Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You do realize the context for why he is saying "pocahontas" right? Elizabeth Warren made claims of being part Cherokee and some other Indian descent. She listed herself as a minority during her career on several occasions. She is not listed in any Indian tribe documents nor has she applied for it. She is a fraud and calling her pocahontas is not racial prejudice. I think the tribes would be more upset over someone claiming they are part Indian when they have offered no substantiated proof.
Yes I am very when did Trump become Native American then? smh...
Why explain if you can't see anything wrong with that, I see where you stand. Plus I'm a delusional phsyco so I'm wasting my breath. ;)

WASHINGTON — The Earth is experiencing the warmest period in the history of civilization and humans are the dominant cause of the temperature rise that has occurred since the start of the 20th century, according to an exhaustive scientific report unveiled Friday by 13 federal agencies. The report was approved by the White House, but it directly contradicts much of the Trump administration’s position on climate change.

Over the past 115 years global average temperatures have increased 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, leading to record-breaking weather events and temperature extremes. The global, long-term warming trend is “unambiguous,” the report says, and there is “no convincing alternative explanation” that anything other than humans — the cars we drive, the power plants we operate, the forests we destroy — are to blame.

The findings come as the Trump administration is defending its climate change policies on several fronts. The United Nations convenes its annual climate change conference next week in Bonn, Germany, and the Trump delegation is expected to face harsh criticism over President Trump’s decision to walk away from the 195-nation Paris accord on climate and top American officials’ stated doubts about the causes and impacts of a warming planet.

“This report has some very powerful, hard-hitting statements that are totally at odds with senior administration folks and at odds with their policies,” said Philip B. Duffy, president of the Woods Hole Research Center. “It begs the question, where are members of the administration getting their information from? They’re obviously not getting it from their own scientists.”
Why explain if you can't see anything wrong with that, I see where you stand. Plus I'm a delusional phsyco so I'm wasting my breath. ;)
So as usual you spout off bullshit and when asked to clarify your statements you have nothing to say besides more bullshit. Shocking development.
So as usual you spout off bullshit and when asked to clarify your statements you have nothing to say besides more bullshit. Shocking development.

Whether she's really native or not calling her Pocahontas is derogatory. I think he was saying if youbdont see that he's wasting his breath.
Whether she's really native or not calling her Pocahontas is derogatory. I think he was saying if youbdont see that he's wasting his breath.
Trump & racial prejudice? No way.

He was saying it was racial prejudice. I asked him to explain how him calling her pocahontas is racial considering the context of why he was using it. If you want to argue that you find the comment derogatory that's a separate debate.

Less than a week after two top former Trump campaign officials were indicted and another adviser to the campaign had already pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, the pressure on others under scrutiny appears to be growing. One source whose actions during the 2016 election are being examined by the special counsel's office and who is reluctant to talk publicly tells CBS News, "It's every man for himself."

That remark suggests that some of the former campaign officials and associates in legal jeopardy may be rushing to offer their cooperation in an effort to get a better deal from prosecutors. The source maintains that he is innocent and is frustrated that he has so far failed to clear his name in the ongoing probe. Over the last few months the source seems to have evolved in his thinking about Russian involvement in the presidential election.

Earlier this year this individual dismissed any suggestion that there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives.

Now, days after former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his deputy Rick Gates were indicted, the source acknowledged to CBS News something he'd been reluctant to admit in the past: "I do believe the Russians interfered or tried to interfere," he said. But he pointed to others associated with the campaign, "I don't know what they were doing" and "whatever those people did, that's on them."