UGL vs Pharma Gear : Is it all placebo



Usually I am on prescribed bayer Testosterone Enanthate (in castor oil) for TRT by Bayer . I wanted to switch slowly to testosterone udnecanoate and tried to use UGL gear. Right now I am taking only UGL testosterone cypionate before starting to add testosterone undecanoate (been a week)

Honestly I don't know if it is placebo, but I lost all my erections at night and in the morning, my libido is way lower than when I was on pharma gear, I am waking up 2 hours later (used to wakeup at 5 AM, now 7 AM).

The UGL brand (I will not give the name as I am not doing for the moment any bloodwork or analyiss) is very well-known and the code on the vial checks, bought it from an accredited vendor and asked a few people that have the same batch as me andtold me it is working for them.

Could this be placebo effect or is there really some kind of difference between UGL and Pharma. I thought maybe the carrier oil as the UGL is more fluid than the castor oil.

I know that I can only get anecdotal evidence but was really curious to get feedback from the others.

Also what should I do, get back to bayer or continue with UGL and get bloodwork to check (how long before doing the switch should I get bloodwork done)

Oil may cause a difference. Castor vs gso. But In the end, no

Did you front load the test U?
Everyone who had Pharma Test and UGL Test can say there is a difference, a big one .

Even if both are dose same and your bloodwork will show the same results, you will „feel“ the difference

For example

Watson Test Cyp

Everyone who had Watson test Cyp 200 or any other pharma grade test will tell you they felt a difference between ugl and pharma.

I personally don’t know why it is this way but as said even if the bloodwork comes legit and the testing says it’s perfectly dosed, you will notice a big difference
Everyone who had Pharma Test and UGL Test can say there is a difference, a big one .

Even if both are dose same and your bloodwork will show the same results, you will „feel“ the difference

For example

Watson Test Cyp

Everyone who had Watson test Cyp 200 or any other pharma grade test will tell you they felt a difference between ugl and pharma.

I personally don’t know why it is this way but as said even if the bloodwork comes legit and the testing says it’s perfectly dosed, you will notice a big difference

This is why I posted on the forum

I don’t have the feeling that my levels are low as I still have some of the sides (getting hot faster, oily skin, feeling a bit wired). But I feel I am loosing some of the benefits

Really strange

I am thinking placebo maybe but erections used to wake me up at night with pharma grade. Should be a strong placebo to work also during my sleep
This is why I posted on the forum

I don’t have the feeling that my levels are low as I still have some of the sides (getting hot faster, oily skin, feeling a bit wired). But I feel I am loosing some of the benefits

Really strange

I am thinking placebo maybe but erections used to wake me up at night with pharma grade. Should be a strong placebo to work also during my sleep
It is not placebo brother, Pharmagrade is better and more potent then any ugl

Especially pharma grade test from country’s like USA and Germany and Canada /Switzerland

Pharmagrade from India or another developing country is like ugl
It is not placebo brother, Pharmagrade is better and more potent then any ugl

Especially pharma grade test from country’s like USA and Germany and Canada /Switzerland

Pharmagrade from India or another developing country is like ugl

Weird, test is dirty cheap to make, it's not rocket science.

Anyway side effects are always on point lol
Assuming dosing is on point? 250mg test cypionate on UGL is less potent than 250mg pharma?

Active ingredient is the same.

Assuming dosing is on point? 250mg test cypionate on UGL is less potent than 250mg pharma?

Active ingredient is the same.

Bro I swear do the self experiment

Get some real Pharmagrade from your pharmacy not a source here

And the best ugl source you can find

Then run the UGL first for 4-5 weeks

Then just switch to the pharma grade and you will understand what I mean

Pharma is god level and the best UGL I know (QSC right now ) is like Angle lvl
Bro I swear do the self experiment

Get some real Pharmagrade from your pharmacy not a source here

And the best ugl source you can find

Then run the UGL first for 4-5 weeks

Then just switch to the pharma grade and you will understand what I mean

Pharma is god level and the best UGL I know (QSC right now ) is like Angle lvl
Why would I waste my time when general medicine/pharmacology has told us different. Especially when it comes to generics vs brand name medication such as aspirin.

