Waiting on these fantastic results

I'm just trying to make sense of it. and put myself in your shoes. I wouldnt want replacements, maybe my money back if that was an option. and I wouldn't be pinning just to pin.
I'm not going to stop. I'm going to pin and put away until two bottles of test e 300 are gone along with one bottle of Tren e 300 and 1 bottle of pharmanan 300 is gone. I'm already through one entire bottle of test e 300 and almost all of the Tren e and deca durabolin... So if you would for one second just say maybe this guy is telling the truth you would understand my frustration
Man you got to understand people have come in before saying shits bunk or its not dosed right and they were or were working for other labs. So just calm down a little get the bloods done so you can have more credibility. If it's like you say it is, pharmacom will get a deep dicken.

Edit: Read the link I posted in the post above and you'll see the kind of drama I'm talking about.
I lost everything about a week after the d-bol. The D ball was legit of that I'm sure. I was getting great pumps when it kicked in and about a week after I was done taking it I got some pretty good acne on my shoulders and back. The injectable gear from pharmacom that I'm taking however is doing absolutely nothing. I'm coming up on it 8 weeks and have got no strength gains no size gains. I have gained a lot of fat because of all the food I've been consuming. I'm eating upwards of three hundred grams of lean protein, 400 grams of carbohydrates and I eat 2 tablespoons of peanut butter along with a tablespoon of olive oil a day for fats. I'm trying to bulk and I know what steroid should be doing for me. I'm not a newbie man.

Sounds like your training is complete and utter garbage. Even if your gear was highly underdosed you would still be making strength and size gains if you were truly training hard and eating that amount of food.

Saying you have gotten absolutely 0 gains shows me that you're intensity and training in the gym must be shit and your diet really isn't as good as you had assumed.
If his test is very underdosed or bunk and he's shutdown with shit for TT levels then he won't be making any gains.

If his test is bunk he would of had lower tt running dbol and bunk test than just bunk test.

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That's how the opposite side goes as well though. They claim they "don't feel" anything but don't post any bloods.

I've seen some bloods from the lab testing section done by members with a lot of posts under their name and they come back good if slightly underdosed. The whole thing seems to me like a case of shills shilling shills. Google pharmacom and you'll see people say they are bunk without posting any bloods or @IronJulius posting the same blood panels on different forums. And I'm not surprised at all because they're a big UGL and will get attacked by competitors in this manner because that's the best way to do business in a world of illegal/grey zone substances and because they have now reached a point where they can selectively scam people and get away with it.

Fuck it, these people have gotten me scared enough to order bloodwork on week 2. Waiting for my kit to arrive next week so I'll post results around mid august.
look forward to you results
Not saying his bloods are real or not, only him, the doctor, and God know that, but IronJulius is a pharmacom rep so his word about them means nothing to me. Especially since he was called on it and tried to deny it at first
where did i try to deny?
Sounds like your training is complete and utter garbage. Even if your gear was highly underdosed you would still be making strength and size gains if you were truly training hard and eating that amount of food.

Saying you have gotten absolutely 0 gains shows me that you're intensity and training in the gym must be shit and your diet really isn't as good as you had assumed.
Your a retard and don't know what the fuck your talking about. My training is so fucking intense it's incredible. And my diet is so on point it makes my friends sick. And for anyone that knows a god damn little about dbol...they know that it's quick and dramatic and feels great but the gain are a lot of immediate strength and water weight. I love dbol but it does fade away quickly. I gained a lot of strength and size from the dbol....it just left quickly. That's very typical of dianabol.
No bloods, no sending bottle to Simec for testing = Bullshit.

My blood was capped but came out as expected running Tren and Test. Trying to find a new Dr for uncapped test to see real picture.

Oddly Pharmacom replaces any problems, pays for testing... really does anything a legit supplier asks.
Bloods posted by others come back good.

Isn't it odd that the biggest complainers of bunk gear won't do anything to support their claim?

My diet was shit and my gym habits shit for the last 12 weeks. I was on Pharmacom Test and Tren. I barely gained stomach fat, my arms grew, legs got tight as fuck and my boob fat went down.
This is with 0 diet eating anything and if I got in the gym 2 days a week I was doing good.
Personal reasons why I crashed but still the gear is legit for that to happen.
I'm eating upwards of three hundred grams of lean protein, 400 grams of carbohydrates and I eat 2 tablespoons of peanut butter along with a tablespoon of olive oil a day for fats. I'm trying to bulk.

My question is, why are you attempting to bulk on a diet of just over 3,000 calories a day?
OP is a drama queen. IF he really wanted anything, beside drama and some reverse shill scheme, he'd have gotten bloods before he started the thread.

So at this point all we have is a hot head key board warrior with some half empty claims, threats and excuses.
My training is so fucking intense it's incredible.

My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious.

And my diet is so on point it makes my friends sick.

