Uncle Chad’s Test 300 cycle

haven’t updated you guys in a while.
running Test C 400 with EQ 600.
also using BPC-157 for shoulder issues and NPP for joints (both are temporary).
i noticed BP getting higher around 145/80 lately. gonna donate blood to let some RBCs go which will decrease blood viscosity + i got Garlic extract which supposedly reduced systolic BP by 9 units.
bulk a little more and then cut.
should cycle 1 be considered a success?


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haven’t updated you guys in a while.
running Test C 400 with EQ 600.
also using BPC-157 for shoulder issues and NPP for joints (both are temporary).
i noticed BP getting higher around 145/80 lately. gonna donate blood to let some RBCs go which will decrease blood viscosity + i got Garlic extract which supposedly reduced systolic BP by 9 units.
If the garlic extract and donation works, then all the power to ya. If not, I would consider a low dose of Telmisartan (20-40mg p/d taken in the evening).

bulk a little more and then cut.
should cycle 1 be considered a success?
Looks good to me man! So you're going to finish bulking and start a cut soon, I presume?
If the garlic extract and donation works, then all the power to ya. If not, I would consider a low dose of Telmisartan (20-40mg p/d taken in the evening).
would you not consider Nebivolol an option assuming the heart rate is within normal?
i can feel like telmi is coming in the near future
Looks good to me man! So you're going to finish bulking and start a cut soon, I presume?
yep, I'm around 197 lbs right now. getting closer to 15-18% BF so the coach said we need to back down on food soon
not gonna use any compounds for cutting yet. after cycle 2 possibly clen
(the pictures were taken a few weeks ago btw)
would you not consider Nebivolol an option assuming the heart rate is within normal?
i can feel like telmi is coming in the near future

yep, I'm around 197 lbs right now. getting closer to 15-18% BF so the coach said we need to back down on food soon
not gonna use any compounds for cutting yet. after cycle 2 possibly clen
(the pictures were taken a few weeks ago btw)
Nebivolol isn't a terrible option, but if your HR is within range, you'd want to monitor that to make sure it doesn't get too low. I'm personally a fan of Telmisartan due to the other health benefits and how well myself and others respond to it.
Also you’re a good example of not needing to be at your “maxed out natty potential” to benefit from gear use.

Plans after your cycle? Will you cruise?
Also you’re a good example of not needing to be at your “maxed out natty potential” to benefit from gear use.

Plans after your cycle? Will you cruise?
to be fully honest, i trained for ~9 years prior to starting gear. my results were underwhelming due low T levels i guess.

the plan is to cruise and get HDL back to normal. not sure how many mg coach would want but i’ll be happy to do less injections for sure.
going to donate blood tomorrow morning, extra cash sounds nice too lol
Yesterday marked the end of my first cycle.
+30 lbs in 4 months. Feeling great, bloods are nearly perfect besides HDL dropping to 20’s.
It’s time to remove some fluff around my waist. Keeping test at 200 and EQ at 200 to look fuller while cutting.
Ain't nothing wrong with 250-300mg Testosterone as a first cycle, if anything it makes your body more prepared for larger dosages that probably will be used in the future. Rather than parroting 500mg or nothing shit, let's just say it's your diet and training regime that will lead to results. First cycle is always the best and most gains can be made using very moderate dosages.

This all comes from quite a reckless person that I actually am, I use a lot of shit and I love it. But I try to prevent others from doing stupid shit or at least make them rethink their decision. That being said I'm far from my first cycle and I have lost my virginity years ago.

@Uncle Chad we post just about anything, this is an old school forum. We even have a thread down in diet section called where we upload what we eat. So feel free to post up anything, this is your log by the way. Share your routine and how things are going, I'll be following, maybe here and there throw in some advice. Good luck for now.
Agreed about the dose because we all metabolize testosterone differently. My trt dose is 80mg which I take Sundays. I do my bloodwork on Fridays because I’m more curious how I’m looking at the end of the week. That low of testosterone amount has me in the high 800s five days later. For me 500mg is a fairly high dose to the point I needed to take 1mg Arimidex ed with my first cycle. 250mg -300mg is perfect for me
Yo big dawg. Have you come off? Or are you cruising? I think that EQ made a massive difference in your muscle fullness compared to the test alone. Now I can understand why even non competitiors opt for more than just test
Still cutting. Coach removed EQ so i’m only on Test 100mg/wk now.
The goal is to get to 175 lbs first. Then i’ll check bloods and start maintenance/bulk phase while increasing dosages.
Give me some feedback, do you guys prefer to cut on higher or lower dosages?
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New update for you handsome beasts.

Current dosages:

500 mg Test E/week

300 mg Primo/week

25 mg Anavar ED

The plan is to get up to 220 lbs by June/July.

Started having blood pressure issues where it stays around 130-140/80 on a daily basis. I started Telmisartan 80 mg post workout a few days ago, let’s see how that goes.

I need help with 3 things:

1)Reducing the bloat and distended abdomen (i do use Arimidex ~.25 mg per week because i’d rather be high E2 than low E2).

2)Keeping my BP low. Anything I can do besides Garlic extract and Telmisartan?

3)What’s your experience with weed and lifting? I know it increases the risk of cardiovascular events, but what’s your input?

Please give any feedback if you have dealt with these issues