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That same shit happened to one of mine. Is that customs doing that? One entire side of my package was ripped open, and then tape was wrapped around it, but not on the side of the package that was open. It was weird. I could see the bubble wrap and extra secure wrapping inside when I got the package.
Customs has marked tape. This was just clear tape. Just looked like the package got abused.
Customs has marked tape. This was just clear tape. Just looked like the package got abused.
During transport, sometimes envelope gets ripped and they(postal service) put tape on it.

Our packs a few protective layers after that outer envelope so there is no risk of content getting exposed.
Is EU domestic available?
Which country? For most EU countries, expedited shipping is delivered in 2-3 days and there is nearly no customs risk.


For countries below, due to low(no) risk, we have %15 discount for expedited shipping method orders.

UK, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, Portugal, Denmark, France. Coupon code is:
Which country? For most EU countries, expedited shipping is delivered in 2-3 days and there is nearly no customs risk.

View attachment 283553

For countries below, due to low(no) risk, we have %15 discount for expedited shipping method orders.

UK, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, Portugal, Denmark, France. Coupon code is:
Shipping to Germany. There's a high risk, right?
I'm not threatening you. This is is a risk reduction forim, and you're a high risk. Your counts are off. You cant read simple wharsapp or emails, and adter 2 mess ups how did you compensate me? With lies, threats, and more and more ignorance. Inhope peoplenread this ,see see your 0-2 and choose a different vender. After all, vlue pharmacy is local amd gets.bisnpackahe to ypu in 3 days. You sir, habe failed in every ascpect imaginable
It's very hard to take you seriously with almost every word spelled incorrectly. But thanks for the warning.
Yeah. Sent my order to the wrong address after informing him 3x I moved. It was hold at the usls for almlst a month. And I was shorted. 3 months tk get sborted, not an apology or attempt to make ot right.

I had this problem with a different vendor. I wasn't sure about delivery timing and should've put my future address in at first but I put the address I was currently at. I tried to get it changed but it didn't work out.

Sometimes there's not much you can do after the initial error.

I ate the loss but continue to use that source because they're a good source.
I had this problem with a different vendor. I wasn't sure about delivery timing and should've put my future address in at first but I put the address I was currently at. I tried to get it changed but it didn't work out.

Sometimes there's not much you can do after the initial error.

I ate the loss but continue to use that source because they're a good source.
He/she just changed the address from postal service website and it arrived without a problem, complains about everything but didnt complain about that address issue to us at all. It also didnt last long as he/she said. But writes it on forum trying to damage our business. She/he is full of bullshit. He/she also said he is a lady thats probably also a lie . Thats why we refer to that person in both gender pronouns. :D

Problematic clients trying to take advantage of our good will will always be around in this business. We eliminate them by not accepting further orders from them so we can serve better to normal clients.
He/she just changed the address from postal service website and it arrived without a problem, complains about everything but didnt complain about that address issue to us at all. It also didnt last long as he/she said. But writes it on forum trying to damage our business. She/he is full of bullshit. He/she also said he is a lady thats probably also a lie . Thats why we refer to that person in both gender pronouns. :D

Problematic clients trying to take advantage of our good will will always be around in this business. We eliminate them by not accepting further orders from them so we can serve better to normal clients.
Want me to shownthe emails? What part kf that information was inclear? The name? The Address? And still sent to wrong next time you should maybe idk try to make things right instread of tying up orders for 3 months and than trying to blame me for your inability to read a order form. I am a great client who always paid on time. Your operation of shorting and low quality and nkt reading adrressses isn't good business etiquette at all. But sure. Keeep saying how well you do in your head. Numbers dont lie. And 3 months to get something sent to me to a wrong address n is 100 percent your fault.

What's more there is NOTHING you offer that cant be found domestic thus taking a month plus is a joke especially for generic BS that can't even be proven real. Im not.trying to do anything to you. Im merely providing my experience. Its too bad if you don't like how your team handled it. And if I take 6 of your pills and feel nothing, ya something is wrong. Because my 1st order with you was legit. My 2nd was a a shitshow

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It's.amazing how much free time you got.

No.matter how many 1 page full apology mails you send, we'll not be sending you further orders. We don't have time for bullshit.
Anything but that! You mean the guys with more busts and the longest TA dkesnt wanna send me orders for things I found Local. Omg now what. Kinds sad getting totaly called out on your BS and that's your response. Joke lf a company. Go stateside, this dudes high risk. And half his shits fake.