Waiting on these fantastic results

Well I'm looking forward to your blood work. Every pharmacom lab test I've seen on anaboliclab has passed and nothing was underdosed. Their gear is the most tested gear on the site (from what I've seen). So they have quite a bit of credibility. And from time to time there have been people popping up here and there claiming their pharmacom gear was bunk but nothing really came to fruition from their posts. Hence, why a lot of people are skeptical here.

If your gear was truly bunk or underdosed then that would very problematic to a lot of people and of course pharmacom's reputation that's why this situation needs to be handled with proper care.

If you're legit, I'm sorry for your wasted time and money and I hope we can get a proper verdict on this situation soon!

Good luck
Well I'm looking forward to your blood work. Every pharmacom lab test I've seen on anaboliclab has passed and nothing was underdosed. Their gear is the most tested gear on the site (from what I've seen). So they have quite a bit of credibility. And from time to time there have been people popping up here and there claiming their pharmacom gear was bunk but nothing really came to fruition from their posts. Hence, why a lot of people are skeptical here.

If your gear was truly bunk or underdosed then that would very problematic to a lot of people and of course pharmacom's reputation that's why this situation needs to be handled with proper care.

If you're legit, I'm sorry for your wasted time and money and I hope we can get a proper verdict on this situation soon!

Good luck
Along with the money offered. So OP, you gunna send back the unopened bunk gear?
Nobody's trying to get you to cry. Are you taking any aromatase Inhibitors by the way? Because it seems like your estrogen levels a little bit high bitch. I was simply stating that I don't have the money to throw around...but now that I know I can get bloods done for 50 bucks...its on.

I wasn't crying, zombie baby jeebus was. Reading comprehension ain't your strong suit huh?

You'll have my respect when you show up with bloods, buddy. Hopefully you've learned how we work here at meso. Come correct and you'll get backed up by the members. Come like a whiny bitch with nothing to back up your claims and you look like a punk reverse scammer, the only thing despised here more than sources.

Hope you get resolution, bub.
Along with the money offered. So OP, you gunna send back the unopened bunk gear?
It's all opened unfortunately....I've been running it going on eight weeks now. I bought 2 bottles of test e 300, one bottle of tren e 200 and one bottle of deca 300. The first bottle of test is in my ass and quads and I'm onto the next bottle, the tren and deca have only enough for one more pin and then I was gonna run out the rest of the test by itself before my PCT. I'm also running 0.5mg of anastrozole every 3 days for AI.....
In all honesty I really liked their Dbol. After about day 10 of taking it my pumps were so good my arms felt like they were gonna explode. I was loving it.
I wasn't crying, zombie baby jeebus was. Reading comprehension ain't your strong suit huh?

You'll have my respect when you show up with bloods, buddy. Hopefully you've learned how we work here at meso. Come correct and you'll get backed up by the members. Come like a whiny bitch with nothing to back up your claims and you look like a punk reverse scammer, the only thing despised here more than sources.

Hope you get resolution, bub.
My reading comprehension is actually quite astute sir. And my vernacular is quite extensive. Perhaps your lack of proper connotations leaves me in a state of perplexity.... but you're right my grammar and its idiosyncrasies are probably inferior to the likes of yourself and I bow humbly in the presence of your greatness.
My reading comprehension is actually quite astute sir. And my vernacular is quite extensive. Perhaps your lack of proper connotations leaves me in a state of perplexity.... but you're right my grammar and its idiosyncrasies are probably inferior to the likes of yourself and I bow humbly in the presence of your greatness.
Tut tut Mr. Bill I find your vernacular to be ostentatious at best.:rolleyes:

