MESO-Rx Sponsor Turkish Pharmacy Steroids Net

I had my order seized but he sent it out again. We’ll see how this one goes
I got my reship but it’s not what I ordered. I sent you an email. I ordered 6 boxes of melitide and you sent a box of clen, which I don’t use, and 2 boxes of melitide.
I got my reship but it’s not what I ordered. I sent you an email. I ordered 6 boxes of melitide and you sent a box of clen, which I don’t use, and 2 boxes of melitide.

I want to apologize. They were all packed in 2 boxes. My bad! Thanks for the pack!

We stiff products in one another for customs safety. For example if you buy 9 Cinnatropin pens, we stiff them in 3 boxes of 3 pens each so when some clients open the pack, they assume the content is missing. Its normal and we always have similar misunderstandings. No need to apologize. ;)
Is the 10mg Oxabone from Aburaihan in stock? The website says "out of stock" but it still allows you to put it in the cart.
Is the 10mg Oxabone from Aburaihan in stock? The website says "out of stock" but it still allows you to put it in the cart.
It doesnt let the order be completed when a product is out of stock.

Oxabone is out of stock as its not available in pharmacies in Iran.

We have the lab tested batch of Watson oxandrolone on discount, 65$ for 100 tabs:

watson oxan-500x500 (1).jpg
Thank you for getting back to me. Was Oxabone totally discontinued?
Don't think so. Sometimes medicines come and go off market in 3rd world countries' pharmacies like this. Its probably an issue about raw oxandrolone price. We'll send an update post with photos here when the new lotes come back into stock.
I just had another order successfully delivered to the US from international stock. 9 days total T/A from departure to delivery.
New batches of Rimobolan have arrived. So there are different options for different expiration dates on our website, below is the link and photos of 11/2028 batch with its 200 amp box:



Did you clear up your TP USA Domestic line? You’ve been great with me, however, I’ve read some opportunities with that line within this thread. I haven’t tried the USA Domestic line, but I’m very interested in it.

Just wanted to say your Alhavi oxymethelone is spot on amazing! cheaper than most underground, come to think of it there is no reason to do underground oxymethelone at these prices, plus with the preservatives I'm confident they'll be good for at least 2 years past the exp date, I know the abdi ibrahim anapolon were.... Thank your Iranian source from me, everything Iranian pharma I've bought from you over the year's has been great!

I bought these alhavi's a few months ago but I keep forgetting to thank you......
Just wanted to say your Alhavi oxymethelone is spot on amazing! cheaper than most underground, come to think of it there is no reason to do underground oxymethelone at these prices, plus with the preservatives I'm confident they'll be good for at least 2 years past the exp date, I know the abdi ibrahim anapolon were.... Thank your Iranian source from me, everything Iranian pharma I've bought from you over the year's has been great!

I bought these alhavi's a few months ago but I keep forgetting to thank you......

We simply get Iranian products from Iran pharmacies through transporters. So whatever they have we have. It is the country with the best opportunities for bodybuilders in pharmacy: Liraglitude, methyltest, HGH, Test e, Anadrol, HCG, deca are all available right now, only Oxandrolone is out of stock for both brands

Our reship policy has changed for Greece, now we offer free reship guarantee with expedited shipping(2-3 days to Greece) method. Taxation payment may be requested. This means the packs are requested to pay tax without checking the content. Thats the reason of our free reship policy.

"Greece clients are recommended to use expedited shipping method. We have free reship guarantee to Greece with expedited shipping method. Taxation may be requested. For ems and regular airmail shipping methods to Greece, if the pack is seized in customs, we have reship guarantee for %50 cost of the order."

Shipping info: