MESO-Rx Sponsor Turkish Pharmacy Steroids Net

About to try some of the test e domestic hopefully it’s legit and not poison or something
You know that, due to your accusations to us and other sources, we'll not be accepting your orders. Warned you before through dm, if you insist on buying anyway, that's your problem.

I’m really
You know that, due to your accusations to us and other sources, we'll not be accepting your orders. Warned you before through dm, if you insist on buying anyway, that's your problem.

I am really sorry I wasn’t trying to be rude
@KoreanGuy is trying to backtrack now because all the sources are starting to ban him. Good, don’t let him buy shit. This the type of dude to buy something and then report it to the cops because he doesn’t know how to train or eat.
@KoreanGuy is trying to backtrack now because all the sources are starting to ban him. Good, don’t let him buy shit. This the type of dude to buy something and then report it to the cops because he doesn’t know how to train or eat.
I wasn’t back tracking I was just saying I wasn’t trying to be rude I’m sorry I’m really paranoid
@KoreanGuy is trying to backtrack now because all the sources are starting to ban him. Good, don’t let him buy shit. This the type of dude to buy something and then report it to the cops because he doesn’t know how to train or eat.
And I don’t know what you are talking about other sources banning me the two other places Stanford and pharmacon sold me fake gear @Turkish Pharmacy I have actually gotten real shit from with blood work showing my test levels raised
Folignan HCG 5000IUx5 amp box is in stock, 72$ per box. We dont have regular HCG in Turkiye, only rHCG is available(Ovitrelle). Some clients dont prefer rHCG(which is better than regular) so we brought in Iranian HCG.


View attachment 274326
A bit late here but can you explain why rHCG is better?

Also has anyone used their ovitrelle and can vouch for it?
A bit late here but can you explain why rHCG is better?

Also has anyone used their ovitrelle and can vouch for it?
Question: what is the difference between hcg and recombinant hcg injections? Ai answer is as below.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin (r-hCG) injections are both used in various medical treatments, particularly in reproductive medicine. However, there are key differences between the two in terms of their source and production:

  1. Source and Production:
    • hCG: This is a hormone naturally produced by the placenta during pregnancy. The hCG injections used in medical treatments are typically derived from the urine of pregnant women. This natural form of hCG is purified before it is used in injections.
    • r-hCG: Recombinant hCG is produced using recombinant DNA technology. This involves inserting the gene that codes for hCG into bacteria or mammalian cells, which then produce the hormone. The resulting product is highly pure and consistent because it is manufactured in a controlled environment.
  2. Purity and Consistency:
    • hCG: Since natural hCG is extracted from urine, its purity can vary. Although it undergoes purification, there can still be minor contaminants.
    • r-hCG: Recombinant hCG is produced in a laboratory setting, ensuring a higher degree of purity and consistency. This reduces the risk of impurities and provides a more uniform product.
  3. Immunogenicity:
    • hCG: There is a slightly higher risk of immunogenicity (the ability to provoke an immune response) with natural hCG because it can contain proteins and other substances from the urine of the donors.
    • r-hCG: Recombinant hCG, being a more purified and consistent product, generally has a lower risk of causing an immune response.
  4. Usage and Administration:
    • Both hCG and r-hCG are used for similar indications, such as triggering ovulation in fertility treatments, supporting early pregnancy in assisted reproductive technologies (ART), and treating certain conditions like cryptorchidism (undescended testes) in boys.
    • The choice between hCG and r-hCG may depend on availability, cost, and the specific preferences or protocols of the treating healthcare provider.
  5. Cost:
    • hCG: Generally, hCG derived from urine is less expensive due to the lower costs associated with its extraction and purification processes.
    • r-hCG: Recombinant hCG is usually more expensive because of the advanced technology and strict production standards required to manufacture it.
In summary, the primary differences between hCG and recombinant hCG injections lie in their source, production methods, purity, consistency, and cost. Both forms are effective for their intended medical uses, but recombinant hCG offers advantages in terms of purity and reduced risk of immunogenicity.
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