Yes! Finally a fancy word thread!:D
If I get one comment from some ignorant piece of shit that I'm a shill or a rep for another company, I'm gonna ask to meet and beat the fuck outta you..... ok, now that that's out of the way.....I've been shooting 450 mg of pharmacom test e 300, cocktailed with 300 mg of pharmacom tren e, and 300 mg of pharmacom pharma NAN 300 for 7 weeks now with ZERO results. I started the cycle with 40 mgs of pharmacom dianabolos for 25 days. The Dbol was legit, but don't stop reading. Once the dbol died off, I started fading in energy very quickly. At 7 weeks and my ninth pin(because I was front loading the first 2 weeks) I am still getting absolutely ZERO results!! I am an avid user of PED's....I know what to expect. What the actual FUCK should or can I do about this? I'm not trying to be an asshole, but I spent nearly 600 bucks on this cycle and only got fucking Dbol....any suggestions??? This was all purchased from us.basicstero
@Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs
1. please provide your order number
2. presumably the gear is bunk. if you have not gained/enhanced anything within 7 weeks being on a bulking cycle your nutrition, your work-out program, everything is to say it straight crap. This is just an axiom. Any person would see effects on proper diet and work-out programm within 7 weeks even without gear. Only this ZERO result situation makes me not to trust you and doubt your efforts.
Most guys just take the loss and move on. That's what sources hope for.
But, i agree, get bloods or just move on to the next. You had your say.

All you have to do is go on the pharmacom thread. Franks first responce will be to get bloodwork or send a full unopened vial to simic and he will pay for testing. Correct me if im wrong but frank also reimburses the cost of the blood test. I also think he offered someone a thousand dollers if they could prove the gear was bunk (that may have been darious)

If you get bloodwork and i shows that the gear is shit frank will have no play and be forced to send your money back. He will be eaten alive, while this is the only steroid forum i am on (besides eroids but i dont use the forum) many members here are in muiltiple forums. The word would spread fast and it would really put a large dent in there buisness.

If you refuse to do that then go to mcdonalds and tell them they didnt give you a big mac. You cant even get a free burger anymore unless you have a receipt.
Interesting subject touched. I would like to see your opinions here. Let`s abstract our minds from this definite situation. Let`s imagine the following situation:
there are scammers. this is a fact. scamming is possible both from the side of a source in the most of cases and reverse scamming from the customer`s side.
What if some Mr. X decides to scam some source. Hypothetically. He creates a topic and says the gear is bunk, no results. Everyone is asking for bloodwork. Ok, he takes blood and uploads results. Let`s imagine that blood work shows 0 or close to 0. How everyone of you can be sure that this Mr. X pinned test before he took blood and did it in right time? There si no way to find it out. Agree? Of course you can say, why would someone do this, the possible reason is above. You can say good members would never do this. This is also not an excuse. Let`s keep the moral side aside and consider only facts. The situation may happen, which probably happened in another thread about test p.
You all are focused on how customers can protect themselves from unconscientious sources. What about the sources? It shall be fairly for both sides. Neither you nor we know for sure who is there on the other side and whether he can be 100% trusted or not. What is the way out? Blood work? ok. if blood work comes back bad, you say we will have to replace items, etc. What if i still don`t trust it? I have absolutely full right as per justice law. When we provide our results of tests, there are customers who doubt them. Because they were initiated by us and those samples were tested, which we chose. Right? Nobody will argue with this. The same is valid for a reverse situation. If I see a blood work of from someone, how can we all and the source particularly be sure that the blood work is done properly, that testosterone was indeed injected, that this is not a Photoshop finally? Nobody from us can know it for sure. This is a fact as well.
So, where is the way out? Yes, correct. Independent testing by a third trusted site. In our case this is Simec. Or any other accredited lab with verifiable reports. This is the most valuable thing in Simec. If i see a result, i contact them, provide report number and they confirm or not confirm it. If there are other accredited labs providing verifiable results, no problem, once can use them also. This way, when products of customers are tested by a third-side independent lab is the only fair method to find out whether a product is good or bad. Even blood works can show false results, labmax can show false results, chromatography performed by an accredited lab never. And of course products shall be tested unopened. This does not need explanation.
All i said above is absolutely obvious and objective.This is how this is settled in a civilized world.
With the hypothetical order of op, depending on volume of injection would not have a full vial to send in for testing. Blood work would be his only defense, he would not expect to see or feel any results till week 5. Going to get blood work would prove the quality if he was actually pinning your products. But how many reverse scammers would actually take the time to go get blood work to prove you wrong on a 250$ gear order? Minus the 60 bucks for blood work and the time it takes to prove all of this. Then to add to that your cost of his order is 40 bucks or less. I understand you desire to defend your products but the likely hood that anyone would jump threw all those hoops for 250 bucks is slim. Then add to that how many potential costomers you would lose that see your name attached to bad bloodwork!

