Using DBol to PCT from Test


New Member
So test e can take up to 6 weeks until you start recovering natrually, during these 6 weeks you feel awful.

You’ll have sub par t levels but also 0 lh fsh due to there still being suppression.

Can i make this process easier by taking dbol while stopping test for a month or two then once i stop the dbol it will clear out my system within 2-3 days? Never saw this anywhere just always wondered why people don’t do this.
If recovery through PCT is the goal then you would be better to use HCG through this period of time as esters clear; or continue using HCG assuming you would be using it throughout your cycle.

It may not offer the same level of help against feeling awful, but it will aid recovery rather than further suppress it.
So test e can take up to 6 weeks until you start recovering natrually, during these 6 weeks you feel awful.

You’ll have sub par t levels but also 0 lh fsh due to there still being suppression.

Can i make this process easier by taking dbol while stopping test for a month or two then once i stop the dbol it will clear out my system within 2-3 days? Never saw this anywhere just always wondered why people don’t do this.

How does it make any sense ?

1) If you still have test E in you while it clears, why would you feel bad because you still have test in you ?

2) once it's cleared, your gonads are restarting, so you don't feel bad.
Dbol shuts you down. Therefore even if you stop the Test you wont recover because of the dbol.

So even if the test clears completely and then you drop the dbol you wont magically get back to normal. In order to do that you need to do pct...