Var only cycle


New Member
4 days into my var only cycle ( I know its mild for gains and expensive and will shit you down and should run a test base and ect...but it's my first one so I thought I'd give it a go)
25 mg capsules
Lab purepharma
50mg Ed for at 4 weeks to start, might taper up depending how I feel, probly won't run it past 6 weeks
Stats age 25, 5'11, 190 been working out for years,
Needed a boost I'll let you know how it goes
Yoj know your going to getflamed an bashed all to hell for this right lol. Can I just ask you this? Why not a simple test cycle instead? I just dont uderstand whay guys would want to run a cycle of orals just to lose all that money, gains, an time? ??? Fuckin pointless imo. It just blows my mind is all
Be for real bro, are you scared of needles or what????
Yoj know your going to getflamed an bashed all to hell for this right lol. Can I just ask you this? Why not a simple test cycle instead? I just dont uderstand whay guys would want to run a cycle of orals just to lose all that money, gains, an time? ??? Fuckin pointless imo. It just blows my mind is all
Be for real bro, are you scared of needles or what????
Ditto. I so agree with skull pointless total waste of money& time! no gains to be made. you need to jump in with both feet or stay out of the water.
You're likely reading too much into the "mild" and side effect friendly profile of var. I'm assuming that's why you made this choice.

A simple test cycle is actually "milder" IMO, your body recognizes test and knows exactly what to do with it, and your're less likely to get fucked with some impure shit.

I have both, and the test feels smoother and milder to me, and it's not going to jack your liver up. The var gives me higher blood preasure, often head achy-ness, and sleep is rough for a few nights if your splitting doses.

I got the var primarily for my wife, and I'll take it (at my own risk of the symptoms I mentioned) for an occassional preworkout boost, and maybe make sex a tad kinkier;).

If you know you're going to get "shutdown" (and you do) you might as well take something more significant, and a "simple" test cycle is very smooth, nothing crazy at all.
in the 90s we did orals when starting or if that's all you can is a better option to do test with or alone. we got it made these days. I've been natural all MT life but in 9os did three different oral sessions. 1st anavar actually gave me strength and some growth year later did anadrol subtext 50 damn got huge and kept some strength. in 92 primo oral only is what helped me keep muscle during prep for comp.and won. quit working out for 17 years came back started oral only superdrol damn got my morality back into bodybuilding .then I learned how to research aas. what is good for this and that.learned I have hep.c now I have to be carefully.I learned hard way orals are so harsh its even worse then narcotics to you're liver. so at least take milkthistle. just realize if you are gomna do it do it rite and keep gains.back in 9os we didn't even know pct. so that could be why I'm on test forever. u was rambling sorry brothers .keep us posted I take winstrol and anavar preworkout along with my shit load of aas. npp.test equipoise well just 1800 mg some do thant daily time for chest later goodluck on anavar it will give u use zantak