Sometimes i think you try to hard when it is simply not benificial to you. That is if op actually goes and gets blood work. You run a buisness but act like every action someone takes with you is a direct attack on your integrity and pride.

I again have had zero issues with you personally and have had good success with your products, so much so that i turned my stepdad on to you. But i think your buisness practices are at a minimum questionable from time to time.
What if i still don`t trust it? I have absolutely full right as per justice law

Lol. You're selling illegal substances first of all. At premium prices. Law doesn't apply here at all. Anyhow, the way you handle the situation is ultimately up to you. But your actions will reflect on your success.

Your actions are getting questioned more and more... beginning of the fall?

Please don't reply to me either unless it's in several hours when I may need something to help put me to sleep.
1. please provide your order number
2. presumably the gear is bunk. if you have not gained/enhanced anything within 7 weeks being on a bulking cycle your nutrition, your work-out program, everything is to say it straight crap. This is just an axiom. Any person would see effects on proper diet and work-out programm within 7 weeks even without gear. Only this ZERO result situation makes me not to trust you and doubt your efforts.

Interesting subject touched. I would like to see your opinions here. Let`s abstract our minds from this definite situation. Let`s imagine the following situation:
there are scammers. this is a fact. scamming is possible both from the side of a source in the most of cases and reverse scamming from the customer`s side.
What if some Mr. X decides to scam some source. Hypothetically. He creates a topic and says the gear is bunk, no results. Everyone is asking for bloodwork. Ok, he takes blood and uploads results. Let`s imagine that blood work shows 0 or close to 0. How everyone of you can be sure that this Mr. X pinned test before he took blood and did it in right time? There si no way to find it out. Agree? Of course you can say, why would someone do this, the possible reason is above. You can say good members would never do this. This is also not an excuse. Let`s keep the moral side aside and consider only facts. The situation may happen, which probably happened in another thread about test p.
You all are focused on how customers can protect themselves from unconscientious sources. What about the sources? It shall be fairly for both sides. Neither you nor we know for sure who is there on the other side and whether he can be 100% trusted or not. What is the way out? Blood work? ok. if blood work comes back bad, you say we will have to replace items, etc. What if i still don`t trust it? I have absolutely full right as per justice law. When we provide our results of tests, there are customers who doubt them. Because they were initiated by us and those samples were tested, which we chose. Right? Nobody will argue with this. The same is valid for a reverse situation. If I see a blood work of from someone, how can we all and the source particularly be sure that the blood work is done properly, that testosterone was indeed injected, that this is not a Photoshop finally? Nobody from us can know it for sure. This is a fact as well.
So, where is the way out? Yes, correct. Independent testing by a third trusted site. In our case this is Simec. Or any other accredited lab with verifiable reports. This is the most valuable thing in Simec. If i see a result, i contact them, provide report number and they confirm or not confirm it. If there are other accredited labs providing verifiable results, no problem, once can use them also. This way, when products of customers are tested by a third-side independent lab is the only fair method to find out whether a product is good or bad. Even blood works can show false results, labmax can show false results, chromatography performed by an accredited lab never. And of course products shall be tested unopened. This does not need explanation.
All i said above is absolutely obvious and objective.This is how this is settled in a civilized world.
Well I guess that leaves me f****** screwed... I'm pretty sure the blood work is going to cost about $100. Just give me a little time to get it done. This blood work will be for everyone on Meso.... because it looks like pharmacom is going to be a fucking asshole even if I get blood work. This all really just sucks... All I want is legit gear.
With the hypothetical order of op, depending on volume of injection would not have a full vial to send in for testing. Blood work would be his only defense, he would not expect to see or feel any results till week 5. Going to get blood work would prove the quality if he was actually pinning your products. But how many reverse scammers would actually take the time to go get blood work to prove you wrong on a 250$ gear order? Minus the 60 bucks for blood work and the time it takes to prove all of this. Then to add to that your cost of his order is 40 bucks or less. I understand you desire to defend your products but the likely hood that anyone would jump threw all those hoops for 250 bucks is slim. Then add to that how many potential costomers you would lose that see your name attached to bad bloodwork!

