WADA funded research project - could you help?


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At the University of Essex (UK), we are conducting a World Anti-Doping Agency funded research project examining the experience and role of athlete support personnel in the pursuit of clean sport and doping prevention. This project has been approved by the Science and Health Ethics sub-committee at the University of Essex (Ethics ID: ETH1920-1217).

As it stands there is limited research examining the experiences of athletes who have used prohibited forms of performance enhancement or of those in support roles around such athletes. Therefore, we would like to invite athletes, parents, and coaches of athletes to participate in an anonymous survey and instant messenger based interview, where they will be asked their views on doping and their reasons for taking or supporting the use of prohibited forms of performance-enhancing substances. We hope that our research project will shed light on why athletes may choose to dope and the opinions of their support network; subsequently informing the way the World Anti-doping Agency develops anti-doping education programmes.

I would now like to invite you to assist us in conducting this research project. We need to recruit both athletes and the parents or coaches of athletes who have used prohibited performance-enhancing substances. As the whole process is completed anonymously, we would like to ask if you could pass on the following link to our study information to any individuals you think may meet the criteria or would be helpful to such a research project please DM me for the link to our anonymous survey.

If you would like any more information please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

All the best and stay safe during these unprecedented times!
I have participated in multiple research projects with AAS usage as the topic. I just had a zoom call with one researcher last week, I wrote an article about my experiences for the editor of a journal that focuses on PEDs a few months ago.. my point being, I've always been eager to help researchers and I've gone well out of my way to do so for a few years now.

With that said, you can tell WADA I said to get fucked. I can see absolutely no positive benefit to the community on this research project. Developing anti doping education programmes will do nothing... Not. One. Thing. to stop doping in sport.

I partly feel bad saying this to whoever you are on the receiving end... But then I think that the sole goal of your project is to interview AAS users and then twist their words and opinions into an anti doping platform... Then I don't feel as bad. Honestly, I thought this was a joke when I read the title... It still is I guess, you're just not in on it yet.
I have participated in multiple research projects with AAS usage as the topic. I just had a zoom call with one researcher last week, I wrote an article about my experiences for the editor of a journal that focuses on PEDs a few months ago.. my point being, I've always been eager to help researchers and I've gone well out of my way to do so for a few years now.

With that said, you can tell WADA I said to get fucked. I can see absolutely no positive benefit to the community on this research project. Developing anti doping education programmes will do nothing... Not. One. Thing. to stop doping in sport.

I partly feel bad saying this to whoever you are on the receiving end... But then I think that the sole goal of your project is to interview AAS users and then twist their words and opinions into an anti doping platform... Then I don't feel as bad. Honestly, I thought this was a joke when I read the title... It still is I guess, you're just not in on it yet.

Hi Eman,

Thanks for your input - it's great to hear you're so involved with research! As you've always helped before, perhaps you'd like to help again! Here's the link for the survey (https://essex.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8js63KiOO63H3tX) to see for yourself we're not going to "twist" your words or make anyone out to be the bad guy!

The aim of our project is to understand why people dope, this could be personal, financial, moral reasons. We certainly won't judge! Anti-doping education will and should happen regardless of personal feelings. Your input can really help shape what we do!
At the University of Essex (UK), we are conducting a World Anti-Doping Agency funded research project examining the experience and role of athlete support personnel in the pursuit of clean sport and doping prevention. This project has been approved by the Science and Health Ethics sub-committee at the University of Essex (Ethics ID: ETH1920-1217).

As it stands there is limited research examining the experiences of athletes who have used prohibited forms of performance enhancement or of those in support roles around such athletes. Therefore, we would like to invite athletes, parents, and coaches of athletes to participate in an anonymous survey and instant messenger based interview, where they will be asked their views on doping and their reasons for taking or supporting the use of prohibited forms of performance-enhancing substances. We hope that our research project will shed light on why athletes may choose to dope and the opinions of their support network; subsequently informing the way the World Anti-doping Agency develops anti-doping education programmes.

I would now like to invite you to assist us in conducting this research project. We need to recruit both athletes and the parents or coaches of athletes who have used prohibited performance-enhancing substances. As the whole process is completed anonymously, we would like to ask if you could pass on the following link to our study information to any individuals you think may meet the criteria or would be helpful to such a research project please DM me for the link to our anonymous survey.

If you would like any more information please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

All the best and stay safe during these unprecedented times!
Every SINGLE professional athlete uses PED’s.

they would be good people to ask.
We certainly won't judge! Anti-doping education will and should happen regardless of personal feelings.

