This is a long overdue review for Turkish Pharma Norma Deca & Benzos.
Communication was spot on and my emails were responded to in a timely manner. Shipping was the fastest intl T/A in history. 2 days start to finish.
Unbelievable strength and size gains from the Deca- to be expected tho.
The benzos on the other hand threw me on a loop tho...fell asleep during 3 workout sessions. Fell asleep at work twice. This is where shit went south....I ran outta the benzos a few days ago...I was good at first...
Woke up in a cold sweat last thing you know, im downtown walking around with my flat screen in one hand and my grandmothers jewelry in the other....found a connect pretty quick but the day is closing to a near....
@Turkish Pharmacy please help!!!!!!!!!!!!