Uncle Chad’s Test 300 cycle

Uncle Chad

New Member
I was diagnosed with low T so I decided to hire a coach and get on the real grind.

Started the cycle on 06/14
Test E 300mg/wk: 100 mg Mon, Wed, Fri.


Trader Joe’s Multivitamins
L-Glutamine 5g before first meal
Potassium Chloride 2g preworkout
Arginine 1g preworkout
Ornithine 0.5g preworkout
Salt 4g preworkout
Magnesium Glycinate 420mg
Probiotic capsules
Fiber 10g at night
NAC 600mg
Omega 650 EPA/450 DHA

So far:
day 5: up 4 lbs since the beginning. coach explained it as an expected process due to water retention.

day 9: a definite increase in libido.

day 15: weight keeps going up, 12 lbs up since the beginning. Fast strength gains just from 2 weeks of test, I am astonished.

Disclaimer: I’m really busy with work and taking boards in one week so posts might be inconsistent.
Nice, going with a dose that most likely isn’t going to cause severe water retention, gyno, or prolactin and if you can stay on it for upwards of 20 weeks, you’ll more than likely keep your size once you drop down your dose back to trt levels.

I feel that’s a big reason most people running low dose cycles now a days can’t keep their size. They simply aren’t staying on it long enough for their body to welcome the additional size increase. When you have someone doing 500 test for 14-16 weeks, even though there’s tons of more androgens for them to “shrink” after hopping off of that dose, it’s long enough for their body to welcome that mass and hold on to a good amount of it. Where as you have these gurus trying to tell people “250 test for 8-10 weeks ONLY” when in reality that’s just not enough time to acquire and adapt to the mass you’re gaining.

Will be following this log. Good shit man and keep it up.
Nice, going with a dose that most likely isn’t going to cause severe water retention, gyno, or prolactin and if you can stay on it for upwards of 20 weeks, you’ll more than likely keep your size once you drop down your dose back to trt levels.

I feel that’s a big reason most people running low dose cycles now a days can’t keep their size. They simply aren’t staying on it long enough for their body to welcome the additional size increase. When you have someone doing 500 test for 14-16 weeks, even though there’s tons of more androgens for them to “shrink” after hopping off of that dose, it’s long enough for their body to welcome that mass and hold on to a good amount of it. Where as you have these gurus trying to tell people “250 test for 8-10 weeks ONLY” when in reality that’s just not enough time to acquire and adapt to the mass you’re gaining.

Will be following this log. Good shit man and keep it up.
thank you! so far i have no signs of high prolactin or E2, so i may up the dose and see how my body reacts. may also add another compound towards the end of the cycle, any recommendations? i’m also trying to keep my hair (bald dad but grandfather from my mom’s line had a full head of hair at 70)
thank you! so far i have no signs of high prolactin or E2, so i may up the dose and see how my body reacts. may also add another compound towards the end of the cycle, any recommendations? i’m also trying to keep my hair (bald dad but grandfather from my mom’s line had a full head of hair at 70)
Well I definitely don’t consider myself qualified enough to advise people especially with other compounds as I myself only really have interests in Test and possibly Var or Anadrol every once in awhile for strength. I’m currently in the process of building my first cycle ever and probably will make a post for advice. I really wish I was in the spot financially to get a coach but rates are ridiculous and I find using the forum and getting motivated from everyone here will already put me in a much better spot than I am right now.
Well I definitely don’t consider myself qualified enough to advise people especially with other compounds as I myself only really have interests in Test and possibly Var or Anadrol every once in awhile for strength. I’m currently in the process of building my first cycle ever and probably will make a post for advice. I really wish I was in the spot financially to get a coach but rates are ridiculous and I find using the forum and getting motivated from everyone here will already put me in a much better spot than I am right now.
yes, coaching is really pricey nowadays. you should find the biggest guy at your gym and befriend him lol. thank you for being honest and not giving me a bs advice.
Not sure if people still post their meals on this forum but it would be nice to bring the tradition back.
3 eggs
6 oz ground chicken
300 g rice
Ain't nothing wrong with 250-300mg Testosterone as a first cycle, if anything it makes your body more prepared for larger dosages that probably will be used in the future. Rather than parroting 500mg or nothing shit, let's just say it's your diet and training regime that will lead to results. First cycle is always the best and most gains can be made using very moderate dosages.

This all comes from quite a reckless person that I actually am, I use a lot of shit and I love it. But I try to prevent others from doing stupid shit or at least make them rethink their decision. That being said I'm far from my first cycle and I have lost my virginity years ago.

@Uncle Chad we post just about anything, this is an old school forum. We even have a thread down in diet section called where we upload what we eat. So feel free to post up anything, this is your log by the way. Share your routine and how things are going, I'll be following, maybe here and there throw in some advice. Good luck for now.
Ain't nothing wrong with 250-300mg Testosterone as a first cycle, if anything it makes your body more prepared for larger dosages that probably will be used in the future. Rather than parroting 500mg or nothing shit, let's just say it's your diet and training regime that will lead to results. First cycle is always the best and most gains can be made using very moderate dosages.

This all comes from quite a reckless person that I actually am, I use a lot of shit and I love it. But I try to prevent others from doing stupid shit or at least make them rethink their decision. That being said I'm far from my first cycle and I have lost my virginity years ago.

