Sorry for the call out then BP. The facts are that
-he sent out unsolicited offers via pm to doc a couple years ago
-showed up here a month ago and acted like one of the guys
-another member found the old thread from doc and started this one exposing him as a source
-dslaton then came on here and said he only joined to defend his rep, even though he hadn't until exposed
-he attacked doc and cbs for exposing him
-he posted actual tracking info of clients to prove his legitimacy putting them at risk
-he is reckless and a danger to anyone who may get sucked into using him
-he's creepy as fk
It's pretty clear he is here to source after trying to slip in thru the backdoor.
Only a week ago I thought your head was gonna explode about all the new bs sources that showed up. This guy shouldn't get a pass or a do-over after the way he has acted.
Just my opinion.
1. Scally claimed it was an unsolicited email, not a PM. That is important because the only way I could have gotten his email was if he were to write me first.
2. I registered a month ago but was still trying to figure out Tapatalk. I only started posting a week ago. Two weeks tops. During that period I did not solicit anyone.
3. That is true. I am doing precicely that right now. Defending my reputation.
4. I did not attack scally or censoredboardssuck for "exposing me". First of all, scally reposted a thread about an email that he had recieved over THREE years ago. The exact same email. It kind of gave the impression that he just got it. censoredboardssuck reposted it and relentlessly stayed on about it not in the unsolicited email thread, but in the over40 thread, ruining that competition. I hope they are able to get that back up and running. THEN, censoredboardssuck posted an email that scally had fabricated about me spamming him again about the laurabolin video I just made. He claimed to have recieved the email in the morning. The video was shot in the afternoon, watermarked and uploaded at night. I know I didn't send it. But the thing is is at the time that he had claimed he recieved that email it was already nighttime and ON the channel it said the video had been uploaded two hours ago. So, he basically lied. By the way, where is scally in all of this? It seems he went missing in action.
5. Yes, I did post two tracking numbers. One that was delivered that very day, and one from the day earlier. If called upon, I could provide a track number for every day of the year provided it is Monday through Friday and not a US or Mexican holiday. I checked with my clients first and they said it was fine. They don't feel at risk, and I don't feel that they are at risk either. The packages were not in route, they were already delivered.
6.Reckless and a danger? I don't know what to say to that. I am not reckless, I am a professional. A danger? In what way? It seems like another personal attack.
7. Creepy as fk? One more personal attack.
It's fairly obvious I have legal access to steroids. I have not been soliciting anyone.
From the previous posts it's also obvious that my detractors would like me taken behind the hacienda and shot. Falling short of that banned. Well, nobody can be forced to like another person. And I find them disagreeable too. Whatever happens happens. I think I covered everything. If not, just ask.