Vitamins and Supplements


Hello meso! What supplements and vitamins do you take? And what is good for overall health and well being and longevity? I currently take magnesium, vitamin C and fish oil. Non stim pre before the gym with honey and salt. What are some good options that I can take while I start my first cycle and possibly long after Ifinish my cycle?
Nothing beats a healthy diet from my experience and reading. I have taken a wide variety of supplements that change as more studies come out for several decades and still do. And really can't say they have made any difference that i notice. But hope springs eternal. But if i go to lower quality of food it becomes more apparent.
Hello meso! What supplements and vitamins do you take? And what is good for overall health and well being and longevity? I currently take magnesium, vitamin C and fish oil. Non stim pre before the gym with honey and salt. What are some good options that I can take while I start my first cycle and possibly long after Ifinish my cycle?
I take B3 1000mg on cycle and 2000mg after cycle to lower bad cholesterol and Raise Good cholesterol.
Hello meso! What supplements and vitamins do you take? And what is good for overall health and well being and longevity? I currently take magnesium, vitamin C and fish oil. Non stim pre before the gym with honey and salt. What are some good options that I can take while I start my first cycle and possibly long after Ifinish my cycle?
I have posted on this can search to name and something like "multivitamin". I made a huge list of things I take. If you don't want to search, then take a good multivitamin atleast.

Supplementation is the key to life and health. No one is getting enough or proper nutrition. It's a complicated topic.
I take
b-50 complex (21st century)
300mg DIM for e2 conversion to e1,e3
12.5mg DHEA for neurosteroid upregulation
2000mg NAC, Liver and kidney health
2000-3000mg L carnitine split into multiple doses, androgen receptor upregulation, allowing me to grow leaner
3000mg Taurine, preventing some water held in lower back and shins, also on gh may prevent numb hands.
1000mg Omega3 and 1000mg Vitamin C with every meal (4000-6000mg total of each)
40g of beef collagen
200mg magnesium bisglycinate
375mg GABA
Zinc 15mg
Berberine sulphate 396mg
I take vit D, NAC and fish oils. Occasionally magnesium at night time. Occasionally rhodiola or ashwaghanda for stress. And a well balanced diet on top!
Hello meso! What supplements and vitamins do you take? And what is good for overall health and well being and longevity? I currently take magnesium, vitamin C and fish oil. Non stim pre before the gym with honey and salt. What are some good options that I can take while I start my first cycle and possibly long after Ifinish my cycle?
I've been using,
Citrus Bergamot
Omega 3-6-9
Astragalus extract
Calcium Magnesium Zinc
Celery seed exact
Injectable l-carnatine
Year round:
Multi - no iron
Fish oil
Magnesium Bisglycinate
Taladafil 5mg

On cycle:
I saw Vigorous Steve talking about this. I considering adding it to my TRT when I go on cruise. Do you find that your E2 runs higher using DHEA/pregnelone?
Not really, not by any impactful measure that is. Going from 65 to 70 is negligible in the grand scheme of things
Year round:
Multi - no iron
Fish oil
Magnesium Bisglycinate
Taladafil 5mg

On cycle:
Where you get your DHEA and pregnenolone? Is that sort of talk allowed on this post? If not, I apologize to the mods.

I've tried to find DHEA stuff without much luck. I'm only recently learning about Pregnenolone
I think it's critical for everyone to take COQ10, 200-400 mg. And to get the most out of it always take selenium 100-200 mcg. daily. The research is overwhelming regarding the advantages of using COQ10. It's NOT a fad supplement, even many doctors and the medical establishment recommends using it. Just do some research on it.