@Uncle Chad we post just about anything, this is an old school forum. We even have a thread down in diet section called where we upload what we eat. So feel free to post up anything, this is your log by the way. Share your routine and how things are going, I'll be following, maybe here and there throw in some advice. Good luck for now.
just like you are, i’m excited to have the most progress as fast as possible. but i’ll stay on 300 for now, for the sake of letting my body “accumulate” to exogenous hormones.

just checked your profile also. great cooking skills! eating must never be boring for you
just like you are, i’m excited to have the most progress as fast as possible. but i’ll stay on 300 for now, for the sake of letting my body “accumulate” to exogenous hormones.

just checked your profile also. great cooking skills! eating must never be boring for you
No need to rush here, patience wins in the long run. Yes, for you that 300mg is the same as for me 1000mg now (obviously not possible to compare like that) but just saying that when you advance you will require higher dosages, I'm the type of person who enjoys taking very high dosages, but they are not actually required and since I know my body well by know, I can manipulate that and use to achieve my current goals (strength mainly, powerlifting).

The more you cycle the less you get, you will forever remember your first or maybe second cycle and they will be the best, because maximum gains achieved and life changing experience gained.

Only advice I can give now is don't increase too fast, a bit by bit is better and your body can build up the tolerance overtime, less side effects and stress.

Hell, even things like aromatization changes over time, I used to need arimidex 1mg on 600mg of Testosterone and now I need that for 1500mg, so yeah body adapts, I believe.

Also a bit over a year ago, I cruised for very long time on 150mg testo, so I got downsized a lot. Then this winter I decided I want to regain my former size and I blew up fast, so muscle memory works fast even after good lay off of drugs.

just checked your profile also. great cooking skills! eating must never be boring for you
Thanks dude, yeah, cooking where I live is big part of life. You can't be a bad cook or you suck lol, but seriously everyone can do it, you just need to find a way to enjoy and feel passionate about it. Combine that with your fitness goals and it's a recipe for success.
Looks good. Ogh has an awesome thread going on food pics.
Congrats on the coach, your already seeing the changes.

I too like sensible, extended Test therapy, no need to go higher until things stall out.
Thanks! I'll check Ogh out.
And looks like everybody is staying with "the less is more".
Yeah, it's not a sprint, good things take time. You can always increase dose, keep it simple as long as you can. Stay focused on diet and training. The drugs will do what they need to. Listen to your coach.
That honestly sucks. I guess it's the same way with everything in life. Get better clothes --> it becomes mundane. Get more pussy --> it doesn't hit the same anymore.
Something like that when you desire to get that body you dream of, sleep with hot girl, drive a car that you really wanted...

It's all super fun and cool, until you actually achieve all that. Then you start experimenting more and looking for widening your horizon. The chase is better than the catch, like Scooter says in one of his songs right?

Actually if the goal is good looking physique that has universal appeal i.e. lean and muscular, but also big enough to have presence in clothing. You don't actually need a lot of steroids/drugs for that.

I used to love Testosterone at 200-400mg/week and combined with something like Equipoise or Anavar for that extra cosmetic effect. I used to maintain 220-230lbs pretty lean 12-15% and enjoyed it back then. The best part is that you can maintain most of that condition minus of course that extra cosmetics with just 150-250mg of Testosterone per week.

Now things are very different, I'm a lot heavier and have different goals. It takes a lot more stuff just for that, but hey who knows after this phase where it will lead me. I'm not concerned about being aesthetic anymore and more focused on strength training, not that I have been weak before though.

So bottom line is everything you do in life, do it with passion and heart and you will be successful at the end of the day.
Something like that when you desire to get that body you dream of, sleep with hot girl, drive a car that you really wanted...

It's all super fun and cool, until you actually achieve all that. Then you start experimenting more and looking for widening your horizon. The chase is better than the catch, like Scooter says in one of his songs right?

Actually if the goal is good looking physique that has universal appeal i.e. lean and muscular, but also big enough to have presence in clothing. You don't actually need a lot of steroids/drugs for that.

I used to love Testosterone at 200-400mg/week and combined with something like Equipoise or Anavar for that extra cosmetic effect. I used to maintain 220-230lbs pretty lean 12-15% and enjoyed it back then. The best part is that you can maintain most of that condition minus of course that extra cosmetics with just 150-250mg of Testosterone per week.

Now things are very different, I'm a lot heavier and have different goals. It takes a lot more stuff just for that, but hey who knows after this phase where it will lead me. I'm not concerned about being aesthetic anymore and more focused on strength training, not that I have been weak before though.

So bottom line is everything you do in life, do it with passion and heart and you will be successful at the end of the day.
Motivational wisdom.
Heart rate has been going up. From my understanding it happens dude to increased water in the body (mainly interstitial fluid with some in the vessels). Increased fluid in the vasculature elevates your heart rate.
*Correct me if I’m wrong*IMG_6935.jpeg
Heart rate has been going up. From my understanding it happens dude to increased water in the body (mainly interstitial fluid with some in the vessels). Increased fluid in the vasculature elevates your heart rate.
*Correct me if I’m wrong*View attachment 261071
That's a significant increase. If you haven't recently, you should have your blood pressure checked.
That's a significant increase. If you haven't recently, you should have your blood pressure checked.
I thought I had high BP because of red face, especially during lifting. But it all went away after the second week.
Last BP check was 128/75