Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

President Trump's verified @realDonaldTrump account briefly went offline. Anyone who navigated to his feed was given a generic blue landing page that read, "Sorry, that page doesn't exist!"

And in a stunning plot twist, the world later learned it wasn't a glitch -- but the work of a Twitter employee on his or her last day at work.

Initially, one of the social media site's verified accounts said Trump's feed was "inadvertently deactivated due to a human error." But a couple of hours later, Twitter announced further investigation revealed "a Twitter customer support employee ... did this on the employee's last day."

The company said it's conducting "a full internal review" of the incident.

Remember though, most of them didn't even own their land. They were mostly squatters. Yes they'd been there for years, but most had no legal claim. Shit, most couldn't read or write. And some did receive up to 2,000$. Most didn't. But some did. Not going to argue. Displacing around 2,000 people who were on land most didn't own really doesn't bother me. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

I have no response to that. I'm glad I don't think like you, and sad that you do.
It has man about a month, bout the same time the heat started to be turned up. Coincidence? Nahhhh lol
I've been going through some pretty serious medical issues. Haven't had much of the mindset to deal with much.

Three conservative House Republicans are expected to file a resolution Friday calling on special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to recuse himself from his probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, accusing him of conflicts of interest.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who wrote the resolution, accuses Mueller of having a conflict of interest because he was serving as FBI chief when the Obama administration approved a deal allowing a Russian company to purchase a Canada-based mining group with uranium operations in the United States, according to a draft obtained by The Washington Post.

President Trump has often brought up the Uranium One deal in 2010 as a way to accuse Hillary Clinton of potential corruption and foreign collusion, despite (scant evidence) she was directly involved in the decision to allow it to proceed. Nine government agencies make up the government committee that reviews such deals, along with five other observer agencies; the FBI is (not one of them).

The GOP also (launched two congressional probes) into the matter last month, questioning whether the FBI and Justice Department were looking into Russia’s attempts to influence the U.S. uranium market.

Gaetz wants the deal to be investigated by a special counsel, and he doesn’t think Mueller is the guy to do it.
Trump & racial prejudice? No way..:rolleyes:
Would love to see him walk on any Rez in North America and say that! He'd need the secret service there or his ass would be beat!

Trump & racial prejudice? No way..:rolleyes:
Would love to see him walk on any Rez in North America and say that! He'd need the secret service there or his ass would be beat!

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You do realize the context for why he is saying "pocahontas" right? Elizabeth Warren made claims of being part Cherokee and some other Indian descent. She listed herself as a minority during her career on several occasions. She is not listed in any Indian tribe documents nor has she applied for it. She is a fraud and calling her pocahontas is not racial prejudice. I think the tribes would be more upset over someone claiming they are part Indian when they have offered no substantiated proof.