Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump should fire Mueller. Mueller and his investigators are a bunch of corrupt political hacks.

Even if Trump were to fire Mueller, the political fallout would be to Trump's detriment. The only reason Mueller was appointed special prosecutor is because Trump fired Comey. Had Trump not fired Comey, the investigation into collusion with the Russians would not have proceeded so quickly.

Do you believe the investigation would end if Trump fires Mueller?

The House-passed tax bill would increase economic growth modestly but wouldn’t generate enough revenue to pay for itself, the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation projected in an analysis released Monday.

The $1.4 trillion tax cut would increase long-run gross domestic product by 0.7%, spurring enough growth to generate $483 billion in revenue over a decade. But it would also increase federal borrowing and interest payments by $55 billion over that period.

The net effect is $1 trillion added to budget deficits over the next decade, far from Republicans’ occasional claims that tax cuts would pay for themselves. Those estimates are similar to the ones JCT’s analysis of the Senate Finance Committee’s tax bill.
You believe the women based on no evidence and I don't believe the claim he was banned from a mall was ever substantiated. Just so we are clear then, the mere allegation of him doing something wrong is enough for you? That's your standard?
It's the volume of accusations and if you want to go online and investigate his being banned from a mall you can do that too and you can believe it or not believe it That's up to you.
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It's therapy for him. Imagine throwing your whole professional life down the toilet. If anything a wellness check should be done because people in his similar circumstance turn to suicide. It's best to just ignore him like you would any mentally unstable individual.
Solid advice, thanks bro. I owe ya
It's the volume of accusations and if you want to go online and investigate his being banned from a mall you can do that too and you can believe it or not believe it That's up to you.
You are entitled to believe what you would like as well. I was just simply wondering what you were basing your beliefs on.

Centuries on, students may look at us and wonder how we saw what we’ve seen and did so little with what we knew. I want to posit again that when you are simply living your life, with bills and responsibilities and tasks at hand, it’s hard to know the gravity of the moment that you may be in because in the seriousness of all that has happened today, you also had to eat, get dressed, brush your teeth, and go about your day.

All of that is to say that every fiber of my being screams that we are in a deeply problematic moment in American history.

With the full knowledge that Roy Moore, twice ousted from the Alabama Supreme Court, has been accused of gross sexual misconduct with teenage girls, the Republican Party and the president of the United States have backed the man in his bid to become a United States senator anyway. So hungry, desperate even, for political power, the party that was widely seen as the morality police for several generations, has traded all of that away for a Senate seat.

None ...

“In terms of the specific eyewitness accounts,” she said on Monday afternoon, “there have been multiple reports, and I’d be happy to provide them to you after the briefing has completed.”

In the interests of ensuring that the president is exonerated in the face of debunked accusations, we below have listed the women who’ve accused Trump of inappropriate conduct (as compiled by The Post’s (Meg Kelly)) and all of the eyewitnesses who’ve been presented by the White House to prove their stories wrong.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — The Senate election in Alabama on Tuesday is not just about the choice between Doug Jones and Roy Moore. It’s also about a voter suppression campaign that may well sway the result of a close race.

In 2011, Alabama lawmakers passed a photo ID law, ostensibly to combat voter fraud. But “voter impersonation” at polling places virtually never happens. The truth is that the lawmakers wanted to keep black and Latino voters from the ballot box. We know this because they’ve always been clear about their intentions.

A state senator who had tried for over a decade to get the bill into law, told The Huntsville Times that a photo ID law would undermine Alabama’s “black power structure.” In The Montgomery Advertiser, he said that the absence of an ID law “benefits black elected leaders.”

The bill’s sponsors were even caught on tape devising a plan to depress the turnout of black voters — whom they called “aborigines” and “illiterates” who would ride “H.U.D.-financed buses” to the polls — in the 2010 midterm election by keeping a gambling referendum off the ballot. Gambling is popular among black voters in Alabama, so they thought if it had remained on the ballot, black voters would show up to vote in droves.

Photo ID laws may seem innocuous. For many of us, it might be easy to take a few hours off from work, drive to the nearest department of motor vehicles office, wait in line, take some tests, hand over $40 and leave with a driver’s license that we can use to vote. But this requires resources that many rural, low-income people around the country simply do not have.