You are trying to grow off 3k calories a day, not only that, but you state you were gaining a disproportionate amount of fat eating that much (due to bunk steronz).

Unless you're 140lbs or something around there, 3070kcalories shouldn't be making you fat, or even an acceptable amount of food to grow.

( I calculated your diet for you, you said you were eating 300g protonz, 400g carbohydronz, and 2 tpbs peanut butter, 1 tpbs oil. Around 3070kcal.

Most experienced steroid users need substantially more food than that to grow or even notice a change in body composition. The fact you were getting fat off this is some real scary shit m8.
All you have to do is go on the pharmacom thread. Franks first responce will be to get bloodwork or send a full unopened vial to simic and he will pay for testing. Correct me if im wrong but frank also reimburses the cost of the blood test. I also think he offered someone a thousand dollers if they could prove the gear was bunk (that may have been darious)

If you get bloodwork and i shows that the gear is shit frank will have no play and be forced to send your money back. He will be eaten alive, while this is the only steroid forum i am on (besides eroids but i dont use the forum) many members here are in muiltiple forums. The word would spread fast and it would really put a large dent in there buisness.

If you refuse to do that then go to mcdonalds and tell them they didnt give you a big mac. You cant even get a free burger anymore unless you have a receipt.
All you have to do is go on the pharmacom thread. Franks first responce will be to get bloodwork or send a full unopened vial to simic and he will pay for testing. Correct me if im wrong but frank also reimburses the cost of the blood test. I also think he offered someone a thousand dollers if they could prove the gear was bunk (that may have been darious)

If you get bloodwork and i shows that the gear is shit frank will have no play and be forced to send your money back. He will be eaten alive, while this is the only steroid forum i am on (besides eroids but i dont use the forum) many members here are in muiltiple forums. The word would spread fast and it would really put a large dent in there buisness.

If you refuse to do that then go to mcdonalds and tell them they didnt give you a big mac. You cant even get a free burger anymore unless you have a receipt.
Mmmm. I love burgers. :) a giant greasy 80/20 patty on a soft bun would do me right just about now, at 7am ;)
If you refuse to do that then go to mcdonalds and tell them they didnt give you a big mac. You cant even get a free burger anymore unless you have a receipt.
I bought the kids a bunch of burgers and fries and nuggets once. and the bitch forgot to put the nuggets in bag. so I went back to the counter, after I had already gave the food out to my kids, and said you forgot to give me the nuggets. she said bring me the bag so I can see. I was like wtf. I already gave it all out to the kids.

I'm really gonna scam burger king for a 1.49 nuggets? f'n bitch
Jesus wept, on 3k cals a day sitting on the couch doing nothing I drop a pound a day, no matter how much oil I inject. Add in "training so intense it's incredible" (which I will assume means bicep curls an hour a day six days a week with grandma's 2.5 lb plastic boss dbs), and I would look like a concentration camp inmate within a month.

Oh the Wild Wild internet, and the stories we tell.

BTW, please stop the tear-jerker shit about how you "have a family," it's a sad, pathetic logical fallacy at best, and sources who sell bunk gear and reverse scammers alike have "family."

Finally, as I finish this delicious cup of coffee, let me hit the lucabratzi issue. If you're mr. Experience and know your shit, you would look at those pics and say "his gear crashed." I have that same batch of NPP. ALL OF IT CRASHED. And I know what that looks like, cause I saw a movie on YouTube about steroids once so now I'm an expert, just like you.

Fuck I make good coffee. Bye Felicia. See you when you get some bloods.
Jesus wept, on 3k cals a day sitting on the couch doing nothing I drop a pound a day, no matter how much oil I inject. Add in "training so intense it's incredible" (which I will assume means bicep curls an hour a day six days a week with grandma's 2.5 lb plastic boss dbs), and I would look like a concentration camp inmate within a month.

Oh the Wild Wild internet, and the stories we tell.

BTW, please stop the tear-jerker shit about how you "have a family," it's a sad, pathetic logical fallacy at best, and sources who sell bunk gear and reverse scammers alike have "family."

Finally, as I finish this delicious cup of coffee, let me hit the lucabratzi issue. If you're mr. Experience and know your shit, you would look at those pics and say "his gear crashed." I have that same batch of NPP. ALL OF IT CRASHED. And I know what that looks like, cause I saw a movie on YouTube about steroids once so now I'm an expert, just like you.

Fuck I make good coffee. Bye Felicia. See you when you get some bloods.

Everybody is different. I spent 10 years on a very restrictive diet. I lost 150lbs and kept it off. Now if I eat any more than 1500 calories a day while not on gear I get fat. I have to keep my carbs very low or I just blow up.

On gear I have to be very careful to only carb up around my workouts and I grow on 3,000 cals a day. Not fast but I grow.

I have no choice to do it this way or I just get fat and sloppy.