Sometimes i think you try to hard when it is simply not benificial to you. That is if op actually goes and gets blood work. You run a buisness but act like every action someone takes with you is a direct attack on your integrity and pride.

I again have had zero issues with you personally and have had good success with your products, so much so that i turned my stepdad on to you. But i think your buisness practices are at a minimum questionable from time to time.
and so...everyone is on his side. i understand your point. I am trying to express my point, which is not understood here. I have no problem to replace items at all. I will even not notice any loss due to some items replaced. This is not a question at all. I am not greedy. This is a matter of principle. If someone says that 3 products do not work at all, he shall be able to provide some prove. Not for me. For me it would be easier and much faster to replace those items and forget about it. I would save lot of time and nerves instead of writing long posts. But this is not right. The board is not done for this. What you get if i replace all items for him? Nothing. Everyone forgets about this and taht`s all. I wanna you all see the real reports of products which are allegedly bunk. Blood work can not help here. It does not show tren or any other steroids except testosterone and all 3 products can not be bunk, this is not possible. As i said, simple logic, if a person make efforts within 7 weeks he/she will have some result, even without steroids. Zero result is not an argument. I wanna people learn to stand behind their words. I wanna people see real chromotography results of those products. If they are not done, you learn nothing from this. I get no opportunity to prove our quality. People reading this get wrong impression. Everything turns out not as it shall be. This approach brings nothing neither to me nor to you. If we get chromotography results we all will see the real facts and no other comments will be needed. It will be great contribution to the entire community. It will finally prove that our gear is not bunk. Or bunk... but remember all chromotography reports and tell how many products (shipped not only by us, also by Anaboliclab, by Sampei, other guys), how many of them were bunk...
Lol. You're selling illegal substances first of all. At premium prices. Law doesn't apply here at all. Anyhow, the way you handle the situation is ultimately up to you. But your actions will reflect on your success.

Your actions are getting questioned more and more... beginning of the fall?

Please don't reply to me either unless it's in several hours when I may need something to help put me to sleep.
i said nothing about legal low. i said justice law or if it is more clear for you - rules of justice. if customers doubt results provided by us, we have right to doubt words of customers, especially if those are idle. The fair way out is independent testing in a third-side lab. Premium prices? We have all the time discounts and people get gear at a half price in fact.
And yes I completely understand that my actions have consequences. This is exactly why I behave the way I behave. It would be much easier for me to replace all items and let this thread get lost without any real useful info. As i said above, i wanna people do something beneficial for us. In this case our goals are equal, we both source and board members wanna know the truth, which is only possible if products get tested. If somebody claims he has zero result for 7 weeks and we have only his word, this is not a contribution. I actually wonder how ridiculous is the situation. The source is trying to convince customers to test its products in an independent accredited third-side lab by all possible ways, the source is ready to cover expenses, the source is making its best so that people could fill the threads with useful info..and the source is getting criticized for... what for? For the things which actually members shall do and insist on, why the entire board exists at all - contributing to the common weal... Nonsense, just absurd. i have no words for this.
and so...everyone is on his side. i understand your point. I am trying to express my point, which is not understood here. I have no problem to replace items at all. I will even not notice any loss due to some items replaced. This is not a question at all. I am not greedy. This is a matter of principle. If someone says that 3 products do not work at all, he shall be able to provide some prove. Not for me. For me it would be easier and much faster to replace those items and forget about it. I would save lot of time and nerves instead of writing long posts. But this is not right. The board is not done for this. What you get if i replace all items for him? Nothing. Everyone forgets about this and taht`s all. I wanna you all see the real reports of products which are allegedly bunk. Blood work can not help here. It does not show tren or any other steroids except testosterone and all 3 products can not be bunk, this is not possible. As i said, simple logic, if a person make efforts within 7 weeks he/she will have some result, even without steroids. Zero result is not an argument. I wanna people learn to stand behind their words. I wanna people see real chromotography results of those products. If they are not done, you learn nothing from this. I get no opportunity to prove our quality. People reading this get wrong impression. Everything turns out not as it shall be. This approach brings nothing neither to me nor to you. If we get chromotography results we all will see the real facts and no other comments will be needed. It will be great contribution to the entire community. It will finally prove that our gear is not bunk. Or bunk... but remember all chromotography reports and tell how many products (shipped not only by us, also by Anaboliclab, by Sampei, other guys), how many of them were bunk...

