Uncle Chad’s Test 300 cycle

New update for you handsome beasts.

Please give any feedback if you have dealt with these issues
Bloat is almost always going to be related to diet and/or compound choice. Based off what you're taking, I can't imagine it coming from compounds. What are you eating?

Potentially increase the Primo to 400 and drop the Adex, that's an option. The 80mg of Telmisartan should lower your BP significantly, you could also add Nebivolol @ 1.25-2.5 p/d if needed.
2)Keeping my BP low. Anything I can do besides Garlic extract and Telmisartan?

More cardio was the best add-on to my anti-hypertension treatment (16 mg candesartan & 5 nebivolol iirc). I hate cardio but can't argue with the results and it's probably healthy long-term.
Bloat is almost always going to be related to diet and/or compound choice. Based off what you're taking, I can't imagine it coming from compounds. What are you eating?

Potentially increase the Primo to 400 and drop the Adex, that's an option. The 80mg of Telmisartan should lower your BP significantly, you could also add Nebivolol @ 1.25-2.5 p/d if needed.
My regular diet is rice/sweet potatoes with turkey and oatmeal+bananas+protein+blueberries+milk at night. I do eat out 2/3 times a week but it’s usually Chipotle. Maybe it’s normal to be mildly bloated when taking ~1g of AAS.

And that’s a really good idea to increase Primo so i don’t have to take Adex. I’ll talk to my coach about it.
My regular diet is rice/sweet potatoes with turkey and oatmeal+bananas+protein+blueberries+milk at night. I do eat out 2/3 times a week but it’s usually Chipotle. Maybe it’s normal to be mildly bloated when taking ~1g of AAS.

And that’s a really good idea to increase Primo so i don’t have to take Adex. I’ll talk to my coach about it.
Yea if adex is controlling stuff I would tell your coach that both inhibit aromatase via the same mechanism, and adex can be swapped for more primo. That said you do run risk of more chance of DHT related sides with primo increase

Diet seems fine but I would honestly have a day where you eat more veggies to control fat/bloat/water increase. Do you get the veggies/lettuce at chipotle?
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My regular diet is rice/sweet potatoes with turkey and oatmeal+bananas+protein+blueberries+milk at night. I do eat out 2/3 times a week but it’s usually Chipotle. Maybe it’s normal to be mildly bloated when taking ~1g of AAS.

And that’s a really good idea to increase Primo so i don’t have to take Adex. I’ll talk to my coach about it.
White rice cooked and chilled? I would also try subbing sweet potatoes for more rice or try white potatoes instead. Personally, if I eat sweet potatoes it messes with my gut.
Yea if adex is controlling stuff I would tell your coach that both inhibit aromatase via the same mechanism, and adex can be swapped for more primo. That said you do run risk of more chance of DHT related sides with primo increase

Diet seems fine but I would honestly have a day where you eat more veggies to control fat/bloat/water increase. Do you get the veggies/lettuce at chipotle?
let’s be honest, how much of a difference in side effects there will be after adding 100 mg of primo? probably not that much

i always get pico de gallo and guacamole at Chipotle, but yeah, i’ve done days with a lot of veggies and the bloat is definitely smaller the next day. my problem is i always try to reach my daily calories, and eating more veggies would mean i won’t have space for more calorie dense foods
White rice cooked and chilled? I would also try subbing sweet potatoes for more rice or try white potatoes instead. Personally, if I eat sweet potatoes it messes with my gut.
interesting point, i’ll try to see if no sweet potatoes changes anything for my gut.
i appreciate your help, i can tell you’ve been doing bbing for a while
Also not sure how pumped this was but this 180 on trt test looks a lot fuller than 180 natty test. Thought I’d throw that out there

oh absolutely. probably a combination of more glycogen and higher dosages pulling water into the muscle tissue
Yea. Preaching to choir here but it yet again puts fake natties claiming natty and even attempting to cite their weight into perspective
why do you think people hide their ped use? personally, im very open about it at the gym because i don’t care enough what a random dude/girl thinks about me. but i definitely don’t talk about it with my attendings/professors (im in med school).
why do you think people hide their ped use? personally, im very open about it at the gym because i don’t care enough what a random dude/girl thinks about me. but i definitely don’t talk about it with my attendings/professors (im in med school).

I’d say that’s still dangerous waters to tread. Someone from your school could be at the gym and overhear you. Do you really want to risk suspension/expulsion or a licensing issue down the line because you talked too much?

Big picture for people not necessarily in medicine, people hide it because they have far more to gain from hiding than from disclosing. The second you disclose, everyone sees you as a drug addict that didn’t earn his physique and only got it through chemical assistance, prior natty years and hard work on blast nonwithstanding. If you hide it, it looks like you either worked hard or you’re just naturally very built, and everyone admires all the more. In addition, most lifters and non lifters are super gullible about this issue, and will likely believe most juicers if they do claim natty. Lastly, even though most cops don’t care and won’t uphold criminal liability, proven gear use can still be used against you in any civil matter, especially family court “your honor he used steroids constantly and was prone to rage from them and me and my kid lived in constant fear”. Or even used against you by simply disclosing to your entire friends/family.

