USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

^^^ not really necessary for meso but given this thread is destined for the scrap heap I guess it doesn't really matter o_O
U can't unring a bell and now that I've seen ur post sex won't be the same

I do feel that a lot of members ARE scared to post their own experiences... Mainly because if they do not align with certain other members opinions they will almost certainly be a target. I hate the feeling that someone may be holding back on posting bloods in order to stay in the cool kids section. This isn't unique to spetz thread, just in general. At times in other threads I would type something and then just delete in order to not be called a shill, or the next target.

Just my two cents, I appreciate the community here at meso, but sometimes it's discouraging to be open and honest.

Why would anyone hold back on reporting blood tests? I reported my friends blood test results of MS's Test Prop after his thread had blown up. No one is going to fault anyone for posting blood work or be critical of the results unless the poster has say only had 40 posts here and 37 of them had been in the sources thread that the gear being used before the blood work was run. In cases like that the results may be viewed with some skepticism but otherwise you aren't going to have a problem.

Hell everyone posting in the thread where I posted my friends blood work was thrilled that he got good gear and many were happy because they had MS Test P from the same batch which they then knew was likely good and didn't have to be shit canned.
@tmac34 if you know something personal about the TEK situation just tell me to shut up and that he's good.
Spetzs message just erked me the wrong way and I would hate to see TEK or any member caught up in some bullshit from LEO/spetz
@tmac34 if you know something personal about the TEK situation just tell me to shut up and that he's good.
Spetzs message just erked me the wrong way and I would hate to see TEK or any member caught up in some bullshit from LEO/spetz
I do not. I was just basing it on the fact that Spetz mentioned Astro and TEK in regards to having his own "cover pulled" thereby trying to show that just because someone "goes dark" you can't assume the worse. BTW, hope all is well with TEK.