a liberal forum
2 have his resume ready
3 get hired as Soros-hospital director
If statues could talk

I want my presidential pardon too
The notion of religiously posting anti-Trump pieces on a small steroid forum in the hopes of enlightening members or changing their minds about Trump(or all republicans) or to get them to align with with your own thoughts is just...... mind boggling. It's so illogical that it's beyond reason to me and yet its so precisely aligned with the current democratic ideology. Right along with Antifa, killing witnesses, fake news, fake protesters, fake racism, etc. To embrace hate before embracing the love for this country and improvement of it is beyond my comprehension. Yet, this is the world many democracts are embracing. Carry on I guess.....

Who says the goal is to get people to change their minds or get them align differently??? You're reading into that way too much.