But the truth is this I've already connected the dots between chest and tsl. The info I have contains real names so I'll avoid posting if the bullshit stops. Also I have PMS from padawan very concerned about this whole LE situation. Their even considering going private over these concerns. They can pm me but can't stop by this thread?

Im curious of this as well.... Can you give us a summary of the connected dots minus the real names?
Real verifiable evidence? Who isn't interested in that. @desertwarrior. People were tired of @cndyguy actions before trukk or Emam said anything.

Cdnguy is a troll and is abusive towards new members with no evidence to his claims. People don't like him because he is an asshole and he makes shit up just to start drama because he is out of work and has nothing else to do. I bet he thinks he may as well take his anger and frustration out on people here. It get's old.

There are obvious shills he could spend his time on and no one would care how badly he treated them but he is like a dog looking to hump a leg....any leg will do.

He may have borderline personality disorder along with all his other issues. They don't care if they get positive or negative attention, just as long as they get attention.

Because of that they wear out their welcome and tend to burn bridges until no one wants to be their friend any more or help them. He obviously has antisocial characteristics as well.
I feel as though I agree with @desserwarrior here. Why more people aren't trying to look into the situation on hand here on tsl, chest, tabman, etc is confusing me.

If everyone is tired of @CdnGuy great, but everyone has been side tracked with their hunt for cdnguy put that aside for now. Focus on the LE situation and stop throwing blows at each other.

Instead, as a board founded on harm reduction, focus on protecting our members...now isn't the time to be going after each other and protecting this lab, now is the time for everyone to put their resources together and get the truth out to protect our fellow members.

Let's keep the back and forth in a different thread, if you don't agree with the evidence being posted then find some, put effort in, and let's get to the bottom of this 100%
Real verifiable evidence? Who isn't interested in that. @desertwarrior. People were tired of @cndyguy actions before trukk or Emam said anything.

Cdnguy is a troll and is abusive towards new members with no evidence to his claims. People don't like him because he is an asshole and he makes shit up just to start drama because he is out of work and has nothing else to do. I bet he thinks he may as well take his anger and frustration out on people here. It get's old.

There are obvious shills he could spend his time on and no one would care how badly he treated them but he is like a dog looking to hump a leg....any leg will do.

He may have borderline personality disorder along with all his other issues. They don't care if they get positive or negative attention, just as long as they get attention.

Because of that they wear out their welcome and tend to burn bridges until no one wants to be their friend any more or help them. He obviously has antisocial characteristics as well.
Some of these new guys have no clue! This is only about Meso safety so why you just made this personal. Shows the lack of understanding and respect here. You've crossed the line and might wanna think about this. Beef with Trukk and Eman is different cuz I will still back them at the end of the day..But beef with you (joined 2 months ago) is a whole different story.

Well said @Roger rabbit I'll put the B.S.(petty fighting)aside so the real issues can be dealt with.
Some of these new guys have no clue! This is only about Meso safety so why you just made this personal. Shows the lack of understanding and respect here. You've crossed the line and might wanna think about this. Beef with Trukk and Eman is different cuz I will still back them at the end of the day..But beef with you (joined 2 months ago) is a whole different story.

Well said @Roger rabbit put the B.S. aside and deal with the real issues.

Constantly editing your posts make them impossible to follow.
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Go fuck yourself, cunt :D

This type of post adds absolutely nothing of value to the conversation at hand. Sure it increases your post count, hell it might even get a like or two and it probably makes you feel better but please remember, tren isn't a compound for everyone. Running 1g for 3 months is obviously adversely affecting your cognitive skills. Chill out man, and take a shit already, looks like you've been holding it in way to long ;)
This type of post adds absolutely nothing of value to the conversation at hand. Sure it increases your post count, hell it might even get a like or two and it probably makes you feel better but please remember, tren isn't a compound for everyone. Running 1g for 3 months is obviously adversely affecting your cognitive skills. Chill out man, and take a shit already, looks like you've been holding it in way to long ;)

You obviously didn't read the condescending tone of cdn's original post after his veiled threat of payback ;)

Edit: or get my point about edits.
All I will say about that is just wait 15 min before responding. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, well you can't fool me twice-Bush

But you didn't wait 15 min to respond to me :D And quoting Bush?? OMFW...

Anyways....I'm off to do some deadlifts. Baby Jesus didn't die for nothing.
But you didn't wait 15 min to respond to me :D And quoting Bush?? OMFW...

Anyways....I'm off to do some deadlifts. Baby Jesus didn't die for nothing.

Yeah I didn't wait because if you're going to criticize someone for doing something a certain way I THOUGHT it would be an accurate presumption that you wouldn't do the exact same thing lol. And as far as the quote, yeah bush was the only one who said that LOL. You are the definition of a meathead, educate yourself.

This next part is personal. You call yourself a powerlifter. What you are is a fat fuck who justifies his lack of discipline in diet and training by saying you're bulking. If your former arm avi pic represented what bulking is, I'd rather starve myself.
Yeah I didn't wait because if you're going to criticize someone for doing something a certain way I THOUGHT it would be an accurate presumption that you wouldn't do the exact same thing lol. And as far as the quote, yeah bush was the only one who said that LOL. You are the definition of a meathead, educate yourself.

This next part is personal. You call yourself a powerlifter. What you are is a fat fuck who justifies his lack of discipline in diet and training by saying you're bulking. If your former arm avi pic represented what bulking is, I'd rather starve myself.

I don't quote Bush for the same reasons I don't quote Hitler. If it's an indication of intelligence to refer to the thoughts of idiots, then I'd happily remain a fat meathead :)

I notice you're big on the personal digs, and even accused mands of accepting free gear :D Clearly not a fact checker then. Rather pop over to The Knock Out room. You can flex your mental insults there to your heart's content.
I feel as though I agree with @desserwarrior here. Why more people aren't trying to look into the situation on hand here on tsl, chest, tabman, etc is confusing me.

