UGL vs Pharma Gear : Is it all placebo

Did it for 10 days before and noticed this difference, went back to pharma and boners and energy are back

Went back to ugl and boners are lower and energy is less, hence my post

Again just anecdotal evidence from my side

Correct, your situation is yours alone. It’s not an apples to apples comparison because of the reasons I already stated.

It’s not like you’re comparing a pharma test cyp 200mg product to a ugl test cyp 200mg products that has been tested here in the forum to be accurately dosed.

That might lend itself to be a comparison to match the title of your thread. Then perceived differences in outcome could be placebo or actual and be fairly compared.
Thanks all for the input. Kind of difficult to find a way to go.

I would say I should have bought Test E ugl, but I was afraid of the PIP

Intention is to complete the shift to testosterone undecanoate using Pharma and then to switch to UGL undecanoate and reassess. The long half life of Test U will make things difficult to assess
Bro I swear do the self experiment

Get some real Pharmagrade from your pharmacy not a source here

And the best ugl source you can find

Then run the UGL first for 4-5 weeks

Then just switch to the pharma grade and you will understand what I mean

Pharma is god level and the best UGL I know (QSC right now ) is like Angle lvl
No difference whatsoever if both pharma and ugl is dosed to label.
For those who say test is test, then why test e pharma give zero pip when ugl test e about 80% complain ?

in relation to this topic, ugl vs pharma vs placebo ..
Cause pharma doesn't use raw batches that don't conform to pharmacopoeia standards. UGL will shop from whoever with whatever purity and even grade b raws
Thanks all for the input. Kind of difficult to find a way to go.

I would say I should have bought Test E ugl, but I was afraid of the PIP

Intention is to complete the shift to testosterone undecanoate using Pharma and then to switch to UGL undecanoate and reassess. The long half life of Test U will make things difficult to assess
Test U in castor oil blood levels actually take something like 3 months to stabilize. So u need 3x that time to actually try and nail the correct dosage for trt
Bro I swear do the self experiment

Get some real Pharmagrade from your pharmacy not a source here

And the best ugl source you can find

Then run the UGL first for 4-5 weeks

Then just switch to the pharma grade and you will understand what I mean

Pharma is god level and the best UGL I know (QSC right now ) is like Angle lvl
I fully disagree based on the fact that I have a prescription to pharma test and have for years. I just store it while I take ugl because I am able to use a higher per ml and I like gso and mtc better than cso
I have tons of bloodwork to prove and there is zero “feels” difference between pharma and legit ugl
I don’t know if this is just a troll post but it’s completely wrong
I think if you blast you will not see the difference. On trt probably the difference might be linked to the higher viscosity of the oil in my pharma grade.

For me topic is closed as the difference is very subtle and not really worth comparing.
Everyone who had Pharma Test and UGL Test can say there is a difference, a big one .

Even if both are dose same and your bloodwork will show the same results, you will „feel“ the difference

For example

Watson Test Cyp

Everyone who had Watson test Cyp 200 or any other pharma grade test will tell you they felt a difference between ugl and pharma.

I personally don’t know why it is this way but as said even if the bloodwork comes legit and the testing says it’s perfectly dosed, you will notice a big difference
Utter bollox. I’ve used various types of pharma test over the past 30 years and there is zero distinguishable difference between them and a quality ugl. As long as the ugl is currently dosed then why on earth would there be any difference?
I’m currently running Searle test e alongside Leebrook sustanon having ran Chiron TriT400 and prop and have noticed no difference whatsoever in changing from the pharma labs.
Bro I swear do the self experiment

Get some real Pharmagrade from your pharmacy not a source here

And the best ugl source you can find

Then run the UGL first for 4-5 weeks

Then just switch to the pharma grade and you will understand what I mean

Pharma is god level and the best UGL I know (QSC right now ) is like Angle lvl
I was on pharma test for a few months and started a blast on it then switched to underground, felt no difference at all
The whole thread is based on feels and he said he ‘felt’ the difference within a week? Yeah it’s bs. And he is even using different esters, do your bloodwork.

Usually I am on prescribed bayer Testosterone Enanthate (in castor oil) for TRT by Bayer . I wanted to switch slowly to testosterone udnecanoate and tried to use UGL gear. Right now I am taking only UGL testosterone cypionate before starting to add testosterone undecanoate (been a week)

Honestly I don't know if it is placebo, but I lost all my erections at night and in the morning, my libido is way lower than when I was on pharma gear, I am waking up 2 hours later (used to wakeup at 5 AM, now 7 AM).

The UGL brand (I will not give the name as I am not doing for the moment any bloodwork or analyiss) is very well-known and the code on the vial checks, bought it from an accredited vendor and asked a few people that have the same batch as me andtold me it is working for them.

Could this be placebo effect or is there really some kind of difference between UGL and Pharma. I thought maybe the carrier oil as the UGL is more fluid than the castor oil.

I know that I can only get anecdotal evidence but was really curious to get feedback from the others.

Also what should I do, get back to bayer or continue with UGL and get bloodwork to check (how long before doing the switch should I get bloodwork done)


yes and no,

you never know the quality or concentration of your UGL. Two variables are the UGL itself over or underdosing and the quality of the raw powder from china.

If the UGL has quality raws and brewed to proper specs/concentration, it would be a placebo effect.

Its like taking generic tylenol vs brand name, peoples placebo brain will tell then the brand is better. Studies prove this phenomenon is very real and very powerful.
yes and no,

you never know the quality or concentration of your UGL. Two variables are the UGL itself over or underdosing and the quality of the raw powder from china.

If the UGL has quality raws and brewed to proper specs/concentration, it would be a placebo effect.

Its like taking generic tylenol vs brand name, peoples placebo brain will tell then the brand is better. Studies prove this phenomenon is very real and very powerful.
Same reason my libido got higher an hour after my very first trt pin lol
Bro I swear do the self experiment

Get some real Pharmagrade from your pharmacy not a source here

And the best ugl source you can find

Then run the UGL first for 4-5 weeks

Then just switch to the pharma grade and you will understand what I mean

Pharma is god level and the best UGL I know (QSC right now ) is like Angle lvl
This is horseshit. I've taken Pharma for nearly three years and I've taken UGL ...there is no difference if it's properly dosed. I mean there may be a difference in the types of oils the way they affect you but I don't know man. horse shit lol
This is horseshit. I've taken Pharma for nearly three years and I've taken UGL ...there is no difference if it's properly dosed. I mean there may be a difference in the types of oils the way they affect you but I don't know man. horse shit lol
maybe he is buying shit UGL and thats why