So it's said that someone sent a picture of the box and the content to LE. That's a shitty thing to do, but couldn't LE find out what it looked like if they just placed an order themselves? I don't see why that would add an extra layer of caution. They've probably already purchased from him and every other domestic supplier.
Also, I have to agree that LE doesn't work down the food chain. I've never -- and I mean never -- met a guy that got locked up because his dealer got busted and ratted out on his customers. LE has nothing to gain from that. If they pull a guy over and he's got some vials, they'll certainly try to get him to roll on the source, but it's nothing for LE to place an order for themselves. We all know that they're most likely crawling over these sites. It won't be local LE, for sure. Those guys would be focused on the local gym if anything. Perhaps if the Feds saw someone purchasing large amounts of gear (way beyond personal use) they may make a phone call to the local LE out of consideration.
Again, I hate that it sounds like I'm sticking up for a lab, but i'm trying to put logic into play here.