If the active ingredient is the same it should function the same. If there is something unique with the delivery system such as GLP agonists that make it stronger then its different.

But for AAS oil its 4 components. AAS, BB, BA, and oil.

Even then, I am not going to purchase Aveed or Nebido.

UGL is all the same shit if its dosed right, all comes from China. So I dont know how one UGL quality would be better than another UGL assuming they are pretty much from one of these chinese factories.

Let me ask. How are you going to get a hold of pharmagrade tren/mast.

Even then, it seems like OPs issues go way past pharma grade gear.

He had this with pharma grade.
Interesting thread. The generic v brand v placebo is an interesting discussion. taking into consideration dosage / ingredients it should check all the boxes if they are the same and only the manufacture is different. symptoms should manifest equally.

but then why is there the argument that pharm test enanthate is not the same as this UGL test enanthate ?? (the horrible pip everybody posts about)

btw: i take bayer test e and no pip (castor oil) also have taken nebido test u (castor oil) and the boners are a bit more savage on test e as i did take a lower dose of test u. monkaHmmm (?)
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Different ester
Different oil
It’s been one week
Test is test

Benefit of pharma is peace of mind for quality control in sanitation and dosage.
Why would I waste my time when general medicine/pharmacology has told us different. Especially when it comes to generics vs brand name medication such as aspirin.

If the active ingredient is the same it should function the same. If there is something unique with the delivery system such as GLP agonists that make it stronger then its different.

But for AAS oil its 4 components. AAS, BB, BA, and oil.

Even then, I am not going to purchase Aveed or Nebido.

UGL is all the same shit if its dosed right, all comes from China. So I dont know how one UGL quality would be better than another UGL assuming they are pretty much from one of these chinese factories.

Let me ask. How are you going to get a hold of pharmagrade tren/mast.

Even then, it seems like OPs issues go way past pharma grade gear.

He had this with pharma grade.

Issue was with oestradiol and shutdown of my endogenous testosterone shutdown

It was settled

But I agree that we will have different opinions on pharma vs ugl

I have a good understanding now, let me see if i can come up with a plan

Maybe i have a better reaction to test E vs test C
For those who say test is test, then why test e pharma give zero pip when ugl test e about 80% complain ?

in relation to this topic, ugl vs pharma vs placebo ..
Everyone who had Pharma Test and UGL Test can say there is a difference, a big one .

Even if both are dose same and your bloodwork will show the same results, you will „feel“ the difference

For example

Watson Test Cyp

Everyone who had Watson test Cyp 200 or any other pharma grade test will tell you they felt a difference between ugl and pharma.

I personally don’t know why it is this way but as said even if the bloodwork comes legit and the testing says it’s perfectly dosed, you will notice a big difference
Not everyone.

I switched from prescription TRT to UGL and felt no difference. Test is test as long as it’s doses accurately.

Most compounding pharmacies get their raws from the same factories that the UGLs get them from. They simply import them legally is the only difference.
Interesting thread. The generic v brand v placebo is an interesting discussion. taking into consideration dosage / ingredients it should check all the boxes if they are the same and only the manufacture is different. symptoms should manifest equally.

but then why is there the argument that pharm test enanthate is not the same as this UGL test enanthate ?? (the horrible pip everybody posts about)

btw: i take bayer test e and no pip (castor oil) also have taken nebido test u (castor oil) and the boners are a bit more savage on test e as i did take a lower dose of test u. monkaHmmm (?)
Most pharma TestE is doses at 200 mg/ml. Most UGL TestE is dosed at 300 mg/ml

Chances of getting PIP are higher at higher doses.
Bro I swear do the self experiment

Get some real Pharmagrade from your pharmacy not a source here

And the best ugl source you can find

Then run the UGL first for 4-5 weeks

Then just switch to the pharma grade and you will understand what I mean

Pharma is god level and the best UGL I know (QSC right now ) is like Angle lvl
QSC is “the best you know”

Yea. I think I see why your pharma is “better”.
Different ester
Different oil
It’s been one week
Test is test

Benefit of pharma is peace of mind for quality control in sanitation and dosage.
Did it for 10 days before and noticed this difference, went back to pharma and boners and energy are back

Went back to ugl and boners are lower and energy is less, hence my post

Again just anecdotal evidence from my side