Waiting on these fantastic results

Everybody is different. I spent 10 years on a very restrictive diet. I lost 150lbs and kept it off. Now if I eat any more than 1500 calories a day while not on gear I get fat. I have to keep my carbs very low or I just blow up.

On gear I have to be very careful to only carb up around my workouts and I grow on 3,000 cals a day. Not fast but I grow.

I have no choice to do it this way or I just get fat and sloppy.

Sounds like you need to have your thyroid levels looked at.
I have. They are normal. It's fucked up.
Normal= within the range which may not be normal for you. Same as Test. Just because you've got 465TT doesnt mean youre not low T. 465 might be low for you. Same with thyroid levels. It might benefit you to find a doctor that will boost your levels to the top of the range and see what the results are.
If I get one comment from some ignorant piece of shit that I'm a shill or a rep for another company, I'm gonna ask to meet and beat the fuck outta you..... ok, now that that's out of the way.....I've been shooting 450 mg of pharmacom test e 300, cocktailed with 300 mg of pharmacom tren e, and 300 mg of pharmacom pharma NAN 300 for 7 weeks now with ZERO results. I started the cycle with 40 mgs of pharmacom dianabolos for 25 days. The Dbol was legit, but don't stop reading. Once the dbol died off, I started fading in energy very quickly. At 7 weeks and my ninth pin(because I was front loading the first 2 weeks) I am still getting absolutely ZERO results!! I am an avid user of PED's....I know what to expect. What the actual FUCK should or can I do about this? I'm not trying to be an asshole, but I spent nearly 600 bucks on this cycle and only got fucking Dbol....any suggestions??? This was all purchased from us.basicstero
@Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs
bullshit, you're an asshole
Normal= within the range which may not be normal for you. Same as Test. Just because you've got 465TT doesnt mean youre not low T. 465 might be low for you. Same with thyroid levels. It might benefit you to find a doctor that will boost your levels to the top of the range and see what the results are.
Dam bro youve been readin my mind the pase cuople days. I go to write something and you wrote it already.

But I just got my thyroid fixed, taking synthroid. It was very low. But I still only have to eat very little to stay my weight. Unless it's actually more then I think.
Dam bro youve been readin my mind the pase cuople days. I go to write something and you wrote it already.

But I just got my thyroid fixed, taking synthroid. It was very low. But I still only have to eat very little to stay my weight. Unless it's actually more then I think.

Thats from my TRT doc. I can't claim credit. He says the ranges are soooo wide and that just because its "normal" now...what was it 10 years ago? Was it checked? What was your test at 25?

Just because you fall in range, but have every symptom of low t or thyroid, doesnt mean you don't have an issue. Doctors are so quick to dismiss it, and so quick to prescribe you some anti depressants or nasty drugs instead of just balancing out your hormonal levels.
Sounds like his basal metabolic rate was fucked during those years. Not sure if thyroid medication can fix that or if thyroid is even the problem.

I'm not a doc. I dunno. My point was that functional range, but still showing symptoms means something, and many docs discredit. I had low T for along time and stumbled on a guy that does it right, after being told multiple times that I'm within normal ranges and was offered all kinds of other SHIT, but no hormones.
Thats from my TRT doc. I can't claim credit. He says the ranges are soooo wide and that just because its "normal" now...what was it 10 years ago? Was it checked? What was your test at 25?

Just because you fall in range, but have every symptom of low t or thyroid, doesnt mean you don't have an issue. Doctors are so quick to dismiss it, and so quick to prescribe you some anti depressants or nasty drugs instead of just balancing out your hormonal levels.
They tried giving me antidepressants at first had to ask for blood test then had to ask for another because they didn't test testosterone:rolleyes:
They tried giving me antidepressants at first had to ask for blood test then had to ask for another because they didn't test testosterone:rolleyes:

Yeah me too. I was tired all the time,couldn't drop fat, typical symptoms. They wanted me to take drugs and see a therapist. Fuck that. 200mg/week and I feel fucking great!
I'm not a doc. I dunno. My point was that functional range, but still showing symptoms means something, and many docs discredit. I had low T for along time and stumbled on a guy that does it right, after being told multiple times that I'm within normal ranges and was offered all kinds of other SHIT, but no hormones.

I know what you mean. I was just saying that, given his history, it's perfectly normal for him to put on weight the way he does amd that his thyroid is not the issue.
I've had many discussions about why I put on weight the way I do with my doctor. She assures me it's not a thyroid issue.