i said nothing about legal low. i said justice law or if it is more clear for you - rules of justice. if customers doubt results provided by us, we have right to doubt words of customers, especially if those are idle. The fair way out is independent testing in a third-side lab. Premium prices? We have all the time discounts and people get gear at a half price in fact.
And yes I completely understand that my actions have consequences. This is exactly why I behave the way I behave. It would be much easier for me to replace all items and let this thread get lost without any real useful info. As i said above, i wanna people do something beneficial for us. In this case our goals are equal, we both source and board members wanna know the truth, which is only possible if products get tested. If somebody claims he has zero result for 7 weeks and we have only his word, this is not a contribution. I actually wonder how ridiculous is the situation. The source is trying to convince customers to test its products in an independent accredited third-side lab by all possible ways, the source is ready to cover expenses, the source is making its best so that people could fill the threads with useful info..and the source is getting criticized for... what for? For the things which actually members shall do and insist on, why the entire board exists at all - contributing to the common weal... Nonsense, just absurd. i have no words for this.

What's your name? Pseudonym that is?

I don't spend much time in basicstero thread, but you sure don't sound like Frank.

So who are you?
and so...everyone is on his side. i understand your point. I am trying to express my point, which is not understood here. I have no problem to replace items at all. I will even not notice any loss due to some items replaced. This is not a question at all. I am not greedy. This is a matter of principle. If someone says that 3 products do not work at all, he shall be able to provide some prove. Not for me. For me it would be easier and much faster to replace those items and forget about it. I would save lot of time and nerves instead of writing long posts. But this is not right. The board is not done for this. What you get if i replace all items for him? Nothing. Everyone forgets about this and taht`s all. I wanna you all see the real reports of products which are allegedly bunk. Blood work can not help here. It does not show tren or any other steroids except testosterone and all 3 products can not be bunk, this is not possible. As i said, simple logic, if a person make efforts within 7 weeks he/she will have some result, even without steroids. Zero result is not an argument. I wanna people learn to stand behind their words. I wanna people see real chromotography results of those products. If they are not done, you learn nothing from this. I get no opportunity to prove our quality. People reading this get wrong impression. Everything turns out not as it shall be. This approach brings nothing neither to me nor to you. If we get chromotography results we all will see the real facts and no other comments will be needed. It will be great contribution to the entire community. It will finally prove that our gear is not bunk. Or bunk... but remember all chromotography reports and tell how many products (shipped not only by us, also by Anaboliclab, by Sampei, other guys), how many of them were bunk...

