Any of you guys try his superdrol? I've never ran it before and would like to give SD a run. I wish I would have run it when it was legal but wtv
Haven't ran it yet but I have some from tsl. Thinking I might end this run with it or kick start the next run with it. I've read good things about it. Has me excited to try it.
For you guys asking about mast. I've been running the mastren at 75 mg eod and noticed a huge difference from it. First time to use mast but I'm impressed with my results. I sure the tren isn't hurting either lol
Lisinopril gave me a fucked up cough. I'm on Losartan Potassium and the BP is in check.

For what it's worth, might be a cautionary relevance for someone, I usually take Lisinopril for my BP...I'm usually around 134/94, lately i have been on TSL's Cialis and had to drop my regular BP meds cause my BP has been under 120/80.
Yes sir about the same.... ready to be off these dang nights.... I quit fighting them and just use my nights as rest days... tomorrow starts regular schedule
I could be wrong but to me this sounds like a win/win for you

So far at least...im not like depraved horny, but i need release daily..That's saying a lot for a person my age i think. However, sometimes my balls hurt like a MF and unless i bust a nut i'm hurting. That shit is not a good feeling.
For what it's worth, might be a cautionary relevance for someone, I usually take Lisinopril for my BP...I'm usually around 134/94, lately i have been on TSL's Cialis and had to drop my regular BP meds cause my BP has been under 120/80.
I've seen @Roger rabbit talk about that and think that's frickin awesome if you don't want to deal with a doctor or BP meds. I have tons of refills on my BP meds and get it for $8 a bottle, so I don't need to go the Cialis route just yet.

That's fucking phenomenal about your BP. Even my meds don't have me there. Close, but not quite.
So far at least...im not like depraved horny, but i need release daily..That's saying a lot for a person my age i think. However, sometimes my balls hurt like a MF and unless i bust a nut i'm hurting. That shit is not a good feeling.
Man that must suck! No pun lol. But as LuiMarco would say to this....HAVING BLUE BALLS ON A DAYYYLEEEE!
Sorry Inquiring!

