MENT is a compound that I thoroughly enjoy but have to accept it for what it is and take extra precautions.
I will not run it without EQ in the stack because it aromatizes so fast and so strongly. I've read somewhere in the past that it's a more potent binding of the receptors and that's why it seems like e2 sides x100. or something like that. Can't remember the study or verbiage so I don't want to misquote it. But it sure as hell fills me up what seems like overnight. MENT is the main compound that I can use and people will immediately start to ask me if I'm on something because I look so full.
Most practical stack - Test / EQ / MENT
Best "feeling" stack for me - Test / Mast / Ment (I say feeling because mast helps me skip over the mental part of estrogenic sides but my levels still go wild and i'm at risk of gyno)
I can handle up to 15mg a day but at 20+ it's not worth it. Usually run for 8 weeks max.
Sides - any estrogen sides to a new level if you aren't cautious, potential BP increases for many. I take telmisartan 20mg a day, hit my cardio, and I'm fine.