I could care less whether you judge or not. But, I have to point out the irony of your own words... You won't judge but you've already reached a conclusion on what people should and should not be doing by insisting that ANTI doping education must occur. You won't judge, but you've already made the judgement that what AAS are doing is wrong.. which I might agree with you on, but it's certainly not black and white and that is the problem. You've already taken a prohibition stance - a concept that never has and never will work.

Don't get me wrong, I think education is the best course but this idea is already biased when you're teaching why NOT to do XYZ. Perhaps I am being overly aggressive when I say words will be twisted but the format of your research is primed for cherry picking.

Don't forget to pass my message along to WADA. :)
I could care less whether you judge or not. But, I have to point out the irony of your own words... You won't judge but you've already reached a conclusion on what people should and should not be doing by insisting that ANTI doping education must occur. You've already taken a prohibition stance - a concept that never has and never will work.

I don't believe we're teaching why not to do something - everyone is their own person. However, in order to help make sport a more level playing field, we believe all sportsmen and sportswomen should at least be educated in doping and anti-doping. Therefore in order to create credible, valuable and more informed educational programmes, we require knowledge and experiences of those who have previously doped.
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Every SINGLE professional athlete uses PED’s.

they would be good people to ask.

Thank you for input - we have already contacted many professional sports federations and clubs. Systematic reviews of over a decades worth of research would suggest that, even at an amateur level with no obvious incentives, somewhere between one in 20 to one in six people participating in sport and exercise activities are using some form of prohibited form of performance enhancement. We do not judge and just want to understand the thought processes that lead to those at all levels choosing to take a prohibited substance. If you know of anyone please show them this thread!
However, in order to help make sport a more level playing field

I appreciate your candor, but there is no such thing as a level playing field... It is a myth. Sports are more or less a competition to unlevel the playing field as much as possible to gain an advantage. Anti doping rules have done more to unlevel the playing field than anything else in sport.

Even if anti doping rules did work, the playing field would be unleveled by genetic advantage. Is it a level playing field if the rules are nothing more than a roll of the dice as to who was born with better genetics? What will happen when gene editing has become more established? Ban sports entirely?
Your very presence here is amuses me. Considering you have probably already spent quit a bit of time here....aren't you the same people that published this?Screenshot_20200421-105134.png Screenshot_20200421-105018.png
You are already admittedly working here in a "uc" capacity and now you want people to share information with you as you try to destroy our lives on the back end? With all do respect.... Get fucked!
Any information that you gather is going to be used to slander AAS users if you're funded by WADA. The results are going to be bent, twisted and formatted so as to say what they want them to say.

This project doesn't have the faintest glimmer of a hope of being anything even resembling impartial.

You honestly believe that WADA would let pro-AAS research fly? Let's not pretend that this is anything but a recon mission to gather information that will be used to produce a smear campaign.
The aim of our project is to understand why people dope, this could be personal, financial, moral reasons. We certainly won't judge! Anti-doping education will and should happen regardless of personal feelings. Your input can really help shape what we do!
Is WADA funding the study for publication by you and/or Essex?
According to research already conducted by WADA, Meso-RX is "considered unreliable to the internet bb community."

As if WADA would use our unreliable information for anything other than to further their agenda.

i scoff at your proposal and bid you good day, sir.
Is WADA funding the study for publication by you and/or Essex?

It would appear that way... This is not the first research project he's done that's been funded by WADA either.
My question was poorly worded.

I really wanted to know if WADA funding means that the researcher must obtain WADA's approval before they are allowed to publish their findings.

WADA funding has had strings attached in the past. Researchers who wanted to publish their results were thwarted by WADA's attempts to delay/prevent publication.

For example: Antidoping Agency Delays Publication of Research

Who better to ask to see if researchers are told that the results must meet WADA's approval before publication is allowed? What is the fine print on the WADA grant?
Profile for John Mills at the University of Essex

2019 WADA grant/funding: Examining the Role of Personal Ethics in Athlete and Stakeholder Perceptions of Anti-Doping

"This prestigious World Anti-Doping Agency funded project provides a fully funded studentship to examine the role of personal ethics in athlete and stakeholder perceptions of anti-doping.

"After exploring the life-histories of known and unknown IPED users and examining the moral mechanisms that are dominant within individuals, the project will ultimately use this information to develop a bespoke value-based anti-doping training programme that attempts to target an athlete’s core values.

