MESO-Rx Exclusive Unique characteristics of MENT

That’s fine. The subsequent article about testosterone should serve to clarify the answer to your question that depends on understanding 5a-amplification in CNS and gonadal tissues and why MENT does not and testosterone does act androgenically to support sexual function. I will make sure to include the actual definition of androgenicity since apparently it is totally misunderstood.
I don't have a question mate. Making up terms like '5a-amplification' does not make your arguments any more compelling. Yes, MENT does not convert to a more potent androgen in target tissues via 5a reductase, but neither do other steroids like Tren or Masteron. Are those also ''antiandrogens"? Of course not.

Always trying to weasel out of untenable positions with sophistry.... I will not be engaging with your posts any further.
I don't have a question mate. Making up terms like '5a-amplification' does not make your arguments any more compelling. Yes, MENT does not convert to a more potent androgen in target tissues via 5a reductase, but neither do other steroids like Tren or Masteron. Are those also ''antiandrogens"? Of course not.

Always trying to weasel out of untenable positions with sophistry.... I will not be engaging with your posts any further.
I think you need to understand 5a-amplification and the meaning of androgen for us to have a constructive conversation. So I must demur for the time being.
It would be great to hear more people's personal experience with this as studies don't always apply to bodybuilders or people who live a bodybuildling lifestyle. Not to discredit them but real life experience is valuable.

Also it sounds like most of the side effects from this drug are related to high estrogen. What would happen with if lower doses were taken with appropriate estrogen management? Could it be efficient at building muscle?
It has only been 24 hours but I put out this poll (will post up the final results after 1 week) that is still interesting thus far:


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It would be great to hear more people's personal experience with this as studies don't always apply to bodybuilders or people who live a bodybuildling lifestyle. Not to discredit them but real life experience is valuable.

Also it sounds like most of the side effects from this drug are related to high estrogen. What would happen with if lower doses were taken with appropriate estrogen management? Could it be efficient at building muscle?
I personally really enjoy ment, however I had to drop it due to gyno formation at 150mg per week. At 75 per week the strength gains were amazing, and I had no estrogen problems. Strength wise, it felt like 300 tren without the psychological problems that accompany the insomnia, increased libido sides, and digestive issues.

I was extremely watery, but sleep, libido, hunger, mood and blood pressure were all fine. I gained a fair amount of mass my last bulk, using it with a small amount of EQ and a moderate amount of test. Around 275 EQ, 600 test, 75 ment as highest dosages (I tried 150 ment but had to stop after one or two weeks). I would run it again, but not exceeding 75mg-100mg to avoid seeing my gyno get worse. The thing is, I don’t care if I look watery and bloated in a bulking phase, and other than that I had no quality of life sides, and no affect to my digestive system and so except for significantly more body hair it felt very useful for me. Just my anecdotal experience
@Millard please review, I know this one might have required additional editing given its appearance in web vs. editing views.

First, let's make sure we understand the dstinction between progestins and progestagenic androgens. I will refer you to:

The distinction between trenbolone's gestagenicity vs. MENT's is that trenbolone's arises out of its triene (Δ4,9,11) structure vis-à-vis broad homology among the ligand-binding domains of the classical nuclear steroid receptors that share a common relatively low sequence identity.

In the case of trenbolone, its Δ4,9,11 double bonds result in a flattening of the steroid molecule which leads to conformation that is less hindered for AR binding. Since C-7 is sufficiently distal from C-3 and C-17, these double bonds see minimal steric or stereoelectronic interfere with the important interactions between the AR and the carbonyl- and hydroxyl- groups of the steroid. The combination of a 17α-side chain and conjugated Δ4,9,11-double bonds in the case of trenbolone, in the presence of hydrophobic substituents, leads to a steroid that is able to bind firmly not only to the AR and PR, but also to the MR and GR.

Conversely, in the case of MENT, its substitution of a methyl group in the 7α- position, while too serving to flatten the steroid molecule – perhaps facilely appearing as analogous to trenbolone – is distinguished from trenbolone by its:

(a) binding with considerably less potency to AR, reducing antiestrogenic and androgenic potency, and

(b) aromatizing to the most potent known estrogen as well (whereas trenbolone does not aromatize).

Since progestins increase estrogen sensitivity and combine synergistically with estrogens to cause hypertension, edema, gynecomastia, and other estrogenic & gestagenic maladies, MENT stands quite apart from trenbolone in its reduced efficacy versus trenbolone, given trenbolone's myriad practically applicable unique effects.

In summary, whereas trenbolone is a most potent nonaromatizable androgen, a member of the Δ4,9,11 steroids (trienes; e.g., trenbolone & metribolone & THG, "The Clear"), a class that possesses notable structural flexibility due to conformational mobility coupled with remarkable AR transactivation potency, MENT is by contrast a mild anabolic – (to wit, unmethylated Cheque drops which is itself used as a pure androgen without hardly a scintilla of significant anabolic effects in man). MENT combines its unremarkable anabolism with the most potent known estrogen, 17α-methylestradiol, synergistic in its harms, along with MENT's > 120% potency at the PR (progesterone receptor) versus trenbolone's.
I should add to this as well:

(c) MENT is resistant to SHBG binding, and SHBG-androgen complexes regulate secondary sex characteristics and differential sex development (i.e., androgenicity) via binding the megalin receptor (SHBG promoter gene). [1]. [2].

Hammes et al. (2005) showed that resistance (insensitivity) to sex steroid hormones is encountered in animals lacking megalin. [2]. and it is associated with secondary sex characteristics and differential sex development. [3].

MENT's relative antiandrogenicity (per-mg) arises out of its relative PR/AR potencies and resistance to 5α-reductase. Whereas its androgenicity is maintained at high doses/concentrations, at the doses used in human trials to investigate its efficacy as a male contraceptive it is clearly ineffectual.

[1] Suvisaari, J., Sundaram, K., Noe, G., Kumar, N., Aguillaume, C., Tsong, Y. Y., … Bardin, C. W. (1997). Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of 7alpha-methyl-19- nortestosterone after intramuscular administration in healthy men. Human Reproduction, 12(5), 967–973. doi:10.1093/humrep/12.5.967
[2] Adams, J. S. (2005). “Bound” to Work: The Free Hormone Hypothesis Revisited. Cell, 122(5), 647–649. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2005.08.024
[3] Marko HL, Hornig NC, Betz RC, Holterhus PM, Altmüller J, Thiele H, Fabiano M, Schweikert HU, Braun D, Schweizer U. Genomic variants reducing expression of two endocytic receptors in 46,XY differences of sex development. Hum Mutat. 2022 Jan 3. doi: 10.1002/humu.24325.