Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Google it.

I did. it give no names. says a senator and an aide. I asked for names. who is the senator who is the aide. why aren’t they going on record where’s the proof. why don’t you tell me since you guys know everything about it. this is a discussion board correct?
Only response worthy of the question. Funny how this dude (time after time) thinks anybody would waste their time explaining anything to him.

this is a discussion board correct since you know everything why don’t you share all the information you know, bozo

you’re just trolling you contribute nothing go away
“The New York Times first reported over the weekend that Trump has told an aide and a US senator that he has doubts about veracity of the recording, which emerged in the final month of the 2016 campaign.”

So because the New York Times reports this with no names or proof you think it’s a fact. you guys are a bunch of sheep.
Butt hurt much? :)

No I just think you’re real piece of shit for accusing people of being drug dealers with zero evidence. your reckless and unworthy of being a member due to your behavior of putting members at risk.

You’re just a loudmouth looking for attention
No I just think you’re real piece of shit for accusing people of being drug dealers with zero evidence. your reckless and unworthy of being a member due to your behavior of putting members at risk.

You’re just a loudmouth looking for attention
Tell yourself whatever makes you sleep better at night. Just like you do with your puppet boy Trump. ;)
LOOOOOL Cold day in hell when that happens big guy. A shame steroids can't cure "the thin skinned".

ha ha I knew you’d laugh at that one. you got to admit that was a good one. I literally laughed out loud writing that. i wasn’t being serious, just playing with you.
Correct. However, nobody deems you worthy of a discussion. Seems like you answered your own question. Nice work.

yeah because nobody can take me on. nothing but a bunch of lightweights here.

You just proved you know nothing and you’re an intellectual lightweight when it comes to politics and I’m sure many other issues. move along sheep..

Again and again, Trump veered far past the guardrails of presidential behavior. But despite the now-routine condemnations, the president is acting emboldened, as if he were impervious to the uproar he causes.

If there are consequences for his actions, Trump does not seem to feel their burden personally. The Republican tax bill appears on track for passage, putting the president on the cusp of his first major legislative achievement. Trump himself remains the highest-profile man accused of sexual improprieties to keep his job with no repercussions.

Trump has internalized the belief that he can largely operate with impunity, people close to him said. His political base cheers him on. Fellow Republican leaders largely stand by him. His staff scrambles to explain away his misbehavior — or even to laugh it off. And the White House disciplinarian, chief of staff John F. Kelly, has said it is not his job to control the president.

The friendly words exchanged between Presidents Trump and Xi Jinping this month softened the edge of a Chinese economic and military buildup that a recent study commissioned by the Pentagon described as “perhaps the most ambitious grand strategy undertaken by a single nation-state in modern times.”

At the Beijing summit on Nov. 9, Xi his usual congenial injunction for “win-win cooperation,” and Trump responded in kind, (calling) Xi “a very special man.” Trump also complained about the Chinese trade surplus, but the visit was mostly a serenade to Sino-American cooperation.

What caught my ear was Xi’s hint of China’s big ambitions in his toast that night. He quoted a Chinese proverb that “no distance, not even remote mountains and vast oceans, can ever prevent people with perseverance from reaching their destination.” Xi then cited an adage from Benjamin Franklin: “He who can have patience, can have what he will.” That’s an apt summary of China’s quiet but relentless pursuit of becoming a global superpower.

China’s rise has been so rapid yet gentle in tone that it’s easy to miss how fast Beijing has expanded its ability to project power. The mesmerizing go-slow style of the pre-Xi years, summarized in the Chinese slogan “hide and bide,” has been replaced by what U.S. analysts now see as an open power play.

Trump’s “America first” strategy has facilitated China’s buildup, unintentionally. The administration’s rhetoric on fair trade has been strong, but the actual gains have been modest. Meanwhile, Trump has shredded the Trans-Pacific Partnership and stepped back from other U.S.-led alliances — opening the way for China’s new network of global institutions, including the “” (OBOR) plan for Eurasian trade and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to finance Chinese-led projects.

There’s an eerie sense in today’s world that China is racing to capture the commanding heights of technology and trade. Meanwhile, under the banner of “America first,” the Trump administration is protecting coal-mining jobs and questioning climate science.

Sorry, friends, but this is how empires rise and fall.