USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

You would think some of the pharmaceutical prices would go down as alot of these companies are moving head quarter's to other countries in order to avoid taxes. Greedy hogs is what all that bs is I believe Pfizer is one of then[emoji36] [emoji35] [emoji36]

Part of the problem with our medical system. Brands can charge anything. Then when a generic mfg gets the first to file rights, they can charge about anything lower than brand until the exclusivity period ends, then when the new generics start selling lower, everything eventually stabilizes. Even then, there isn't any incentive to reduce the price, because when have you ever seen a prescription drugs price advertised? You can ask at the pharmacy, but most people don't know what it costs until after they pay.
I may have missed it but you seem not to be responding to posts about testing of raws. Be good for members to have an update
Expiration is simply the date when the manufacturer will guarantee safety and effectiveness, based on their testing. The method of storing drugs also should be considered. Keep in a cool dark place, refrigerated, etc. So it might be fine, it might not, literally no one knows.
Sorry guys i forgot to mention the items i currently have on Promotion.


Test-P 100 $30
Tren-A 100 $45

Tren 250 (125a/135e) $100

arimidex:1mg x 30 $90
aromasin: FORGET IT, we can't afford it!
nolva: 20mg x 30 $90
clomid 50MG x 30 $150
Prami: 1mg x 30 $90
Caber: .5mg x 8 $150 OUCH! but its Watson brand.
Accutane 10MG x 70 $150.
letrozole 2.5mg x 30 $120
Injectables & Orals:
TEST-E 250 $50
TEST-C 200 $50
SUST 250 $50
Winny 60x25MG $60
Dbol 60x25MG $70
anavar 60x25MG $120
Anavar for woman 60x5MG $55
Deca 200 $60
NPP 100 $60
EQ 200 $50
masteron p 100 $60

HCG / HGH and Vitamins
B12 Injections 5Vials of 1ML
Pregnyl 10000iu (pharma grade) $80
HGH Omnitrope 5.8MG $225
HGH Saizen 8.8MG $350
HGH Omnitrope 10MG $400

Minimum order requirement is $150, Payments though WU and sometimes via Paypal.

Email: usaspetz [at]

NOTES: Please contact me when you are ready to purchase, I ship DOMESTIC ONLY, turnaround time after funds are picked up are usually 3-4 Days. If you are not ready to purchase, please do not ask to payment instructions, You MUST pay within 24 Hrs., Failure to do so will get the order canceled and I will no longer be able to do business with you, so again, please make sure you’re ready to commit.
So is the Tren 250 or 260? The amount you listed adds up to 260mg?
we have found a safe place to test raws and have some samples on the way, the fact is, i simply do not trust the labs i've seen on some of the boards, and especially after the fiasco over at reddit over the "underdosed" anavar which turned out to be only noise, i rather pay more and get proper lab work. I'm not ignoring this by any means, it will just take a while to get the results in. I'm using a place which I havent seen anyone else use and this is good because it makes me feel save and that the results will not be tampered with.
we have found a safe place to test raws and have some samples on the way, the fact is, i simply do not trust the labs i've seen on some of the boards, and especially after the fiasco over at reddit over the "underdosed" anavar which turned out to be only noise, i rather pay more and get proper lab work. I'm not ignoring this by any means, it will just take a while to get the results in. I'm using a place which I havent seen anyone else use and this is good because it makes me feel save and that the results will not be tampered with.
As long as you post results this is a good thing.
Hey MESO , as you might or might not know i work at a pharmacy as a technician. I wanted to let you know that due to this new Obamacare system, prices across the board are going up a bit, so because i do pay for my items to offer you, i will have to go up as well, i'm sorry but there is nothing i can do about this. So my PCT Meds will be going up $20 starting today, I'm actually taking a $5 cut in profits in order not to pass everything to you guys.

Also, i have some "alternative" pharma grade meds coming over from a good contact i have, so in about 3 weeks i will be able to offer you not only american meds but other human grade products for less. Anabolix prices stay the same :)
Test-P 100 $30
tren-A 100 $45
Tren 250 (125a/135e) $100

arimidex:1mg x 30 $110
aromasin: FORGET IT, we can't afford it!
nolva: 20mg x 30 $110
clomid 50MG x 30 $150
Prami: 1mg x 30 $110
Caber: .5mg x 8 $150 OUCH! but its Watson brand.
Accutane 10MG x 70 $150.
letrozole 2.5mg x 30 $120
T3 Cytomel 30 $120
Injectables & Orals:
TEST-E 250 $50
TEST-C 200 $50
SUST 250 $50
Winny 60x25MG $60
Dbol 60x25MG $70
anavar 60x25MG $120
anavar for woman 60x5MG $55
Deca 200 $60
NPP 100 $60
EQ 200 $50
masteron p 100 $60

HCG / HGH and Vitamins
B12 Injections 5Vials of 1ML
Pregnyl 10000iu (pharma grade) $80
HGH Omnitrope 5.8MG $225 (almost sold out)
HGH Saizen 8.8MG $350
HGH Omnitrope 10MG $400

Minimum order requirement is $150, Payments though WU and sometimes via Paypal.

Email: usaspetz [at]

NOTES: Please contact me when you are ready to purchase, I ship DOMESTIC ONLY, turnaround time after funds are picked up are usually 3-4 Days. If you are not ready to purchase, please do not ask to payment instructions, You MUST pay within 24 Hrs., Failure to do so will get the order canceled and I will no longer be able to do business with you, so again, please make sure you’re ready to commit.
Hey Spetz dont know if you have checked out my log. But I would like to say thank you everything has been up to par. Im up 15 pda thats crazy. Next week ill be doing var to my cycle. Keep being honest and legit and you should be good here bro! Ill be doing bloods in a few weeks.
After next week I'll be traveling for two weeks. Decided to schedule my blood work exactly one week from today which will put me at three weeks of 250mg test e on Mon & Thurs, so 500mg ew. Reason being is I want to travel with my script test cyp instead on Spetz's test e and continue cycle with the test cyp for weeks until I get home. I feel uneasy traveling with Spetz's test e since the label doesn't match the box and prescription label on the vial. Thoughts?
The test cyp I have is Watson and the box has the prescription label and is Watson. From what I was advised 4-5 weeks would be better for blood work, but I feel uneasy about bringing Spetz's test e vial with me on the plane. Thought maybe I could take the label off the Watson and put it on Spetz's. That way I can do the blood work when I return which would be 5 weeks. Sorry if I am making this sound complicated or confusing. Looking for advice from the forum if three weeks would be acceptable. If three weeks is not, should I travel with Spetz's test e vial?
If you've got an empty vial you could always pull out the script test and then fill it with whatever you wanna be able to use, that way the label and script all match up. Just a thought, seems like it would work!
If you've got an empty vial you could always pull out the script test and then fill it with whatever you wanna be able to use, that way the label and script all match up. Just a thought, seems like it would work!
Just make sure you filter it in the other bottle.