i said nothing about legal low. i said justice law or if it is more clear for you - rules of justice. if customers doubt results provided by us, we have right to doubt words of customers, especially if those are idle. The fair way out is independent testing in a third-side lab. Premium prices? We have all the time discounts and people get gear at a half price in fact.
And yes I completely understand that my actions have consequences. This is exactly why I behave the way I behave. It would be much easier for me to replace all items and let this thread get lost without any real useful info. As i said above, i wanna people do something beneficial for us. In this case our goals are equal, we both source and board members wanna know the truth, which is only possible if products get tested. If somebody claims he has zero result for 7 weeks and we have only his word, this is not a contribution. I actually wonder how ridiculous is the situation. The source is trying to convince customers to test its products in an independent accredited third-side lab by all possible ways, the source is ready to cover expenses, the source is making its best so that people could fill the threads with useful info..and the source is getting criticized for... what for? For the things which actually members shall do and insist on, why the entire board exists at all - contributing to the common weal... Nonsense, just absurd. i have no words for this.
Im not on anyone's side and was speaking hypothetically. Honesty i think something is odd about op and they way he went about this. I know that you want to prove you goods are the quality that you say but he expressed that he only has test left and it has been used so simec is a bust.

But he logic i am using says that if op were trying to scam you that it is a lot of effort for very little. Maybe im wrong it is an odd situation to be in and if your going to make a claim like this have the proof ready.
These long, drawn out, difficult to read posts by pharmacom have to be part of their defensive strategy. I have no way to fight these painful and boring posts.
I have some test E 300 vials waiting to take for my next cycle just waiting on my pre blood work. I'm going to be extremely upset if this test is underdosed :/.. Its not even a matter of money I just want solid gear for some solid gains is that too much to ask lol
and so...everyone is on his side. i understand your point. I am trying to express my point, which is not understood here. I have no problem to replace items at all. I will even not notice any loss due to some items replaced. This is not a question at all. I am not greedy. This is a matter of principle. If someone says that 3 products do not work at all, he shall be able to provide some prove. Not for me. For me it would be easier and much faster to replace those items and forget about it. I would save lot of time and nerves instead of writing long posts. But this is not right. The board is not done for this. What you get if i replace all items for him? Nothing. Everyone forgets about this and taht`s all. I wanna you all see the real reports of products which are allegedly bunk. Blood work can not help here. It does not show tren or any other steroids except testosterone and all 3 products can not be bunk, this is not possible. As i said, simple logic, if a person make efforts within 7 weeks he/she will have some result, even without steroids. Zero result is not an argument. I wanna people learn to stand behind their words. I wanna people see real chromotography results of those products. If they are not done, you learn nothing from this. I get no opportunity to prove our quality. People reading this get wrong impression. Everything turns out not as it shall be. This approach brings nothing neither to me nor to you. If we get chromotography results we all will see the real facts and no other comments will be needed. It will be great contribution to the entire community. It will finally prove that our gear is not bunk. Or bunk... but remember all chromotography reports and tell how many products (shipped not only by us, also by Anaboliclab, by Sampei, other guys), how many of them were bunk...

i said nothing about legal low. i said justice law or if it is more clear for you - rules of justice. if customers doubt results provided by us, we have right to doubt words of customers, especially if those are idle. The fair way out is independent testing in a third-side lab. Premium prices? We have all the time discounts and people get gear at a half price in fact.
And yes I completely understand that my actions have consequences. This is exactly why I behave the way I behave. It would be much easier for me to replace all items and let this thread get lost without any real useful info. As i said above, i wanna people do something beneficial for us. In this case our goals are equal, we both source and board members wanna know the truth, which is only possible if products get tested. If somebody claims he has zero result for 7 weeks and we have only his word, this is not a contribution. I actually wonder how ridiculous is the situation. The source is trying to convince customers to test its products in an independent accredited third-side lab by all possible ways, the source is ready to cover expenses, the source is making its best so that people could fill the threads with useful info..and the source is getting criticized for... what for? For the things which actually members shall do and insist on, why the entire board exists at all - contributing to the common weal... Nonsense, just absurd. i have no words for this.

A majority of "meso" members already told him to STFU without bloods..... The majority already said he sounds like a scammer--- wether he is or not-- who knows--- might just be 18 yrs old.....

Let him get bloods, and do what u see fit, in my eyes let him burn--- he went about it wrong in the first place