Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The remaining members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS were fired en masse this week.

Months after a half-dozen members resigned in protest of the Trump administration's position on health policies, the White House dismissed the rest through a form letter.

The notice “thanked me for my past service and said that my appointment was terminated, effective immediately,” said, an epidemiologist at Emory University who works on HIV testing programs. He was appointed to a four-year term in May 2016.

The council, known by the acronym PACHA, has advised the White House on HIV/AIDS policies since its founding in 1995. Members, who are not paid, offer recommendations on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, a five-year plan responding to the epidemic.

I have a very low tolerance for right-wing baloney (I didn’t want to start this column off with a curse word in the first sentence). Lies in politics that are repeated again and again annoy me. But, just downright balls-deep stupid bullshit (there it is) pisses me off to no end.

I’m not talking about your average common Trump supporting stupid like, “make America great again,” or not understanding the difference between climate and weather and thinking because it’s cold in late December then Climate Change is a hoax. I’m talking about the special inbred type of Republican stupid where you give credit to Donald Trump for shit he didn’t do.

People who follow me on social media are aware that I’m extremely nauseated over a new commercial that’s “thanking President” Trump. Yeah, I’m aware where I put those quotation marks.

Did I mention this ad is nauseating? It’s more face-green-gag-inducing than witnessing Mike Pence on a Trump ass-kissing bender.

In this commercial paid for by America Policies, a non-profit started by former Trump campaign aides “dedicated to promoting the president’s agenda,” people who look like everyday working Americans are thanking “President Trump.”

In the commerical, someone thanks “President Trump” for “making America great again.” Another dipshit thanks “President Trump” for “fixing our economy.” We get a goober thanking “President Trump” for “reminding us to stand for our national anthem.” Are you feeling queasy yet. It gets better.

First off, fuckers, you don’t make America great again by defending Nazis and endorsing pedophiles. Second, Trump has not “fixed” our economy. That credit belongs to President Barack Obama who was left a mess by our last Republican president. Third, if you have to be reminded to stand for our national anthem then what sort of patriot are you? Do you really need Donald Trump to remind you? Goober says “as a veteran” he’s glad…blah blah blah. As a veteran, your first hint is when the music starts.

All that horseshit aside, the very worst, most despicable part of the commercial is when an adorable little girl says “thank you, President Trump for letting us say ‘Merry Christmas’ again.”

Why is this child being exploited for political gain? Who’s her daddy, Ted Cruz? Can we stop raising children to be stupid? We have enough dumb adults. Do I need to call Protective Services?

There is no war on Christmas. There never was and there never will be. There is no persecution of Christians in this nation. Nor, is there discrimination against old, conservative white guys. There just happens to be a lot of old, conservative white guys running around who are butt-hurt.

Barack Obama never ordered, told, or hinted that we couldn’t say “Merry Christmas.” In fact, he said it several times himself. So, there is no “again” to use being allowed to say “Merry Christmas.” And seriously, is the child being fed? Has she had all her vaccinations?

Donald Trump did not save Christmas. Donald Trump did not and does not “LET” you say “Merry Christmas.” No president can tell you not to say “Merry Christmas,” or restrict you from it. This is the stupid that pisses me off.

I started the day being annoyed that conservatives believe Trump increased monthly Social Security payments by two percent (the president doesn’t do that either. It’s adjusted for inflation), but this Christmas thing pushed me over the edge. It pisses me off more than Hall & Oate’s version of Jingle Bell Rock (do NOT click that link. Don’t you do it. You did it. Oh sure, somehow it’s my fault).

But, if you wanna thank Trump, then by god, let’s thank Donald Trump.

Thank you, President Trump for defending Nazis.

Thank you, President Trump for endorsing a pedophile.

Thank you, President Trump for retweeting racist videos from European hate groups.

Thank you, President Trump for lying every day of your administration.

Thank you, President Trump for increasing the deficit.

Thank you, President Trump for giving billionaires tax deductions for yachts and private jets, and for taking deductions away from teachers when they pay for school supplies.

Thank you, President Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol and taking us out of the Middle-East Peace process.

Thank you, President Trump for making us the only nation that is not a part of the Paris Climate Accord.

Thank you, President Trump for ignoring science.

Thank you, President Trump for taking us closer to nuclear war with North Korea.

Thank you, President Trump for spending over $42 million of our money for your golf retreats.

Thank you, President Trump for the nepotism.

Thank you, President Trump for lying about crowd sizes and voter fraud.

Thank you, President Trump for wasting our money on a fraudulent commission to investigate your fraudulent claim of voter fraud.

Thank you, President Trump for profiting off your office.

Thank you, President Trump for attacking law enforcement.

Thank you, President Trump for attacking women, minorities, and Broadway plays.

Thank you, President Trump demanding loyalty and pressuring the Justice Department to go after your political enemies.

Thank you, President Trump for ten days of Anthony Scaramucci. Seriously, thank you. I got some mileage out of that one.

Thank you, President Trump for sharing classified information with Russians in the Oval Office.

Thank you, President Trump for never defending America from Russia.

Thank you, President Trump for praising authoritarians in Turkey, China, Russia, and the Philippines.

Thank you, President Trump for labeling the free press as “enemies of the American people.”

And finally, thank you, President Trump for betraying your base and enriching yourself.

Hopefully in the future, I’ll be thanking Robert Mueller.


President Donald Trump says so many things that are untrue as to complicate attempts at explaining them. Did he know better? Was he uninformed? Should he be taken literally?

What made the president's year-end New York Times interview notable was repetition of a particular brand of untruth. Even as his administration struggles with historic unpopularity and extraordinary dysfunction, Trump ascribes to himself qualities that surpass all predecessors – even reigning Republican icon Ronald Reagan.

Call them "delusions of omnipotence."

Over and over during the 30-minute session, Trump cast his performance in terms so grandiose and extreme as to be self-evidently false. Taken together, his comments signaled an inability to grasp conditions in the country, the limitations of his own capacities and the nature of the office he holds.