Waiting on these fantastic results

I agree. But what else would Frank say. They also claim that they have a sophisticated lab set-up that does all their dosing and bottling for them. Bit of thats the case how does one batch come out way overdosed?

Im not trying to bash Pharmacom, but I think people should open their eyes and see them for what they are, another UGL. So many people act like because they ran a good cycle that their bff's with Frank and Darius. And they defend them like its true.

Couldn't have said it better myself Jay.
I agree that bloods are best, but its funny that so many people can say pharmacom is great with no bloods. They just feel a "pump", or had "hella gainz". Almost no one says anything (check their threads if Im lying).

That's how the opposite side goes as well though. They claim they "don't feel" anything but don't post any bloods.

I've seen some bloods from the lab testing section done by members with a lot of posts under their name and they come back good if slightly underdosed. The whole thing seems to me like a case of shills shilling shills. Google pharmacom and you'll see people say they are bunk without posting any bloods or @IronJulius posting the same blood panels on different forums. And I'm not surprised at all because they're a big UGL and will get attacked by competitors in this manner because that's the best way to do business in a world of illegal/grey zone substances and because they have now reached a point where they can selectively scam people and get away with it.

Fuck it, these people have gotten me scared enough to order bloodwork on week 2. Waiting for my kit to arrive next week so I'll post results around mid august.
To be clear guys, at least one person that called him a shill was being sarcastic and taking a little jab at him since he chose to preface his post by threatening to meet up with, and kick the ass of, anyone calling him a shill. That person would be me. I have no idea if the dude is a shill or not.:rolleyes:

I got the feeling that other guys might have been doing the same thing...

Blood analysis ? Sorry but your post without any real facts and data.

If you are said that our products is "shit" you can sent them to Simec for analysis. In case if our products will be really with underdosage - we will cover all your expenses and replace all products.
Of course all vials must be without exploitation in our original factory state.
What about lucabratzi and his results for the cotton ball looking stuff in his gear? We still haven't got a fucking answer on that and now your like, just send it to simec...of course though it has to be an unopened vial...which is convenient for u because I've already opened and pinned loads of it!! And how do I know u don't have a undisclosed relationship with simec? I just want some gear that is legit. And it's offensive for a man like me, that KNOWS how I should be feeling on these doses of gear like this, to be questioned. I get it....you don't know me. But on everything sacred I know I'm not getting the results that proper steroids give. I just want gear that does what it's supposed to.
Seems like other members have been complaining about this ugl's service. There isn't much you can do about it. This is just one more hit this source will take. I have seen this too many times. This lab may not be here much longer.

Sorry for your loss brother. Most of us have been burned. You did everything right and went with a source who has had good results here in the past. Give any ugl enough time and that source will fuck up. What counts is how they make it right. All you can do is make your case and pharmacom will address it or blow you off. Everyone gets to read about it right here.
I really appreciate you saying that. Because I am being very honest. I'm just a normal guy. I really don't care about anything but going to work every day taking care of my family and having fun working out. I don't have a lot of money and when I dump money on a company and lose out... it's very frustrating to say the least. I appreciate someone like yourself at least relating with me. I'm just a normal guy that doesn't want to get ripped off
You shouldn't send it to simec, anabolic labs or any of that shit because pcom "donated" a lot of money to support them.

Just get bloods. You can't go wrong with those.
My cycle logs up. With bloods.
Youre point is well taken, either way. Ive yet to see ANYONE post shitty Pcom bloods. That said if or when it happens, they're done. But I have not seen any.
Yeah and since I'm such a shill, why don't I just make up some fake f****** blood work papers too? Maybe you're just a mother f***** that tries to protect companies like pharmacom. Maybe the shill is the one f****** pointing the finger.
That's how the opposite side goes as well though. They claim they "don't feel" anything but don't post any bloods.

I've seen some bloods from the lab testing section done by members with a lot of posts under their name and they come back good if slightly underdosed. The whole thing seems to me like a case of shills shilling shills. Google pharmacom and you'll see people say they are bunk without posting any bloods or @IronJulius posting the same blood panels on different forums. And I'm not surprised at all because they're a big UGL and will get attacked by competitors in this manner because that's the best way to do business in a world of illegal/grey zone substances and because they have now reached a point where they can selectively scam people and get away with it.

Fuck it, these people have gotten me scared enough to order bloodwork on week 2. Waiting for my kit to arrive next week so I'll post results around mid august.
I get what you're saying. But I'm not a shower and now I'm getting f***** out of money
That's how the opposite side goes as well though. They claim they "don't feel" anything but don't post any bloods.

