Claims without a shred of supporting evidence AGAIN ! Post up anytime.....
You're the one that won't post up the quotes you're referring to... Post up anytime.
It's really not that hard to go back through Chest's 150 or so posts and see the multiple times he mentions the reason he dropped into the thread... I really don't need to post it but in case anyone wants to go back to this point in the thread, click the red arrow:
Just a couple of quick comments as I see I was mentioned multiple times in this thread.
First, I can confirm, this is not an imposter - it is the "real" guy.
I can also confirm that the quality of his products is good, my only issue was with his TestE which I will get into momentarily. I have used just about everything on his product line at one time or another and was using exclusively his products for probably around two years.
During my last "bodybuilder cruise", I was running nothing more than 1CC per week of his TestE (dosed at the time at 300mg/mL). It was done in a 2x per week dosing schedule for the duration of my cruise. At the end of my cruise, having run nothing more than his TestE, I got a comprehensive set of bloods done, which I also have my clients do before transitioning to subsequent blasts. And, as always, timing of bloods were done in a very particular manner (last injection Wednesday evening, bloods taken Friday AM fasted).
Testosterone: 1168ng/dL
Free Test: 41.9ng/dL
This is considerably low based upon past tests, as well as trends seen from client tests. To put this into perspective, another client cruising on 150mg/week of another source's TestE scored in the 1200s. So, even accounting for individual variance, this was low.
I have spoken to others who tested blood on his TestE and it seems that I was not the only one who noticed this. Do I think it was his fault? No, I speculate that he may have just been given bad raws, although I went through many vials and cannot help as it relates to what batches may have been impacted. His other testosterone esters do not seem to have this issue, from discussions with others, so I really cannot say why the enanthate ester was problematic, or whether or not it still is (I've since switched to pharma testosterone).
As far as his decision to market his brand in a more "public" fashion, I think it is a really bad idea, especially considering all this talk about "security" early on in this thread, but that is his prerogative.