Unidentifiable HCG

My thoughts exactly. Product came from a trusted source but unfortunately no label. From all the research that I've done if divide each vial into 4 injections EOD for two weeks I will be safe.
Got some HCG without a label. Trying to find out how much in each vial?
Unless you have sent money without knowing what dosage you will buy ?
No photos, you dont indicate your source ... How do you let it be known what product you have?
Contact your "trusted source" I think it's better now than opening a forum topic in my opinion ... ;-)
I Agree with "lundgren" 100%.
Contact your Source, only they can give you an Accurate answer................ JP
Personally, I'd Curse them out for sending me an Unlabeled Product.
Why not just get pharma grade hcg? Sure it will be an Indian generic, but I'd rather take my chances with them vs an unmarked vial of x from a "trusted source."

All pct, estrogen control, and hcg should be purchased from overseas pharmacies in my opinion. They're available. Use them.