Newbies that understand nothing about this business but want to do vetting like their daddies, so they go screaming their heads off like an alarm clock that a dog knocked on the floor and shit on are a serious problem.
You posted that EQ would certainly not be delivered in 1L bottles and sources cannot be expected to test all the 100ml bottles of EQ raws. You've no idea what a lab would or should look like, how to assure sterility in gear or any part of production at all, you just want to stare at pictures and high five the veterans that actually know what they're looking at in a desperate attempt to belong, but you don't.
As a source, you maximize your profits, reputation as a professional and quality of life by interacting with Meso members only when it's directly about your business in your own thread. Some of my idols are sources, others are members, and I want to follow in the footsteps of both, no matter how much idiots will shit on me.