100% damned if I do, or damned if I do not, so I'll just go the NOT route.
That's not the big issue at hand though, it's the other one stated. If someone posts an honest review, he's ridiculed and called out, but in the same breath, guys want reviews, Many simply will not post simply because they will be hounded, for absolutely nothing.
You'll get used to the way things are done at meso. It's about checks and balances. Sources and members that have come from other boards are used to big fat underhand pitches being lobbed right down the heart of the plate that the source can knock out of the park.
I read all the positive posts at these other boards and after a couple of pages I'm bored to death and I trust whichever source is being discussed even less. With all those stroke jobs I just read one might think I'd feel good about ordering from the source?
To the contrary. I know from checking out mighty mouths and xrobbers thread that they got comped a shitload of int anabolic gear and the stupid "contest" is a suckfest of advertising for a lab that can be on the MM's list of trusted sources one day and the same lab(IA) is caught the very next day posting phony labs and MM has no choice but to begrudgingly take IA off his approved list. After all....MM and his fuck buddy got properly doses gear. That;s what that little board is all about. Staff and the in-crowd taken care of while the average member gets fucked in the ass raw dog as usual.
All that easy money bullshit is just that. The reviews mean nothing. The labs coming from there are used to being coddled and told their special as long as they keep lining the pockets of staff.
It certainly is not true that labs and members can't make a fair review.
If a guy signs up this morning or yesterday and his first post is about how he has placed 2 previous orders with tsl and everything was money. C'mon....stfu and post in the intro section and let guys get to know you before you demand they take what your posting as gospel and before earmarking all available cash to your lab.
Cycles that are "sponsored" or financed by a ugl should be declared as such. Free gear once again will discount the review. That's how things work at meso and in the real world. Correct? What is so difficult to understand?
The reviews that are going to mean the most are from members in good standing that have purchased your product anonymously or as close to it as possible and who will post bloods and who have had blood drawn on pharm/trt gear so comparing ugl test is easy to tell if it is dosed properly.
Reviews like that don't get posted everyday. Trying to rush things along and trying to make members accept bloodwork that was discussed on another board as golden or wanting the word of some 1 post wonder logging on to meso for the first time to be as good as gold and carry just as much weight as a review from OGH is silly. Relax. If you're in for the long haul don't be a pushy sob. We've spent a lot of time getting things in line. Stomping your feet while insinuating that we aren't that bright if we don't agree with your logic is not going to help your cause.