"Whilst there has been a great deal of attention focused within the anti-doping literature on moral processes, existing evidence has primarily viewed morality through limited theoretical lenses and heavily influenced by Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory. Unlike moral pluralists such as James (1909/1987), Kohlberg (1971, p. 232) argued that “Virtue is ultimately one, not many [processes], and it is always the same ideal form regardless of climate or culture”.

"This absolutist view of morality argues that certain acts are inherently right or wrong, however, such a position has been heavily criticised. For example, Gilligan (1982) criticised Kohlberg’s view of moral development and suggested that an ethic of care could not be derived from an ethic of justice. Kohlberg’s theory of moral development has also been criticised for being androgenic (Gilligan, 1977) and for placing too great an emphasis on rational thought (Greene & Haidt, 2002).

"Haidt and Joseph (2004) have since built upon the theories presented thus far to develop a unified framework for studying morality across cultures (i.e., Moral Foundations Theory; MFT). As doping is a global issue and WADA a global organisation, the pluralistic approach to morality encompassed within MFT may help to capture a broader range of culturally sensitive moral processes related to doping than those previously adopted."

Source: https://www.essex.ac.uk/postgraduate-research-degrees/opportunities/the-role-of-personal-ethics-in-athlete-and-stakeholder-perceptions-of-anti-doping
2019 WADA grant/funding: Examining the Role of Personal Ethics in Athlete and Stakeholder Perceptions of Anti-Doping

"This prestigious World Anti-Doping Agency funded project provides a fully funded studentship to examine the role of personal ethics in athlete and stakeholder perceptions of anti-doping.

"After exploring the life-histories of known and unknown IPED users and examining the moral mechanisms that are dominant within individuals, the project will ultimately use this information to develop a bespoke value-based anti-doping training programme that attempts to target an athlete’s core values.

"Whilst there has been a great deal of attention focused within the anti-doping literature on moral processes, existing evidence has primarily viewed morality through limited theoretical lenses and heavily influenced by Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory. Unlike moral pluralists such as James (1909/1987), Kohlberg (1971, p. 232) argued that “Virtue is ultimately one, not many [processes], and it is always the same ideal form regardless of climate or culture”.

"This absolutist view of morality argues that certain acts are inherently right or wrong, however, such a position has been heavily criticised. For example, Gilligan (1982) criticised Kohlberg’s view of moral development and suggested that an ethic of care could not be derived from an ethic of justice. Kohlberg’s theory of moral development has also been criticised for being androgenic (Gilligan, 1977) and for placing too great an emphasis on rational thought (Greene & Haidt, 2002).

"Haidt and Joseph (2004) have since built upon the theories presented thus far to develop a unified framework for studying morality across cultures (i.e., Moral Foundations Theory; MFT). As doping is a global issue and WADA a global organisation, the pluralistic approach to morality encompassed within MFT may help to capture a broader range of culturally sensitive moral processes related to doping than those previously adopted."

Source: https://www.essex.ac.uk/postgraduate-research-degrees/opportunities/the-role-of-personal-ethics-in-athlete-and-stakeholder-perceptions-of-anti-doping

There is a different version of the same paper on the WADA site, kind of unusual... Is it supposed to be a summarized version or did they edit this? Attached.

My question was poorly worded.

I really wanted to know if WADA funding means that the researcher must obtain WADA's approval before they are allowed to publish their findings.

WADA funding has had strings attached in the past. Researchers who wanted to publish their results were thwarted by WADA's attempts to delay/prevent publication.

For example: Antidoping Agency Delays Publication of Research

Who better to ask to see if researchers are told that the results must meet WADA's approval before publication is allowed? What is the fine print on the WADA grant?

The irony of this is almost breathtaking to me when you consider that the research is based in ethics...


  • ssr_project_mills.pdf
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Couldnt agree more with the guys above..
@Millard Baker

You and WADA can get fucked OP.

I guarantee they will twist our "Unreliable" information to suit their needs.

These strings attached "research" projects are nothing more than funded opinion pieces to prove whoever is supplying the CASH's point and perspective.

Do us all a favor..@researcheressex
Just make some shit up.

We all know you will pick and choose what you want anyways.

We also know that you're only here to say "we went to PED boards and got the opinion of REAL users"

Then you'll edit what we said into oblivion...ignore anything you dont like... then twist the rest to suit your puppet master WADA'S goals.

So just skip it.

Make some shit up, say you did research... and call it a day.

It's a farce anyways.