Waiting on these fantastic results

How did everyone let this scumbag skate after 8 pages of whining blulshit?

Bro check this out hahaha posted a few days ago


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You need 25mg Aromasin every day????
Just started my pharmacom test e cycle this week, we'll see how it goes.

First injection was on monday, second one today. 500mg for a total of 1g for the first week, will lower to 500 from the next. 25mg aromasin from pharmacist ED.

Anything I should watch out for to see if it's working?
This has been a very entertaining saga... I would never bash a source without bloodwork. I get bloodwork 3 times a year and donate blood every 10 weeks. I have my sources dialed in but would not hesitate to try P-com if I needed some. I think they have weathered the storms. I have been on a couple forums and I left them all-- this place is great and I plan on being here from now on.