For example, Andrew Tate who accidentally outed himself as not natty via bloodwork doesn’t even claim to rigorously strength train lol, just pushups and bodyweight with occasional weights, and his griftees of hustler university believe it.

And then some more niche issues, life insurance often gets denied for prior documented gear usage (please do not get steroid bloods through insurance or a doctor visit). Also, doctors will also see you in a certain light if “steroid user” and “medication noncompliance” are on your medical record. Additionally should you need an organ or bone marrow transplant later, prior documented steroid use could hurt your candidacy while you’re in the waitlist. Lastly, could also affect health insurance premiums as well (but idk for sure about this one)

tl;dr why risk it man? Just claim natty to literally everyone under the sun….One exception being a wife/long term gf or someone you want to have kids with later. Even then, you may be able to get away with not even telling them if you plan to cease all use before having kids and your sperm production duly comes back (because they’re certainly not gonna tell you some things about their own past life). You could also freeze your sperm and get “lucky” that your partner can’t do a natty conception from the getgo and needs to resort to IUI/IVF from the getgo
interesting point, i’ll try to see if no sweet potatoes changes anything for my gut.
i appreciate your help, i can tell you’ve been doing bbing for a while
I have my BS in nutrition, on my way to getting my MS. I also do coaching, nothing crazy, still finding my niche in the space.
I’d say that’s still dangerous waters to tread. Someone from your school could be at the gym and overhear you. Do you really want to risk suspension/expulsion or a licensing issue down the line because you talked too much?

Big picture for people not necessarily in medicine, people hide it because they have far more to gain from hiding than from disclosing. The second you disclose, everyone sees you as a drug addict that didn’t earn his physique and only got it through chemical assistance, prior natty years and hard work on blast nonwithstanding. If you hide it, it looks like you either worked hard or you’re just naturally very built, and everyone admires all the more. In addition, most lifters and non lifters are super gullible about this issue, and will likely believe most juicers if they do claim natty. Lastly, even though most cops don’t care and won’t uphold criminal liability, proven gear use can still be used against you in any civil matter, especially family court “your honor he used steroids constantly and was prone to rage from them and me and my kid lived in constant fear”. Or even used against you by simply disclosing to your entire friends/family.

For example, Andrew Tate who accidentally outed himself as not natty via bloodwork doesn’t even claim to rigorously strength train lol, just pushups and bodyweight with occasional weights, and his griftees of hustler university believe it.

And then some more niche issues, life insurance often gets denied for prior documented gear usage (please do not get steroid bloods through insurance or a doctor visit). Also, doctors will also see you in a certain light if “steroid user” and “medication noncompliance” are on your medical record. Additionally should you need an organ or bone marrow transplant later, prior documented steroid use could hurt your candidacy while you’re in the waitlist. Lastly, could also affect health insurance premiums as well (but idk for sure about this one)

tl;dr why risk it man? Just claim natty to literally everyone under the sun….One exception being a wife/long term gf or someone you want to have kids with later. Even then, you may be able to get away with not even telling them if you plan to cease all use before having kids and your sperm production duly comes back (because they’re certainly not gonna tell you some things about their own past life). You could also freeze your sperm and get “lucky” that your partner can’t do a natty conception from the getgo and needs to resort to IUI/IVF from the getgo
you definitely have a more mature outlook on this topic. i also never knew insurance companies can use it against you. i had thoughts of using my PCP for getting free blood checks.. now i will know not to.

and you’re right, it’s very common with average lifters to discredit your gains when you admit to using peds. but hey, i can’t say that an average lifter is educated enough for me to consider their opinion valid. not sure about your gym, but my gym has 99% of lifters who push bro science and “no gain no pain” mentality lol. i tried educating people on the most recent research about lifting but i can tell they do not care enough to internalize my advice and just nod along to be polite
I have my BS in nutrition, on my way to getting my MS. I also do coaching, nothing crazy, still finding my niche in the space.
we like educated people here :D
imo degrees will only get you this far. you gotta be motivated to continue self education and stay up to date with the most recent research.
i have a BS in chemistry and finishing my DPM program in 1 year. trust me, i’m absolutely sick of studying but i also know that my graduation will not keep me satisfied for a long time and i will get back to updating myself
we like educated people here :D
imo degrees will only get you this far. you gotta be motivated to continue self education and stay up to date with the most recent research.
i have a BS in chemistry and finishing my DPM program in 1 year. trust me, i’m absolutely sick of studying but i also know that my graduation will not keep me satisfied for a long time and i will get back to updating myself
I'm going to be completely honest, and probably undersell myself here, but a nutrition degree means almost nothing. Everything I've learned is from self-education, which made graduating an absolute breeze. Mind you, I finished with a 4.0. I know other degrees are different, but for nutrition at least, you are only as good as how much you're willing to learn "in the field" or on your own. The AAS side is a whole other ballgame, which I've been constantly learning for the past 5+ years.