Waiting on these fantastic results


Blood analysis ? Sorry but your post without any real facts and data.

If you are said that our products is "shit" you can sent them to Simec for analysis. In case if our products will be really with underdosage - we will cover all your expenses and replace all products.
Of course all vials must be without exploitation in our original factory state.
I'm 5'11"
15% Bf

I was a former avid user of steroids but an injury stopped me and I fell off for quite some time. I know what to expect when on cycle. And I don't have the money for bloods. My pct will be clomid and hcg. But honestly I'm not gonna need it. I don't even know why I'm writing this up. I know it'll be pointless and I'm just going to be attacked.
I'm 5'11"
15% Bf

I was a former avid user of steroids but an injury stopped me and I fell off for quite some time. I know what to expect when on cycle. And I don't have the money for bloods. My pct will be clomid and hcg. But honestly I'm not gonna need it. I don't even know why I'm writing this up. I know it'll be pointless and I'm just going to be attacked.

Sorry dude. But blood work really needs done to know what's up. I'm the last person to side with pharmacom but bloods are the only thing that'll let you know what's up. You can also send to simec but it's a little risky to do without the bloodwork due to the way pharmacom sets it up.
There's these companies that do bloodwork online if you can't do it otherwise.. They send you a kit, you prick your finger, send the blood, they email you results. Very cheap and safe, no reason not to do it.
Look you can get bloods for 50 bucks. Its worth it to invest in that to have your blood work paid for and have your gear replaced.
Btw, what's the batch number on your test e? I got their test e 250 and it says PHTE00001E under batch number.
I'm 5'11"
15% Bf

I was a former avid user of steroids but an injury stopped me and I fell off for quite some time. I know what to expect when on cycle. And I don't have the money for bloods. My pct will be clomid and hcg. But honestly I'm not gonna need it. I don't even know why I'm writing this up. I know it'll be pointless and I'm just going to be attacked.

You can afford over $600 for a cycle? (and I always double that number at a minimum to cover food). You can't come up with $50 for blood work? I call shenanigans.

Take a hike. Reverse scam - activate!

Note: I have been riding pharmacom's ass like a three dollar hooker about all the questionable shit that they have been doing, so I am what we will call an "anti-shill" or, if you prefer, "internet bully." Either way, the second p'com does something even vaguely shady I'll add a fourth asshole to the three I've already reamed in them.

Go get some bloodwork and then come back and make your case.
If I get one comment from some ignorant piece of shit that I'm a shill or a rep for another company, I'm gonna ask to meet and beat the fuck outta you..... ok, now that that's out of the way.....I've been shooting 450 mg of pharmacom test e 300, cocktailed with 300 mg of pharmacom tren e, and 300 mg of pharmacom pharma NAN 300 for 7 weeks now with ZERO results. I started the cycle with 40 mgs of pharmacom dianabolos for 25 days. The Dbol was legit, but don't stop reading. Once the dbol died off, I started fading in energy very quickly. At 7 weeks and my ninth pin(because I was front loading the first 2 weeks) I am still getting absolutely ZERO results!! I am an avid user of PED's....I know what to expect. What the actual FUCK should or can I do about this? I'm not trying to be an asshole, but I spent nearly 600 bucks on this cycle and only got fucking Dbol....any suggestions??? This was all purchased from us.basicstero
@Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs
Seems like other members have been complaining about this ugl's service. There isn't much you can do about it. This is just one more hit this source will take. I have seen this too many times. This lab may not be here much longer.

Sorry for your loss brother. Most of us have been burned. You did everything right and went with a source who has had good results here in the past. Give any ugl enough time and that source will fuck up. What counts is how they make it right. All you can do is make your case and pharmacom will address it or blow you off. Everyone gets to read about it right here.
Most guys just take the loss and move on. That's what sources hope for.
But, i agree, get bloods or just move on to the next. You had your say.
I'm 5'11"
15% Bf

I was a former avid user of steroids but an injury stopped me and I fell off for quite some time. I know what to expect when on cycle. And I don't have the money for bloods. My pct will be clomid and hcg. But honestly I'm not gonna need it. I don't even know why I'm writing this up. I know it'll be pointless and I'm just going to be attacked.

You don't have 60 bucks? Or maybe you've got more shit than a Christmas goose. Fuck off shill.
I agree that bloods are best, but its funny that so many people can say pharmacom is great with no bloods. They just feel a "pump", or had "hella gainz". Almost no one says anything (check their threads if Im lying).

But if anyone says anything bad the members here will defend the UGL like theyre family. No bloods means your opinion doesnt count! :cool:
I agree that bloods are best, but its funny that so many people can say pharmacom is great with no bloods. They just feel a "pump", or had "hella gainz". Almost no one says anything (check their threads if Im lying).

But if anyone says anything bad the members here will defend the UGL like theyre family. No bloods means your opinion doesnt count! :cool:

My cycle logs up. With bloods.
Youre point is well taken, either way. Ive yet to see ANYONE post shitty Pcom bloods. That said if or when it happens, they're done. But I have not seen any.
I agree that bloods are best, but its funny that so many people can say pharmacom is great with no bloods. They just feel a "pump", or had "hella gainz". Almost no one says anything (check their threads if Im lying).

But if anyone says anything bad the members here will defend the UGL like theyre family. No bloods means your opinion doesnt count! :cool:

Some of these guys sound crazy though, they say they eat 5k cals and train 5-6 days a week and gain no weight. Like frank said In another post that many cals even with bunk gear how can you gain no weight.
Without bloods you don't really have any evidence. Not saying your not telling the truth but shit is all anecdotal.
Some of these guys sound crazy though, they say they eat 5k cals and train 5-6 days a week and gain no weight. Like frank said In another post that many cals even with bunk gear how can you gain no weight.

I agree. But what else would Frank say. They also claim that they have a sophisticated lab set-up that does all their dosing and bottling for them. Bit of thats the case how does one batch come out way overdosed?

Im not trying to bash Pharmacom, but I think people should open their eyes and see them for what they are, another UGL. So many people act like because they ran a good cycle that their bff's with Frank and Darius. And they defend them like its true.
I agree. But what else would Frank say. They also claim that they have a sophisticated lab set-up that does all their dosing and bottling for them. Bit of thats the case how does one batch come out way overdosed?

Im not trying to bash Pharmacom, but I think people should open their eyes and see them for what they are, another UGL. So many people act like because they ran a good cycle that their bff's with Frank and Darius. And they defend them like its true.

Most people defend them out of fear, I'm guessing anyway. Fear that 3 out of 10 bottles they bought might be bunk or underdosed. Hard pill to swallow