I've seen some bloods from the lab testing section done by members with a lot of posts under their name and they come back good if slightly underdosed. The whole thing seems to me like a case of shills shilling shills. Google pharmacom and you'll see people say they are bunk without posting any bloods or @IronJulius posting the same blood panels on different forums. And I'm not surprised at all because they're a big UGL and will get attacked by competitors in this manner because that's the best way to do business in a world of illegal/grey zone substances and because they have now reached a point where they can selectively scam people and get away with it.

Fuck it, these people have gotten me scared enough to order bloodwork on week 2. Waiting for my kit to arrive next week so I'll post results around mid august.

Not saying his bloods are real or not, only him, the doctor, and God know that, but IronJulius is a pharmacom rep so his word about them means nothing to me. Especially since he was called on it and tried to deny it at first
Have you regressed at all noticeably since dropping the dbol?

None of what you describe necessarily guarantees you have bunk gear.
Have you regressed at all noticeably since dropping the dbol?

None of what you describe necessarily guarantees you have bunk gear.
I lost everything about a week after the d-bol. The D ball was legit of that I'm sure. I was getting great pumps when it kicked in and about a week after I was done taking it I got some pretty good acne on my shoulders and back. The injectable gear from pharmacom that I'm taking however is doing absolutely nothing. I'm coming up on it 8 weeks and have got no strength gains no size gains. I have gained a lot of fat because of all the food I've been consuming. I'm eating upwards of three hundred grams of lean protein, 400 grams of carbohydrates and I eat 2 tablespoons of peanut butter along with a tablespoon of olive oil a day for fats. I'm trying to bulk and I know what steroid should be doing for me. I'm not a newbie man.
Not saying his bloods are real or not, only him, the doctor, and God know that, but IronJulius is a pharmacom rep so his word about them means nothing to me. Especially since he was called on it and tried to deny it at first

Lol that's what I'm saying. If you see a guy with the same name posting the same great blood panels on a bunch of different forums at once wouldn't you feel something was fishy?

I went by the results of several meso members before I ordered anyway. Either way, getting mine done next week so I'll know.

I get what you're saying. But I'm not a shower and now I'm getting f***** out of money

You can order a TT test online for less than 50 bucks. If you are that strapped for cash I guess fuck it, doesn't matter but doing so would go a long way towards hurting pcom if they indeed fucked with you. If someone sold me veggie oil for hundreds of bucks I'd sure as hell pay a small price to see that I hurt their business.
I really do understand people questioning me. But you're not more trustworthy than I am in the long run and I really don't care about ruining a company's name. But I just spent a lot of money on aromatase inhibitors, 4 different steroids and 9 needles along with the draw needles to poke myself and it's not working like it should. I just would like some real gear. If pharmacom wants to privately get ahold of me then please do. I'll stop this whole post....give me some legit gear and ill turn this post around and tell people how you fixed the situation and that the fix was real gear. @Pharmacom Helper
@Pharmacom Labs
I really do understand people questioning me. But you're not more trustworthy than I am in the long run and I really don't care about ruining a company's name. But I just spent a lot of money on aromatase inhibitors, 4 different steroids and 9 needles along with the draw needles to poke myself and it's not working like it should. I just would like some real gear. If pharmacom wants to privately get ahold of me then please do. I'll stop this whole post....give me some legit gear and ill turn this post around and tell people how you fixed the situation and that the fix was real gear. @Pharmacom Helper
@Pharmacom Labs

I'm sorry I know that's stupid to expect but I'm just really pissed. And would like the situation remedied. This is just really shitty. I've been off gear for a long time now from injuries and lost my personal hookup. Now that I'm working out again I try for this online bullshit and this is what happens....I get good dbol and shit injectables....in just saying, I'm not lying and it's very saddening to spend $600 on dbol...and injectables that AREN'T working.
You want a chance at getting free gear? Do bloodwork and post it here. There's really no way you're getting anything done here other than getting people to think you're trying to blackmail pcom into giving you free gear in return for internet brownie points.
I'm sorry I know that's stupid to expect but I'm just really pissed. And would like the situation remedied. This is just really shitty. I've been off gear for a long time now from injuries and lost my personal hookup. Now that I'm working out again I try for this online bullshit and this is what happens....I get good dbol and shit injectables....in just saying, I'm not lying and it's very saddening to spend $600 on dbol...and injectables that AREN'T working.

Get bloodwork or fuck off dude.

By the way, it pains me to say that because I have nothing for pharmacom but Christ... get the fucking bloodwork.