Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Donald trump didn't give white supremacist a platform, black lives matters did. Black lives matters marching in the streets yelling anti white slogans and chanting death to all cops, especially the white ones, etc, etc. It was only a matter of time that the other side showed themselves.

WASHINGTON—Special counsel Robert Mueller is examining what role, if any, former national security adviser Mike Flynn may have played in a private effort to obtain Hillary Clinton’s emails from Russian hackers, according to people familiar with the matter.

The effort to seek out hackers who were believed to have stolen Mrs. Clinton’s emails, first reported by The Wall Street Journal, was led by a longtime Republican activist, Peter W. Smith. In correspondence and conversations with his colleagues, Mr. Smith portrayed Mr. Flynn as an ally in those efforts and implied that other senior Trump campaign officials were coordinating with him, which they have denied. He also named Mr. Flynn’s consulting firm and his son in the correspondence and conversations.

The special counsel is investigating potential coordination between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia in the 2016 election.
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I got a brilliant idea

Why don't you create an identical blog with a copy of all your posts, and win Soros/CNN biggest nonstop rant award?
Probably with hefty cash prizes.

Liberals just ain't going to look at a steroids board since they consider Testosterone an "evil" substance that makes people
vote for Trump
act like Trump
protest like Trumpsters