If everyone is tired of @CdnGuy great, but everyone has been side tracked with their hunt for cdnguy put that aside for now. Focus on the LE situation and stop throwing blows at each other.

Instead, as a board founded on harm reduction, focus on protecting our members...now isn't the time to be going after each other and protecting this lab, now is the time for everyone to put their resources together and get the truth out to protect our fellow members.

Let's keep the back and forth in a different thread, if you don't agree with the evidence being posted then find some, put effort in, and let's get to the bottom of this 100%
No one is saying TSL is g2g or complete bunk. People have shared their experiences. Good and bad, including bloods and use experience, ect.

@CdnGuy shares posts of threats from another lunatic in another forum that has been shown to not be trust worthy individual. Ok? What does that prove?

What LE information? The thought that gr15 (cant remember the handle) is going to turn TSL over to the authorities? Ok, we got that info, what else? What other evidence is there? By default you should expect LE to be interested in any and all domestic sources. Right? That's always a risk. To think otherwise, you are fooling yourself. Everyone keeps asking for evidence, eagerly but he just keeps spinning his wheels going nowhere quick.

As I see it, TSL doesnt care much about customer service. Doesnt come on often, usually once a week. Same with Padawan. Turnaround is inconsistent as well as communication. He has been transparent in that, he has stated this info himself. Test E may or may not be underdosed but there are inconsistent bloods with many other substances and individual differences to account for. Hard to draw a conclusion. Some say, hey its working for me.....others may read the results and decide not to order. Also 1 unsure complaint about the superdol and I believe a few people saying avoid the aromasin but no bloods to back it up. This is all factual information that can be looked at in this thread and a decision can be made whether or not you would like to order from TSL or not. This is also info you can find in any other lab thread.....

Then you have @CdnGuy coming in with hearsay, which he can not prove is factual and others can not deny it is or is not factual either. Therefore it has little to no value. Because nothing has or can be proven. At least not at this time.....How many times has he been right. What is his hx and track record? Even a blind squirrel can find a nut once in a while.....

I don't see people defending the lab persay as they are more affronted by the shit storm created by @CdnGuy and his wild acusations and his grossly misscharacterizations of members he does not know, as well as long term known members.

To what end? To protect others? Hardly. It would be easier to find relevant information, good and bad, had he not come in here and made it a mess.

What happens when people dare disagree with him? He fucking makes threats like a petulant little child. He is a 42 year old man, that does not lift. Does not use steroids. Has not ordered steroids. He has not shared any bloods from labs he has run using his own body and money to prove evidence of any worth. For a 42 year old man, he is very immature in my 39 year old opinion.

I plan on sharing bloods. I lift. I have purchased steriods. I will be running cycles and sharing info related to them.

What are his intentions? What is he getting out of being here? Why is he involved in a world that he does not actually participate in? Would he truthfully answer any of these questions in a calm rational matter, like an adult? I highly doubt it.

He said he would leave the thread and he was done but he keeps coming back like a bad case of genital herpes. He is not a man of his words. His words have no value in my opinion. He can't do what he says he says he is going to do. All words, no actions. Im done talking about him. Fuck him. Thats how, I feel.
Doc why did I PM Chest then if they didn't have history? Ive read alot and tsl claiming he knew nothing about the LE rumors is bullshit.Ive posted numerous lies from tsl in this thread. That is my concern about this whole situation.Then the LE chatter which @desertwarrior posted recently Gh15 sending LE info!?!?!?! Tsl Lies and LE talk give me bad vibes..

Edit- One more thought where the fuck has @thetsl been? Since he claims that Meso is his only board now.
On this, I agree with you 100%. There has been a lot of silence. I PM'd both TSL and Padawan and neither responded.
I don't quote Bush for the same reasons I don't quote Hitler. If it's an indication of intelligence to refer to the thoughts of idiots, then I'd happily remain a fat meathead :)

I notice you're big on the personal digs, and even accused mands of accepting free gear :D Clearly not a fact checker then. Rather pop over to The Knock Out room. You can flex your mental insults there to your heart's content.

If only you followed your own advice and stayed in the knockout room. Your comments here are basically fillers. There is NO POINT to anything you have said. If someone were to scroll past all your posts they wouldn't miss a single thing of value. Let the members who actually contribute do the talking.

I'm not for or against any of the arguments in regards to TSL but what I am against is you introducing jokes about someone's physique. Seriously who are you to talk. You are a fat fuck with zero discipline and you think you can make fun of someone else? Yes tren is a cattle steroid and tbh I guess it's only fitting your cow ass is on 1g a week.

Moo bitch, those tits ready for milking yet?

Edit: also where are all the vets and advice givers who always say "don't run a cycle with a high bf %".
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If only you followed your own advice and stayed in the knockout room. Your comments here are basically fillers. There is NO POINT to anything you have said. If someone were to scroll past all your posts they wouldn't miss a single thing of value. Let the members who actually contribute do the talking.

I'm not for or against any of the arguments in regards to TSL but what I am against is you introducing jokes about someone's physique. Seriously who are you to talk. You are a fat fuck with zero discipline and you think you can make fun of someone else? Yes tren is a cattle steroid and tbh I guess it's only fitting your cow ass is on 1g a week.

Moo bitch, those tits ready for milking yet?

Edit: also where are all the vets and advice givers who always say "don't run a cycle with a high bf %".

Lol. Whose physique did I joke about other than cdngay's? Are you his boyfriend?

But yes. I am a fat cow. I like it that way :)


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