New Member
is this ur guys job,just sit on here all day and if someone says something you dont like you talk shit to them? Broke boys no jobs
Let me explain this to you, @Abe313 and your fellow Valkyrie fans, in one or two syllable words you can understand.
First and foremost, Meso is a community, it is not a source board. Valkyrie is trying to peddle his wares here, against the wishes of our community. Since it is an uncensored forum, we are kinda stuck. Vitriol seems to be good source repellent.
When Valkyrie asked you to come here and join and give a glowing review (for which I'm sure you're being conpensated in some fashion, a store credit or a discount on your next order? Please do tell...), what he asked you to do was come shit in our living room. Since you spent approximately zero time getting familiar with meso and figuring out you and your fellow Valkyrie reviewers were about to take a shit in the middle of our living room, unsurprisingly, some of the members here took offense and will continue to do so.
You joined solely to post a review backed by zero hard evidence. No bloodwork. No analytical data. Just your "totally honest" review of this fire gear. For compensation.
Well, zippy, first off, as I stated above, meso is not a source board. Second, reviews without some evidence (like bloodwork) to back them mean very little here. Only a well respected and highly trusted vet could get away with saying gear "feels" on point, and those trusted vets would never do that because they know it would undermine their credibility and do a disservice to the fact-based approach we take here. Third, you blithely wandered in and took a giant shit in the form of your source-fellating review without any credible data. So yes, we are aggressive and hand you your ass and suggest you remove yourself from our house.
If I came to your house with a couple of my buddies and shit on your coffee table, then acted all surprised when you got pissy, you would think i was a short bus kid. What if I told you where I come from that's perfectly acceptable? Would it make it ok? What if I said my friend told me to (with the unspoken assurance that it would be just fine to do so)?
I've assuredly wasted some storage space on the meso server, and my time, for naught. Yoi and your ilk will Invariably get indignant and say something denigrating rather than reading this, thinking, then bowing out (with or without apology), realizing Valkyrie led you down the garden path and your own negligence and lack of diligence resulted in your defecation in our living room.
Also, fuck off, shill.