It's just fucked but I am used to it. I would also assume it's from my metabolic rate being messed up from chronic dieting.
My question is, why are you attempting to bulk on a diet of just over 3,000 calories a day?
That's not my whole diet. Altogether I eat between 4300-4500 calories a day. I also have 3 shakes that consist of 40 grams of protein a day which I don't count in my macros when bulking. Honestly, my diet is impeccable.
Listen. I honestly do understand what most of you are saying. And you have every right to be skeptical. I will get bloods as soon as possible. I'm sorry for my original post saying I'd beat someone's ass if they called me a shill or a liar. I kinda knew I was asking for it when I said that because I know how these kind of posts go....I'm just disappointed with what I got. I've never been part of an Internet forum like this. Forgive me for being frustrated and asking for unreasonable answers....
I am very strapped for cash right now. But I will do what I can to get the tests done. I'm sure any of u that have been burnt by a company can surely understand. But I really do understand getting bloods done to prove it to you guys and girls... I dont wanna bash a company for profit....I could care less. I just wanna be able to leave the internet behind and go back to when I just called my buddy over and he brought me a plethora of gear from my favorite labs like strango, ck labs or legit pharma grade watson...I'm just like a lot of you...I love what we do and I want quality gear. And it hasn't been easy for me to lately. I apologize for taking my frustration out on this forum. I will try and act more logically about this issue from here on out.
I'm not a doc. I dunno. My point was that functional range, but still showing symptoms means something, and many docs discredit. I had low T for along time and stumbled on a guy that does it right, after being told multiple times that I'm within normal ranges and was offered all kinds of other SHIT, but no hormones.
hell yeah. i had low tt, around 220 or so and the primary i went to said ohh, its within range so im not doing anything. see, that number was about average for a 55 year old, not a 38 yr old.
i went to an endo and he did an mri and bloodwork and put me on 200 test as trt. havent looked back since. but i lost my iinsurance and went the ugl route for years. im finally going back, i found a primary doc who does trt and im gonna go legit, monitored bloods, all that. and i get test and everything basically free compared to buying ugl.
Listen. I honestly do understand what most of you are saying. And you have every right to be skeptical. I will get bloods as soon as possible. I'm sorry for my original post saying I'd beat someone's ass if they called me a shill or a liar. I kinda knew I was asking for it when I said that because I know how these kind of posts go....I'm just disappointed with what I got. I've never been part of an Internet forum like this. Forgive me for being frustrated and asking for unreasonable answers....
I am very strapped for cash right now. But I will do what I can to get the tests done. I'm sure any of u that have been burnt by a company can surely understand. But I really do understand getting bloods done to prove it to you guys and girls... I dont wanna bash a company for profit....I could care less. I just wanna be able to leave the internet behind and go back to when I just called my buddy over and he brought me a plethora of gear from my favorite labs like strango, ck labs or legit pharma grade watson...I'm just like a lot of you...I love what we do and I want quality gear. And it hasn't been easy for me to lately. I apologize for taking my frustration out on this forum. I will try and act more logically about this issue from here on out.

If you're going to run a cycle you want to make sure that you have enough cash to get standard bloodwork during it. Something is odd. I dunno.
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If you're going to run a cycle you want to make sure that you have enough cash to get standard bloodwork during it. Something is odd. I dunno.
I don't think its odd. Guys do what they have to in order to have gear but get lazy and tight coming up with cash for bloods and pct. I see it all the time.
Lazy people will usually turn to selling gear/drugs to pay for their own gear...and still won't pay for bloods.
I can honestly tell you I didn't know I could get a blood test for 50 bucks. I guess at this point, knowing that, it would be irresponsible of me not to from now on. Nothing is odd. I'm just a frustrated dude. I'll get the bloods.
Jesus wept, on 3k cals a day sitting on the couch doing nothing I drop a pound a day, no matter how much oil I inject. Add in "training so intense it's incredible" (which I will assume means bicep curls an hour a day six days a week with grandma's 2.5 lb plastic boss dbs), and I would look like a concentration camp inmate within a month.

Oh the Wild Wild internet, and the stories we tell.

BTW, please stop the tear-jerker shit about how you "have a family," it's a sad, pathetic logical fallacy at best, and sources who sell bunk gear and reverse scammers alike have "family."

Finally, as I finish this delicious cup of coffee, let me hit the lucabratzi issue. If you're mr. Experience and know your shit, you would look at those pics and say "his gear crashed." I have that same batch of NPP. ALL OF IT CRASHED. And I know what that looks like, cause I saw a movie on YouTube about steroids once so now I'm an expert, just like you.

Fuck I make good coffee. Bye Felicia. See you when you get some bloods.
Nobody's trying to get you to cry. Are you taking any aromatase Inhibitors by the way? Because it seems like your estrogen levels a little bit high bitch. I was simply stating that I don't have the money to throw around...but now that I know I can get bloods done for 50 bucks...its on.